Edison Chen sex photos scandal: Endless stream of photos - Alvinology

Edison Chen sex photos scandal: Endless stream of photos

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There seems to be new photos uploaded everyday! Edison Chen really sabotaged the career of many female celebrities!

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Here are some censored versions. As usual, won’t be posting up the links as I believe those who want to find such photos will be able to find them on their own. Anyway, Edison Chen is already the number one most searched person on all major search engines. Won’t be difficult to find lah.


ah jiao act cute

The press speculated there are over 1000 photos and videos and currently, only less than half have been released. Seems like this sex photo scandal will continue to hog the media limelight for a few more months!

The whole incident is affecting the way I view all Hong Kong female celebrities – when I watch a Hong Kong TV serial or movie, I can’t help but wonder if the female stars were involved in the Edison Chen sex photos scandal, or had a similar affair with some other male Hong Kong celebrities.

Do you feel the same way?

Is the entertainment industry really so tainted? Or Edison Chen is just one of the few bad eggs giving everyone else a bad name?

Latest Updates from omy.sg on Edison Chen‘s sex photos scandal:

“淫照”风暴 – 陈冠希与2女星 ‘淫照 ’网上曝光

“淫照”风暴 – 淫照风波 张柏芝遭殃

“淫照”风暴 – 陈冠希赴美 向女友解释

“淫照”风暴 – 神秘人预告 10分钟短片即将发放

“淫照”风暴 – 陈冠希绯闻女友 人人自危

“淫照”风暴 – 陈冠希爱拍亲密照 14女星淫照陆续来?!

“淫照”风暴 – 因“淫照”风波 传阿娇企图自杀?!

“淫照”风暴 – 谢霆锋父子对“淫照”事件反应不一

“淫照”风暴 – 陈冠希“裸照风波”有进展

“淫照”风暴 – 淫照网主今天被控 警方怀疑陈冠希家人与人纠纷遭报复

“淫照”风暴 – 淫照事件伤感情 张柏芝谢霆锋闹离婚

“淫照”风暴 – 裸照风波 行家论真伪

“淫照”风暴 – “淫照”男主角陈冠希打破沉默 “要怨就怨这个游戏,不好怨玩家”

“淫照”风暴 – 片商赞坚强 选做女主角 阿娇获支持狂接广告

“淫照”风暴 – “淫照”案警方追捕20嫌犯 锁定陈冠希身边的人为目标

“淫照”风暴 – 警放搜获千张艺人淫照 拘捕4男2女元凶随时落网

“淫照”风暴 – 江湖老大300万港币‘暗花’揪出“黑手”

“淫照”风暴 – 张柏芝家翁谢贤:希望警方一击即中

“淫照”风暴 – 陈冠希:这不是游戏,是我的生命。

“淫照”风暴 – 淫照乱人心 应采儿萧亚轩纷纷澄清

“淫照”风暴 – 港警捕6男女 搜出千张淫照

“淫照”风暴 – 淫照风暴 香港网民大反扑 吁捉“源头”陈冠希

“淫照”风暴 – “淫照”风暴 又一网民被捕

“淫照”风暴 – “淫照”风波后首度打破沉默 陈冠希认错并呼吁网民销毁照片

“淫照”风暴 – 网友称陈冠希是“恶魔” 要求警方逮捕他

“淫照”风暴 – 陈冠希道歉,受害女星表现麻木

“淫照”风暴 – 23岁“源头”落网 警方宣布侦破“淫照”案

“淫照”风暴 – 警方拒绝证实“淫照”真伪 要陈冠希返港助查

“淫照”风暴 – 陈冠希06年11月亲自送电脑到涉案的电脑公司修理

“淫照”风暴 – 狮城女星Rosanne自认是受害者

“淫照”风暴 – 香港淫照烧狮城 孙燕姿范文芳被移花接木

“淫照”风暴 – 燕姿经理人:幕后黑手不尊重艺人

“淫照”风暴 – 500网民游行谴责警方执法不公,高呼捉拿陈冠希

“淫照”风暴 – 网民设计“魔鬼踢屁股”游戏嘲笑陈冠希

“淫照”风暴 – 淫照风暴第一女主角阿娇 今午亮相挽演艺事业

“淫照”风暴 – 陈冠希没勇气面对群众 却喜欢炫耀珍藏照片

“淫照”风暴 – 陈冠希入行七年放荡闻名

“淫照”风暴 – 艺人淫照光碟街头卖 每只售$4

“淫照”风暴 – 婚礼取消 BoBo倚男友痛哭

“淫照”风暴 – 杨千嬅也卷入淫照风波?

“淫照”风暴 – 卷入淫照风暴 Rosanne拜观音保清白

“淫照”风暴 – 阿娇站出来 行内人赞她勇敢

“淫照”风暴 – 谢霆锋疑戴绿帽怒扔婚戒 锋芝传签分居协议书

“淫照”风暴 – 陈冠希MSN房祖名 会回香港交代

“淫照”风暴 – 陈冠希 歌词泄露自拍癖好

“淫照”风暴 – 陈冠希会出席赈灾表演,以善心一洗”淫照”印象?

“淫照”风暴 – 淫照风波 女星遭遇不同

“淫照”风暴 陈冠希17日 回港协助调查

“淫照”风暴 网友恶搞 淫照风暴男女主角

“淫照”风暴 淫照风暴外传 网络流传‘越南阿娇’春宫短片

“淫照”风暴 香港杂志出版“淫照风暴特辑”

Technorati Tags: edison chen, gillian chung, 钟欣桐, 阿娇, Cecilia Cheung, 张伯芝, 移花接木, Xiaxue, edison chen sex photos, sex scandal, bobo chan, 陈冠希, nicholas tse, 谢霆锋, hk celebrities, hong kong sex photos, cecilia cheung sex photos, ah jiao sex photo, CLOT, stephy tang, hong kong police, edison chen powerbook, eLite multimedia, hong kong discuss forum, uwants, hkgolden, emperor entertainment group, eeg, 英皇娛樂集團, twins, joey yung, 容祖兒, jolin tsai, rosanne, maggie q, 陈文媛, rachel ngan, 颜颖思, 陈育嬬, manday chen, cheng yu-ju, 陈思慧, candice chan, chan si-wai, vincy yeung, 杨永晴, vincent wong fook-chuen, tang king shing, leung kwok hung, albert yeung, edc, apple daily, chen guan xi, koon hei chen, chan koon hei


  1. Does Edison Chen really feel sorry for the sex photo scandal?

    Look at the specially made video, he didn’t really mean to make an apology, what he is doing is trying to get rid of the trouble for the future when the starlets are going to sue him for money as he is careless about keeping the photo as showing off to his friends. here’s a hot debate over his video:


    Please read the news tmr about what he has been lying about!! Don’t miss it! And some more photos has been leaked online which including his girl friend Vincy and Cecilia Cheung in Police uniform, pink bra, white underwear, Gillian Chung in different locations and she seemed very happy in the photo….

  2. This incident shows how fake the Hong Kong entertainment scene is. Even Hollywood actresses have learned not to brag in public that they’re virgins and preach to their fans how to be a good catholic parent-obeying robot.

    Thanks Edison for sharing these photos. The take home message is that Asian women need to learn to shave their hairy privates and that no matter how innocent they look in public, they’re all naughty school girls in private 🙂 How come they’re all sucking in those photos? That’s an image that’ll have a long lasting impression on the public and non-Asian opinion of interracial relationships with Asians – as Borat would say “high five!”

    Until proven otherwise these women were not coereced and appear to enjoy the act. Of course they weren’t expecting the public to see their privates but Edison was a known player – so whaddaya expect?

    I have no sympathy for these girls, they’re not victims, they’re just stupid. It’s their stupidity that has captivated a nation.

  3. ok. for those of you who ARE interested or “curious”, get a life. if yu guys wanna watch this, go get some porn and dowload that instead. first of all, everyone who’s spreading the pics and videos around ARE ruining our hong kong rep’. its not fun ruining ones reputation. think of the victims in these photos. edison chen has already posted a video clip on youtube, explaining and sincerly apologizing to the public. and even if some of you insist that he didnt really mean it, its not just his reputation thats being ruined, but others as well. so you guys should just stop spreading the word of more photos on the net, and asking people to email you the photos. it’s not something to be proud of!

  4. ya stop spreding the news
    just look at it and keep it, and very thanks the people share the picture
    and the video clips. you are god of man. Yeah~~~
    for future update to their son
    seem all of the star are so open mind
    we dun mind to watch it, free 5 star photo. XD
    thar “Victims” seem like share the picture, otherwise they won;t allow to take that photo.
    they are so kind to share this picture in future when they are old.

  5. This is dumb. I don’t see what’s the big deal. for most part these girls are adults. Do people think they study the bible on the weekends and that’s it?? come on Chinese people. wake up. these girls aren’t girls. they’re women. So what if they took naughty pictures. Get the fuck over it. it’s so ridiculous that Edison is getting ostracized for this. Sex is a natural form of expression. I know these photos should have stayed private but it’s not his fault really. these girls weren’t forced into it. Everyone makes mistakes. We’re only human!

  6. What are you kidding me????

    EVERYONE in the world loves seeing hypocrisy and hypocrites exposed; What makes people laugh so hard (me included) is that all of these girls behaved like GOODY-TWO-SHOES in public AND inf front of their families but in fact they are totally horny and promiscuous. It not the sex thats interesting (quite frankly, edison and his ‘partners’ are pretty amateurish, pathetic and a little unclean in bed; many porn site provide far better material), its seeing these horny self-righteous girls get exposed for this hypocrisy. It also is refreshing to see the truth about a lot of 90s girls these days; it’s all about sex sex sex fame fame and power for them and not really about love.

    This incident is exactly like seeing the police arrest a Catholic minister for theft right after he gives a sermon talking about the evils of stealing. It’s wonderful!!!

  7. to “CommonSense” i find your “naughty school girl” comment quite annoying, im guess you may watch alot of asian porn with very little thought to how its created.. im not saying the girls in these photos were but quite a bit of asian porn would be considered rape (women forced through black mail, self debt or the debt left on them by a relative or deceased). what im trying to say is… your pig headed notion of how asians are is.. well pig headed dont classify a race based of the actions of a few (let alone willing or not)
    to “stop spreading this” there actors, singers, ect? right? its there job to be talked about and seen correct? they shouldn’t become famous if they don’t want the burden they have on them now, the media expects purity and they dirtied it. the fact that there are pictures is proof enough, China is under a strict “no porn” law anyways
    to “ed” they weren’t forced to be famous “whatever they are” either were they? sex is pure but when published for entertainment purposes its as dirty as selling your body. people look towards the media for moral standards, the young girls who looked up to these women what are they suppose to think now? definitely with your “purity” notion, “selling your body in the business can get you everywhere”? famous ppl are supposed to be role models, for the next generation, there suppose to be the closes thing to perfect in there job, theirs no room for mistakes, mistakes should be acknowledge and improved upon not disregarded and ignored so that it can be repeated
    i don’t know the whole story just some biased opinions of the situation but regardless to what exactly is happening this is one of the causes for China’s uproar
    i was trying to find out what exactly China was talking about if not for this and a few other post id be left in the dark

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