Old Singaporean playboy Peter Aw Boo Cheong cheated women on dating sites in 2010 - Alvinology

Old Singaporean playboy Peter Aw Boo Cheong cheated women on dating sites in 2010

Alvinology previously reported on Singaporean playboy con man Peter Aw Boo Cheong, who was recently sentenced to an additional one year in jail after pleading guilty to cheating a woman he found on a dating website.

But this was not his first run-in with the law. Even before his crimes in 2016-2017, he had already served 14 months in jail in 2013 for using other women’s money for gambling

Who is Peter Aw Boo Cheong?

The 49-year-old Malaysian man who became a Singapore permanent resident had gone to jail in 2013 for crimes he committed in 2010 and 2011. According to a report from The Straits Times, Aw duped four women into handing him a total of $55,000 which he then used for his own expenses and gambling.

He pleaded guilty to three of six charges in 2013 and was sentenced to fourteen months in jail.

How did Peter Aw Boo Cheong meet his victims?

The report in 2013 mentioned that he had been using dating sites and other ways to meet people online for love and romance since 2010. He would befriend the women on these sites, which he began to use when he was 41 years old.

He presented himself as a dovrced man with children, and befriended women who were looking for love, claiming he wanted romance as well. He would tell them that he was wealthy, and that he worked for the Singapore Turf Club, and doted on his three children.

But after a few days of speaking to them, he would then ask them to meet him so he could present them with investment opportunities that he claimed would reap tremendous returns. He used a lie that he had insider information on horse races and that he was able to accurately tell which horse would win.

He also told them that betting on horse races was very low-risk and they had nothing to worry about with their money.

The same report showed that he did not bet on any horse as he promised to the women, and instead gambled the money away. The victims were able to recover $11,000. He could have been jailed for ten years for each charge, but instead, he went free in fourteen months, which lead him to commit similar crimes in the next few years.

What did Peter Aw Boo Cheong the old Singapore playboy conman do now?

If Peter Aw Boo Cheong was not given only 14 months and instead the maximum of ten years, he would not have been able to cheat seven women in 2016-2017 out of almost $800,000 through a similar scheme.

He had already been jailed for five years after he cheated six women out of their money using dating apps and sites like Tinder. He would ask them for money to cover investments or operational losses, even going so far as to force one woman to take out loans and cash in insurance policies just to cover the cash he needed.

He also spent these funds on his personal expenses and gambling.

He was set to serve his additional sentence after he completes his first five-year sentence for previous crimes separate from his horse-racing expert claims.

Header image from The New Paper.

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