How To Buy An Espresso Machine That Won't Break The Bank - Alvinology

How To Buy An Espresso Machine That Won’t Break The Bank

If you are looking for a new espresso machine but don’t want to spend that much, well, you are in the right place. Hold on, but before you go to the supermarket near you and make a purchase, there are some things that you need to consider. If you plan to entertain guests often or your group of friends likes to drink coffee, you might want to go for an espresso machine with a larger size and more product offerings. If you are looking for portability or a single-serve option, a smaller espresso may do the job for you.

Whether you plan to buy for your home or in your office, the list of options is rounded up from a stovetop model to a slightly high-tech espresso machine that will surely not break your bank and within your budget.

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Stovetop Espresso Maker

Stovetop Espresso has a polished aluminum design that can create up to 9 ounces of espresso coffee within five minutes time. The price tag of this espresso maker ranges from $20 to $30. It is good to know that this doesn’t have the basic buttons you press from a normal coffee machine, but a lot of customers who purchased this have given a rating of four stars to various sites, and has eight thousand plus reviews all over the web. However, you need to know that this espresso maker only takes ground and does work on most stovetops.

Steam Espresso Machine

This kind of espresso machine ranges from $100 to $120 with a stainless steel finish and can hold water up to 40 ounces of espresso at once. It also has a milk frothing arm. However, a pitcher is not part of the package in some brands, and you have to buy them separately. The light indicator makes it easier to use, and the nozzle makes milk frothing efficiently. These espresso machines can make lattes, americanos, and some cappuccinos as well. Plus, it is easy to clean and warms up so quickly.

How To Buy An Espresso Machine That Won't Break The Bank - Alvinology

Pod Espresso Maker

This single-serve pod espresso machine can serve a wide range of cup sizes from single espresso up to an alto, meaning a tall coffee, using Nespresso’s VertuoLine capsules. This kind of machine has a one-touch brewing technology and offers a blends specific brewing. The technology this machine has can spin up to seven thousand rotations per minute as it brews coffee with hot water. Each pod has a corresponding bar code that the machine will read to distinguish what kind of brewing needs to be done.

So there will be complicated buttons to push in this machine. With all the features it offers, the one that tops this category is the Nespresso Vertuo line. This coffee and espresso maker has a price of $99 and became part of the best espresso machine under 200. Gathering over 800 reviews online and was given by netizens 4.3 stars.

With all the options available for you to choose from, pick the ones that really suit your everyday needs. You do not need to empty your bank account for this, as there is an espresso machine that fits in everyone’s budget.

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