Geneco Celebrates 5th Anniversary with Green Initiative to Seed the Future for Generations to Come - Alvinology

Geneco Celebrates 5th Anniversary with Green Initiative to Seed the Future for Generations to Come

Geneco, Singapore’s No.1 residential electricity retailer, is celebrating its 5th anniversary with Geneco FiVesta. As part of the celebration, they launched their #SeedTheFuture initiative which aims to pave the way towards Singapore Green Plan 2030 and build a greener home for all. 

Geneco Celebrates 5th Anniversary with Green Initiative to Seed the Future for Generations to Come - Alvinology

Geneco’s #SeedTheFuture campaign comprises two key thrusts, namely the launch of Power Eco Add-On 2.0 and creative partnerships with the National Parks Board’s Garden City Fund and Apiary. 

Go Green Your Way: Power Eco Add-On 2.0

Geneco’s Power Eco Add-On was first launched in 2021, and it is Singapore’s first and only customisable green add-on for electricity plans.

Customers have the flexibility to choose the percentage (25%, 50%, 75% or 100%) of carbon dioxide emissions they would like to offset, doing their part for the environment. Geneco has seen a tenfold increase in the number of customers who opted for Power Eco Add-On compared to conventional green plans. Furthermore, nearly 40% of customers who took up the add-on chose to offset 100% of their carbon dioxide emissions, indicating a significant shift in consumers’ priorities towards being environmentally conscious.

Geneco’s Power Eco Add-On is now available to all its residential customers.This expansion will allow more customers to make greener choices for their homes. Existing Power Eco Add-On customers can also upgrade their current add-ons easily through Geneco’s self-service portal and mobile app. 

Geneco Celebrates 5th Anniversary with Green Initiative to Seed the Future for Generations to Come - Alvinology
Mr Lim Han Kwang, Chief Executive Officer of Geneco

Mr Lim Han Kwang, Chief Executive Officer of Geneco said, “Geneco is committed to supporting The Singapore Green Plan 2030 in our shared mission to build a more sustainable future for the nation. With the innovative Power Eco Add-on now being offered to all customers, we are glad to provide an opportunity for more consumers to embrace a greener way of life and do their part for the environment.”

Creative Partnerships with National Parks Board’s Garden City Fund and Apiary

Geneco Celebrates 5th Anniversary with Green Initiative to Seed the Future for Generations to Come - Alvinology
Singapore Botanic Gardens Seed Bank

Geneco has partnered with the National Parks Board’s (NParks) registered charity and IPC, Garden City Fund, and local ice cream brand Apiary, to raise awareness on the Singapore Botanic Gardens Seed Bank and its efforts to conserve seeds of threatened plant species in Southeast Asia due to climate change and habitat loss. 

The initiative aims to educate and spotlight the significance of seed banking in order to sow the seeds for a greener future.Geneco will also be donating $10,000 to Singapore Botanic Gardens Seed Bank through Garden City Fund to contribute to their efforts for the conservation of our botanical diversity. 

“Support from partners like Geneco allows us to continue in our efforts to conserve the seeds and germplasm of plants in Southeast Asia at the Singapore Botanic Gardens Seed Bank, and advance our research in the field of seed preservation and storage. We extend our appreciation to Geneco for their donation and hope it will inspire other individuals and organisations to contribute generously to Garden City Fund to support Singapore Botanic Gardens and its programmes,” said Professor Leo Tan, Chairman of Garden City Fund.

To pique the interest of the wider community on the initiative, Geneco partnered with Apiary to create an exclusive carbon neutral certified ice cream, which is certified by purchasing carbon credits for the emissions produced during the production process. 

Geneco Celebrates 5th Anniversary with Green Initiative to Seed the Future for Generations to Come - Alvinology

The main flavour of the ice cream is a refreshing calamansi lime, which is accompanied by attap seeds, one of the seeds conserved at the Singapore Botanic Gardens Seed Bank. 

The ice cream’s unique presentation creatively replicates the planting of seeds, with the attap seeds placed in a concave dip in the ice cream, and topped off with golden cereal crumbles baked with butter and sugar to represent soil. We love the fresh, fruity flavours and thoughtfulness behind the conceptualisation of the ice cream!

Enjoy this delicious treat at all Apiary outlets and online store from now to 30th April. Geneco customers can enjoy a 10% discount on the pint of this limited-edition flavour at all Apiary outlets.

Geneco Celebrates 5th Anniversary with Green Initiative to Seed the Future for Generations to Come - Alvinology

Geneco’s #SeedTheFuture initiative reinforces their unwavering goal to inspire the community and encourage eco-advocacy through meaningful partnerships and public engagement. Geneco hopes to inspire everyone to make environmentally-conscious choices and engage in sustainable practices as we sow the seeds to build a greener nation for all.

Together, let’s continue to Power The Change and #SeedTheFuture for generations to come. 

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