Help fulfil the wish of a child facing critical illness: The Wish Effect campaign by Make-A-Wish Singapore - Alvinology

Help fulfil the wish of a child facing critical illness: The Wish Effect campaign by Make-A-Wish Singapore

Make-A-Wish Singapore is a part of the world’s largest wish granting organisation. Since its founding in 2002, Make-A-Wish Singapore has granted over 1,560 life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.

“At Make-A-Wish Singapore, we firmly believe in the powerful and lasting impact of wishes that can
transform the lives of every eligible child, uplift their families and the wider community.

With everything that is going on in the world, our community of children with critical illnesses needs support and encouragement more than ever and for some, the effects of a wish can be a turning point in their treatment.”

Neil Dyason, Chief Executive Officer, Make-A-Wish Singapore

Wishes have transformational power

Wishes have the power to transform the lives of not only the wish children, but everyone around them. 96% of parents surveyed reported that the wish experience strengthened their families’ morale.

Wishes can help kids get better – 89% of health professionals surveyed say a wish experience can improve a wish kid’s physical health, while 97% of wish families observed an improvement in their wish child’s emotional health, following a wish experience.

[Note: figures cited from a 2011 Study commissioned by Make-A-Wish America: ‘Wish Impact Study Results – Second Phase: Jan –Aug 2011’ (consolidated International results) – November]

The Wish Effect campaign

The Wish Effect campaign by Make-A-Wish Singapore is to raise awareness about the proven, lasting and life-changing impact of a wish on children with critical illnesses and everyone around them.

As part of the campaign, the organisation is introducing the ‘One Tiny Wish’ storybook and video, based on a true story, as well as an Instagram filter, ‘The Wish Effect’ to share the transformational power of wishes and experience the joy and happiness of seeing a wish fulfilled.

‘One Tiny Wish’ storybook and video

‘One Tiny Wish’ video and storybook are inspired by the true story of a wish child in Singapore. In fact, majority of Make-A-Wish children go on to learn to cope with and even beat their illnesses. A wish is often the turning point in their recovery.

Help fulfil the wish of a child facing critical illness: The Wish Effect campaign by Make-A-Wish Singapore - Alvinology
Excerpt from the ‘One Tiny Wish’ storybook

The story follows the journey of little Ming, his wish experience and the lasting and positive impact of the fulfilled wish on his recovery journey and everyone around him: his doctors, nurses and family.

The books will be distributed to hospitals and made available at selected public libraries. You can watch the video here:

Instagram filter

Experience your childhood wish and spread ‘The Wish Effect’ with Make-A-Wish’s custom Instagram filter.

Left-right: Wish Children Sage, Jaslyn, Faiz and Asfa

Get the filter by downloading it via the Make-A-Wish Singapore’s Instagram Page or by searching for ‘The Wish Effect’ in the Effects library on Instagram and Facebook.

Don’t forget to hashtag #thewisheffect and tag Make-A-Wish Singapore!

How to help

Donate to MakeA-Wish Singapore and help fulfil more wishes:

Be a volunteer. There are currently 150 active wish granters who volunteer with Make-A-Wish Singapore. To become a volunteer or find other ways to support Make-A-Wish Singapore, please visit

Refer a child. Make-A-Wish Singapore is the only wish granting organisation of its kind in Singapore and grants one wish to each medically eligible child. Anyone can refer an eligible child via the Make-A Wish website, not just medical professionals. Read more about the referral process here:

All images from Make-A-Wish Singapore

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