Prepare Yourself for Travel: 5 Medical Documents to Translate - Alvinology

Prepare Yourself for Travel: 5 Medical Documents to Translate

Once an average person decides to travel the world, visit a business conference, or spend a week at a fancy hotel, they rarely think about medical documents or those safety measures that must be considered. Nevertheless, it is as important as having your visa and ID present whenever you are stopped at the customs check or told to register at a foreign tourist attraction. Take your time to learn about the five vital medical documents that will not only keep you safe but will make your travels around the world much easier.

1. Immunization Card.

Also known as the vaccination report, this document plays a vital role in your safety, especially if you plan to visit remote and exotic locations for the first time. This specific report must be translated by the best certified translation services, which means that it must be a person with a medical background and due certification for such kind of work. Remember to check with the destination country’s officials in case additional information might be required for travel purposes. In certain cases, you may have to provide extra tests as a resident of a specific country.

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2. Health Insurance Card.

While this medical document is obligatory for most cases (even domestic flights in the United States and the EU countries), the translation of health insurance documentation is often omitted. The dangers here relate to an extended waiting until the insurance company finally checks your case and rules out the final decision. Unfortunately, healthcare providers cannot afford the luxury of such waiting, which is why an insurance document translated in more than one language (depending on your travel destination) often acts like a life-saver.

3. Proof of Yellow Fever Vaccination.

While this particular requirement may not be necessary for some countries. It is usually known as the ICVP yellow card code, which may be requested at the customs or when you travel with a group of people. The vaccination proof must be received ten days prior to your trip. According to the CDC, you will be given a signed (stamped) International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis card. You must always have it along with you. Still, providing a translation in the language of a country you are planning to visit will save you time and nerves in case any additional details are required.

4. Medical Prescriptions Copy.

Even though it does not represent an official or a governmental document, always approach a technical translator with a relevant certification to translate the list of your medical prescriptions. Since you will be dealing with a native speaker with a medical background, there will be pharmaceutical analogs of your usual medication. Nevertheless, always consult with your healthcare specialist and let them check your translated prescriptions document before you plan to travel abroad. Such an approach will help you to remain safe when you appear in an unknown hospital among the nurses and the doctors who will not know what kind of medication is suitable for you. Just hand them the translated document and consider our next point.

5. Your Healthcare Provider Contact Information.

This part is probably one of the most important for your safety after the obligatory official documents that must be translated when you plan your foreign journeys. Make sure that you translate full contact information and the specifics of getting in touch with your healthcare provider. Include an explanation as to your country’s specifics, the hospital, home address, or anything that will be of help for the person contacting your physician.

Basic Safety Rules

Prepare Yourself for Travel: 5 Medical Documents to Translate - Alvinology

Keeping your medical documents translated is always good, yet remember about the basic safety rules as well. Do not drink alcohol in the company of strangers, do not risk your life in doubtful entertainment, keep your contact information in your pocket. It also helps to talk to the locals about safe places to visit and those locations (or the shops) that require being cautious.


An avid traveling aficionado, Henry is happy to share his experience with fellow travelers. Follow his posts to discover useful tips and see how learning a foreign language is always helpful. If you seek inspiration and recommendations, Henry is your best online guide! 


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