Steven Lim Intentionally Shot and Injured in Both Eyes by Confetti Rocket - Alvinology

Steven Lim Intentionally Shot and Injured in Both Eyes by Confetti Rocket

Steven Lim with injured eyes (image via Steven Lim's Facebook page)
Steven Lim with injured eyes (image via Steven Lim's Facebook page)

This is sad.

No matter how much you hate a person, violence should never be the solution. You can watch this video on Steven Lim’s Facebook page to see how bad his injury is. 

Yes, Steven Lim may be deemed as disgusting and annoying to some people, but he did not commit murder, rape or any heinous crime.

His worst crime, if any, was being a bad comedian.

Holly Jean said it well on Steven Lim’s facebook wall:

“No matter what your opinion is of someone, you have no right to cause bodily harm intentionally. It is a crime, hope u (referring to Steven Lim) completed the police report and will follow up with a civil lawsuit too. His actions, if what u say is true, were completely barbaric.”

Get well soon Steven.


  1. ABSOLUTELY BARBARIC. How could he not have used two party poppers instead? MOST OUTRAGEOUS. That person, should be given an award.

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