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gen z ah lian
4 posts
Gen Z Girls #ShowTheirBoobies So They Can Be #HottestPeopleOnTwitter
Via Pxdkitty: [youtube url=””] After the now infamous incident of Gen Z Ah Lian, Adelyn Hosehbo, boasting about slapping…
The real story of how Adelyn Hosehbo stole $10,000 worth of jewellery from her mum and got robbed by her “friends”?
This bizarre crime story surfaced in the newspapers recently: 女生偷母7000金饰 反遭2友洗劫 ( Wanbao, 21 Dec 2011) 小偷遇小劫匪!14岁美少女偷母亲金饰,典当换得7000元,凌晨却被2好友洗劫一空! 家住北部组屋的美少女,自小较为顽皮,小六误交损友,又染上逃课恶习,上中学后变本加厉,竟然偷偷将母亲的金饰拿去当铺,典当得到约7000元。 她非但没有遮遮掩掩,还向一众好友炫耀,结果2天后(8月20日)凌晨2时30分,在住家楼下被好友洗劫一空。…
Adelyn Hosehbo and Nina Wantyouonly
The infamous Adelyn Hosehbo and the recently famous Nina Wantyouonly (thanks to her talented video-star/gangster ex-boyfriend, Aaron Tan)……
I am Adelyn Hosehbo and I am a Gen Z Ah Lian
This 14 year-old brat who goes by the web moniker, “Adelyn Hosehbo“ is trending on Google Search, Facebook…