Via Straits Times.com. As most Singaporeans would know, Harry Lee is the English name of our Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew. Looks like one of his overzealous fans is in trouble with the laws for scribbling a fan note on a signage stone wall outside the Parliament House.
Here’s the full story:
Jan 14, 2009
Man arrested for vandalism
By Selina Lum
POLICE on Wednesday arrested a man in his 40s for vandalism, after a signage stone wall outside Parliament House was defaced at lunch hour.
At about 1.30pm, three unifomed Certis Cisco guards were seen wrestling down a man, wearing a red T-shirt and brown trousers, on the lawn outside Parliament House.
Scribbled in black marker on the top right corner of the shoulder-high wall were the words: ‘Hi Harry Lee. I love you.’
Eyewitnesses said they saw guards running across the lawn from Parliament House to nab the man while he scribbled on the wall.
It took three guards to subdue the medium-built man as he refused to be pinned down and tried to wriggle free.
As he was led away, a guard held up a piece of cardboard to cover up the words.
Soon after, other security personnel brought a canvas sheet and draped it over the sign.
The graffiti was cleaned off by 2.40pm.
In response to queries by The Straits Times, a police spokesman said: ‘On 14 Jan 09 at about 2.20pm, Police arrested a Chinese man in his late 40s for vandalism at the vicinity of Parliament House. Police investigations are ongoing.’
Technorati Tags: parliament house, vandalism, singapore parliament house, singapore vandalism, mm lee, lee kuan yew, minister mentor, hi harry lee i love you, lky fan, lee kuan yew fan, mm lee fan, parliament house vandalism