A is for Andy - Alvinology

A is for Andy

Andy Warhol, to be precise.


I went to the A is for Andy exhibition on Saturday with Eng Shan and Rosslyn. Here are some photos to share. They do not allow photography for the gallery area, hence all the photos here are taken at the reception.

Dash to Cart

Do check out the exhibition if you are free, it’s located at 72-13 (Theatreworks), Mohamed Sultan Road and is open to public. The website is also damn cool – especially the A-Z of Andy Warhol portion – check it out here.

At the entrance

The exhibition attracted a good crowd

say cheese!
Say Cheese!

bloodied Warhol
Bloodied Warhol

steve lawler
Steve Lawler, a former mentor at OgilvyOne, selling prints

steve's prints
Prints done by Steve

hugh crowd
many were interested in the prints

campbell cans
The Campbell soup cans are actually invites to the exhibition

Picture of Andy Warhol

A is for Andy
A is for Andy… and Alvinology

Technorati Tags: a is for andy, andy warhol, mohamed sultan, 72-13, theatreworks, rosslyn chay, chua eng shan, warhol, mao zedong, elizabeth taylor, marilyn monroe, campbell soup, steve lawler

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