Eating Well with Yang Sheng Le (养生乐) - Alvinology

Eating Well with Yang Sheng Le (养生乐)

I am not much of a cook, but since my wife is pregnant, I decided to whip up something for her last night as a surprise.

It was a good thing I was introduced to Yang Sheng Le (养生乐) by a friend. Yang Sheng Le is a collaboration product between Maggi and Eu Yan Sang. To me, it’s like “instant nutritious herbal soup for time-starved folks” like myself. Key properties include:

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* All Natural
* No Preservatives
* No Added MSG
* No Added Artificial Colouring/ Flavouring
* Easily prepared in minutes

It’s easily available at leading supermarkets and all Eu Yan Sang outlets. I picked up a bottle of the Yang Sheng Le Cordyceps Concentrated Herbal Soup, together with some chicken bits, mushroom and silken tofu on my way home from a NTUC supermarket.

Yang Sheng Le Cordyceps Concentrated Herbal Soup
Yang Sheng Le Cordyceps Concentrated Herbal Soup
Nutrition information
Nutrition information
Very simple cooking instruction for people like me
Very simple cooking instruction for people like me

When I got home, I took less than 30 minutes to prepare a large bowl of yummy Cordyceps Chicken Herbal Soup that can serve four people.

First, just wash all the ingredients and then chop them into smaller pieces. At the same time, I heated a pot of water to boiling temperature before emptying the Yang Sheng Le content into it. This was followed by all the other ingredients into the pot. Then, just wait 20 minutes for the soup to cook and voila, dinner is served!

Stuff I bought at NTUC to cook the soup (around $10 in total)
Stuff I bought at NTUC to cook the soup (around $10 in total)
Some simple washing and cutting
Some simple washing and cutting
Adding the "magic potion" from Yang Sheng Le when the water starts to boil
Adding the "magic potion" from Yang Sheng Le when the water starts to boil
Emptying the rest of the ingredient
Emptying the rest of the ingredient
The soup is ready to serve, 20 minutes later
The soup is ready to serve, 20 minutes later

The wife was very happy I cooked her something tonight. I was happy to see her eat well. Usually, Rachel is the one who does the cooking. A role reversal is fun sometimes.

Good soup = happy wife = happy husband
Good soup = happy wife = happy husband

Eating Well with Yang Sheng Le (养生乐) - AlvinologyI shall try cooking another Yang Sheng Le soup for her again using another concentrate from their five available flavours:

YANG SHENG LE Dang Gui Concentrated Herbal Soup 

A harmony of 4 herbs: Dang Gui, Bei Qi, Yu Zhu and Nan Zao. This renewing soup provides nourishing replenishment to enhance your stamina and vitality.

YANG SHENG LE Cordyceps Concentrated Herbal Soup 

An ideal brew of 5 herbs: Cordyceps, Bei Sha Shen, Bei Qi, Yu Zhu and Chen Pi. This nutritious soup provides the nourishing goodness your body needs for overall sustenance.

YANG SHENG LE American Ginseng Concentrated Herbal Soup 

A perfect synergy of 5 herbs: American Ginseng, Huai Shan, Gou Qi, Yu Zhu and Long Yan. This pleasing soup revitalizes you, helping you stay at your best every day.

YANG SHENG LE Lingzhi Concentrated Herbal Soup 

An optimal mix of 5 herbs: Lingzhi, Da Zao, Gou Qi, Fu Ling and Dang Shen that sustains you through a stressful day.

Technorati Tags: yang sheng le, yang sheng le singapore, yang sheng le soup, yang sheng le review, YANG SHENG LE Lingzhi Concentrated Herbal Soup, YANG SHENG LE American Ginseng Concentrated Herbal Soup, YANG SHENG LE Cordyceps Concentrated Herbal Soup, YANG SHENG LE Dang Gui Concentrated Herbal Soup, 养生乐, maggi singapore, eu yan sang singapore, maggi yang sheng le, eu yan sang yang sheng le, easy to cook chicken soup, eating well, eat well, singapore chicken soup

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