Some time back on a lazy Sunday afternoon (23 Jan), I attended a music showcase by a blogger friend, Mint Leong, together with her Mint Band at All About Eve bar at 45 Haji Lane.
I got to know Mint through various bloggers’ events. Mint is a very friendly person, passionate about her music and always jovial.
I find it amazing that she managed to pull together an event like this, purely out of passion, relying on the love and support of her surrounding friends.
You can read Mint’s blog post about the showcase pre-production to find out how much love and effort has been put into the project.
Below are some photos I took at the event:

About the showcase:
让我依靠(Rang Wo Yi Kao) refers to ‘Show me your support’ in English. The title of this showcase is derived from one of Mint’s song, 依靠(Yi Kao) which literally means ‘Support’.
The showcase comprises of 10 mandarin songs written and composed by Mint Leong, performed and sang to the public for the very first time. Out of these 10, 2 of the songs were composed with the help of Mint’s good friends: Goh Yong Wei (我的便当 aka Lunchbox) & Angela Lee ( 泪不停不停的流 ); Master Music producer: Won Tin Loong, the boss of All About Eve Bar; Other music producers: Mint Band
About Mint Band:
Mint band is a group of friends who has been playing together for only 2 months. The band is named after their vocalist, Mint Leong. Over a period of 2months since November 2010, they have come together during the weekends for rehearsals and practices at All About Eve Bar. Specially guided by the boss of All About Eve Bar, Won Tin Loong, the band embarks on a journey towards their very first showcase: Mint & Band 让我依靠LIVE! Showcase. Won and Mint band actually heard most of the songs for their very first time in November 2010!
Biodata of Mint Band
The Guitarist
Name: Desmond Wong
Experience: Since 1996, church service
First started playing the guitar: Self learning of guitar after being inspired by Chen Hanwei in Guan Huai Fang Shi
TwitterID: @huazelei
The Drummer
Name: Wagner Chun
Experience: 1 year+, school performance & Jamming
First started drumming: Inspired by rock songs and needed to find an outlet for the feelings.Self learning of the instrument by borrowing books and playing ‘air drumming’.
TwitterID: @wagnerchun
The Vocalist
Name: Mint Leong
Experience: School Choir, began performing at All About Eve Bar for about 6months since year 2010.
First started: From watching fairy tales.Pictured herself that one day little animals will come and listen to her songs by her kitchen window. Started singing whatever that comes to the mind until one day she learnt enough chinese characters to pen them down in her exercise books.
TwitterID: Mintleong
The Keyboardist
Name: Ethan Choo
Experience: School Choir, Church service
First started: Learnt to play the piano since young. Inspired by gaming music. Self-compose piano melodies.
TwitterID: Ethanchoo
Other Links:
Youtube Account Name: MissMintLeong
Link: http://www.youtube.com/user/MissMintLeong
Mint’s 让我依靠 Live! Promo Sneak Preview
[youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0nSvguOCJ0″]
让我依靠 LIVE! – #4 Hug Me Tight
[youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfIVX_kVHgA”]
让我依靠LIVE! – #5 爱的人:
[youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTjHCFhyRiY”]
让我依靠LIVE! – #7 泪不停不停的流
[youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oULpXasj7cc”]
Mint Leong Page:
Mint Leong Blog:
Mint performs for weddings as well as events. Interested parties, kindly email to [email protected].
Technorati Tags: 让我依靠, mint leong, mint band, mint band singapore, mint band music showcase, mint band 让我依靠 live showcase, all about eve bar, mint leong music, mint leong videos, mint leong songs, singapore singer, singapore band, singapore musician