5 Hidden Signs Of Anxiety And Depression And How To Spot Them - Alvinology

5 Hidden Signs Of Anxiety And Depression And How To Spot Them

Signs of anxiety and depression can be both visible and less obvious. People might be looking to hide them for fear of being judged or ridiculed. Here we discuss five signs of anxiety and how you should be able to spot them. Read more.

According to mental health experts, most people who are suffering from anxiety and depression tend to hide their issues. Many people who are going through depression do not even know what they are going through.

While normal tell-tale signs include sadness, grief, and a feeling of hopelessness, there might be other not so obvious signs.

Problems of anxiety and depression are becoming very common given the rise of stresses and pressures. However, when our loved ones are suffering, it is important to help them immediately. In this article, we are going to look at five hidden signs of poor mental health.

This will enable you to spot the signs and discuss the same with the affected person. The sooner the process of rehabilitation and counseling begins, the faster will be the recovery.

List of 5 Hidden Signs of Anxiety and Depression

1. Sudden Weight Loss and Poor Appetite

Ever wondered why your cousin who could finish an entire turkey is not able to complete with his dinner? This can be because of some issues, which are deeply affecting him or her. Poor appetite and weight loss are some of the most obvious signs of depression and mental anxiety.

This can go either way. According to In Focus Counseling & Therapy Services depressed people tend to either lose appetite or start binge eating. They look towards food as a source of emancipation. Sudden weight changes are a clear marker that someone is struggling with.

2. Little or No Sleep at Night

According to mental health experts, getting poor sleep and insomnia related issues are common among mental health patients. According to experts, people who have insomnia are ten times more likely to suffer from depression than others are.

If any loved one tells you that he or she is having trouble sleeping, enquire about what is keeping them up at night. There might be some professional stresses, or personal breakups, or other issues that need serious attention.

3. Increase in Alcohol or Other Drugs

Most of us who are experiencing some of the other forms of mental health issue takes to alcohol consumption. In more serious situations many people start smoking marihuana to cope up with anxiety, loneliness, and other disorders.

Change of the color of the lips, frequent urge to pick up a can of beer, and smelly smoky clothes are some signs that there is a serious problem. It is important to hold an intervention and discuss the issue at length. Alcohol and drug use can lead to serious health risks.

4. Too much Happiness

People who are going through depression tend to put up a braver face in social circles. They start laughing more, smiling in a forced manner as if they are trying to hide something, which is affecting them. According to experts, this is known as ‘Forced Happiness’.

If you see someone trying very hard to be part of conversations or joking a bit too much, remember that they are not alright. This is especially true if the person was an introvert sometimes back. Watch out for the plastered smile and blank expressions.

5. Routine Tiredness and Fatigue

The first thing health experts ask patients who are experiencing anxiety is about their energy levels. They ask them whether they get too tired doing everyday chores. Poor mental health leads to fatigue and tiredness on an unprecedented level.

Taking too many ‘work from home’ requests, sickness leaves, coming into work late, etc. are all signs of increased fatigue, which can be because of depression and anxiety-related issues. Employers can look for these signs and speak to their employees to help them.

The Final Word

It is important to note that everyone has different symptoms and reacts differently. Some people might allow themselves to be treated upon, while others might simply reject your observation. Family members and friends should be able to exercise a lot of caution and patience when dealing with people who are depressed. Mental health is a serious challenge of our times and requires a lot of care, concern, and attention.

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