Is Basement Waterproofing an Effective Solution? - Alvinology

Is Basement Waterproofing an Effective Solution?

If your basement gets wet quite so often during rain and flood time, you may be seeking an effective solution. When you hire a foundation repair expert, he asks you to opt for waterproofing services. You wonder whether this service is adequate for your basement water issues or not. It’s time to stop wondering and get the answer to questions hammering on your mind. 

What is Basement Waterproofing?

It is a process during which experts make your basement waterproof. They use a combination of different techniques to ensure that water doesn’t find an entry point in your basement. When water enters your space, it often leads to many water-related issues such as wood rot, mold and mildew growth, uneven flooring, and wall cracks. To prevent these problems, contractors usually incorporate waterproof basement solutions like waterproof basement wall panels specifically designed to resist moisture penetration. This kind of waterproofing measure can help you safeguard your basement’s long-term functionality, creating a dry and healthy living environment.

How Does Waterproofing Work?

In the first step, the foundation repair contractor will inspect your space. They will check where water enters your space. It might be a wall crack or a severe underlying issue. After inspection, they make a plan and share it with you. Once you decide to go with the plan, follow the steps involved in Basement water proofing services in Greenville.


If you have cracks in your walls and floor, then they inject polyurethane or epoxy injections. All the gaps are filled. Now, these entry points are closed, and water doesn’t get from this area. 

Closing the Ventilation

When you don’t leave in your basement, you don’t need proper ventilation like big windows and vents. So, the contractor suggests you cover these windows and vents. If you don’t, they will let water in and cause major water damage during floods and rain. 

Interior Waterproofing Method 

Once they seal the water entry points, contractors move ahead with a permanent waterproofing solution. They dig a trench around basement perimeters and then install interior drainage. In the next step, they choose a sump pump that directs water out after gathering it from internal drainage. 

Even when water moves in and gets into your basement, it won’t land on the floor inside and move to the interior drainage area from where the sump pump will channel it out. 

Problems like mold and mildew appear in your basement quite so often due to the high humidity of this space. You can control this problem by installing a dehumidifier. It maintains temperature and humidity level inside, and thereby, and you won’t experience mold and mildew growth. 

Exterior Waterproofing Method

Sometimes, foundation repair contractors find problems outside your home. Your home yard has a grade and slope that moves the water away from the foundation.  Over time, this grade level moves down, and water starts running toward the home rather than away from it. If that’s the problem, the leading solution is to re-grade the slope in the yard.

In the next step, structural contractors will excavate the soil around the home foundation and install exterior drainage solutions. In this manner, water coming toward the foundation will move inside this drain and then channel out with the city drainage solutions.

The exterior drainage method requires a good amount of investment, time, and energy. If your interior drainage doesn’t work correctly, then you should seek this solution.

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