Durex Love Box - Alvinology

Durex Love Box

I received a curious brown box from Malaysia a few days ago. Usually, foreign parcels are addressed to my wife as she is the one who likes to do online shopping.

We were both equally puzzled what the box would contain and the sender was.

Dash to Cart

Upon unwrapping, here’s the surprise content:

Durex Love Box
Durex Love Box


It’s a “Durex Love Box” with S$50 worth of Durex condoms and other sex products. LOL

Anyway, thanks for the love Durex Singapore. 🙂

This reminds me of a prank which I invented during my secondary school days whereby I would “help” some of my male friends write in for free sanitary pad samples via coupon cut-outs in magazines. Imagine their horror when they open up the parcel excitedly in front of their parents….


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