Who are Gay Chao Hui, Joachime and Rachelle Ann Beguia? - Alvinology

Who are Gay Chao Hui, Joachime and Rachelle Ann Beguia?

Internet "Celebrity Couple", Gay Chao Hui and Rachelle Ann Beguia
Internet "Celebrity Couple", Gay Chao Hui and Rachelle Ann Beguia

Gay Chao Hui, Joachime, is a Singaporean Civics Tutor at Tampines Junior College. Rachelle Ann Beguia is his Filipino wife who works at the National Heart Centre. They live in Punggol and have a three year old child.

There’s nothing extraordinary about their profiles. In fact, the couple is much like the typical happy Singapore household living the Singapore dream with respectable jobs.

Rachelle's post on MP Penny Low's Facebook page
Rachelle's post on MP Penny Low's Facebook page

That was until Rachelle Ann Beguia posted remarks on MP Penny Low’s Facebook page, calling Singaporeans “moronic” and that NSmen would be the first to run if there’s unrest. The remarks were made in the context of defending MP Penny Low, who has been chastised by Singaporeans online for fiddling with her handphone while the national anthem was being played. Penny Low has since apologised for her action.

Many Singaporeans were obviously peeved with Rachelle’s remarks, especially since it touches on the mandatory NS issue, always sensitive in the context of Singapore-born vs foreign-born Singapore residents.

Some started harassing Rachelle, staging a personal vendetta against her. Complaint letters were written to her employers,National Heart Centre till her employer issued an official notice to investigate the incident and take any necessary disciplinary actions. They also helped Rachelle earned coverage in a few newspapers.

Just when everyone thought the saga is all over, Rachelle’s husband, Gay Chao Hui, jumped onto the bandwagon, claiming he was the one who used his wife’s account to post those offensive remarks:

Heroic husband flying in to save the day on Facebook
Heroic husband flying in to save the day on Facebook

Obviously, these two have not learn from the MP Tin Pei Ling’s Cooling Off Day Saga.

As a result of Gay Chao Hui‘s adding flame to the fire, more dirt has been dug up about him. The dude is a regular at the Pinoysg.com forum. From his various postings, Gay Chao Hui seems very ashamed to be born a Singaporean and aspires to be a Filipino:

Ashamed to be Singaporean?
Ashamed to be Singaporean? (click on image to enlarge)
Aspires to be a Filipino? (click on image to enlarge)
Aspires to be a Filipino? (click on image to enlarge)

The plot thickens.

An update (6.30pm, 14 Aug 2011):

Source: http://www.facebook.com/moesingapore
Source: http://www.facebook.com/moesingapore

Gay Chao Hui is now also under investigation by his employer, the Ministry of Education (MOE).

Technorati Tags: who is gay chao hui, who is rachelle ann beguia, gay chao hui joachime, rachelle ann beguia, national heart centre singapore, nhc singapore, mp penny low, penny low facebook page, moronic singaporeans, tin pei ling cooling off day saga, pinoysg.com forum, gay chao hui ashamed to be singaporean, gay chao hui tpjc, tampines jc gay chao hui, nhc rachelle ann beguia, gay chao hui facebook, rachelle ann beguia facebook


  1. And it turned out to be the Singaporean husband… After all the nasty things that have been said to the Filipina wife, inciting even rape and other violent stuff not sparing the innocent baby. After all the nasty things that have been said about Filipino FT’s and Filipinos and general. Tsk tsk tsk. What a shame…. no remorse? No apologies?

  2. @moronic – I agree with you. Let us be professional enough. If this guys are not professional then we have to show them how…. especially that GAY is our countrymen. Common , if we will read all our comments , we are even worst than GAY……….. especially those brutantly commenting on our founder and other politicians. Also, can we remove the child’s picture? she is so innocent to be seen and published .I hope we can do something about it.

  3. You guys are exposing yourselves to the world. Everyone will know your values, your racism and ill feelings about everyone. You give Singapore a bad name…alienating foreigners and tourists. Parents would fear for their children. Schools will not be safe. Not a good place to race expat children. Are Singaporeans racist??? You be
    the judge….

  4. Hi guys! Did you read the whole comment? He was referring to the people posting bad stuff in the FB page of Ms. Penny. He even referred to a Nicholas Brightshadow. He didn’t say all Singaporeans. He said “These Singaporeans” since he was a Singaporean himself.

  5. If Gay really detest his own country to the core, he should emigrate to his wife’s third world country since they are so full of culture and values. We dont need to waste our tax money on this immoral JC “lecturer”.

  6. I totally condemn what Gay said, but then again, there’s some half-truths about Gay’s comment, Ask 10 Singaporean men if they favor national service. You’ll be surprised.

  7. Such despise for his own country. Not happy, migrate lah. Why stay here and reap the benefits of Singapore and its people. Go and follow your wife back to the Phillipines and see if u can survive.

  8. Let’s hope that he is not forgotten during the Presidential election. I wanted to see blood from the man who pissed on the ground who had supported him.

  9. When you go overseas… ang mos also find Singaporeans moronic, the mainland rich people also find Singaporeans immature… many in entertainment circles also think something is wrong with Singaporeans… and I also think Gay is crazy… He is so immature.

    Well… … But I find all these rubbish entertaining.

    An italian once told me… “Oh, I visited your country, I find it a joke…”

    I smiled… In any case, online commotion is really very boliao.

  10. Hey our teacher is a really sad and lonely man. However, he is a kind and caring teacher. He shows concern ehenever his students need help. He is also a ss teacher who teaches us to be mature. He lost a beard and sh*t he looks like a teletubby. How ironic his name is gay.

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