Browsing Tag
yellow undies
7 posts
Singapore Strippers for Hire
Singapore is indeed getting more and more liberal. You can even hire online, professional strippers for your party…
Steven Lim $5000 cash giveaway!
Not sure how real it is, but our dear friend, Steven Lim claims he will give away $5000…
Steven Lim: STOP BULLYING EDISON CHEN! 不要欺负陈冠希了!
Yes, the Dragon has spoken on the Edison Chen sex photos scandal. Steven Dragon Lim that is. in…
Want a body like Steven Lim?
You saw his sweaty neh neh pok. Now, do you want for yourself – a body like his?…
Steven Lim: 真相!陈冠希被人陷害!Edison Chen was framed!
[youtube url=”″] Our national pride, Steven Dragon Lim has released another video in relation to the Edison Chen sex…
Stop Bully Steven Lim!!! Steven Lim was framed!!!
Remember my two previous posts (Steven Lim: 真相!陈冠希被人陷害!Edison Chen was framed!, Steven Lim: STOP BULLYING EDISON CHEN! 不要欺负陈冠希了!)…
Steven “Dragon” Lim
Steven Lim – now also known as “Dragon”, is looking for a girlfriend. Any takers?
In his…