Lao Zha Bor's Rap - Alvinology

Lao Zha Bor’s Rap

Okay, I know I am a bit WOLS… but I came across the Lao Zha Bor rap music video on youtube and thought it will be interesting to share with everyone as it’s really hilarious!

In case you don’t know who Lao Zha Bor is, she is the elderly actress who acted as Fann Wong‘s mother in the Jack Neo movie, Just Follow Law. She shot to Internet stardom when she talked about maintaining a blog called “” in the movie and it really existed in real life.

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Here’s the original rap music video starring Lao Zha Bor:

Here’s the version with English subtitles:

Technorati Tags: laozhabor, lao zha bor, singapore, old lady blogger, lao zha bor rap, jack neo, j-team, fann wong, just follow law, old folk rap video, funny old lady

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