Pregnant influencer Dee Jie Ying "DJ Ying" says pregnancy and NS not compatible, lashes out at baby daddy for alleged cheating - Alvinology

Pregnant influencer Dee Jie Ying “DJ Ying” says pregnancy and NS not compatible, lashes out at baby daddy for alleged cheating

Dee Jie Ying, who is not a DJ-model like Jade Rasif, but an influencer with 50,000 followers on Instagram, recently mentioned being pregnant and the practice going through NS.

Pregnant influencer Dee Jie Ying "DJ Ying" says pregnancy and NS not compatible, lashes out at baby daddy for alleged cheating - Alvinology

She was adamant in one of her Instagram stories that being pregnant is a choice between two people. She also mentioned that some people have told her that going through the required NS stint, on the other hand is not.

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She also further said that she is being judged for her actions harshly and that the father of her child engages in worse behaviour but isn’t judged using the same standards.

Pregnant influencer Dee Jie Ying "DJ Ying" says pregnancy and NS not compatible, lashes out at baby daddy for alleged cheating - Alvinology

What brought this on?

Ying was recently embroiled in a case reported to the police, where she allegedly doxxed a woman. Her ex-boyfriend had allegedly cheated on her with the woman, and she confronted him on the matter. She found out through a series of photos and conversations on July 24. She broke up with him on July 28.

She said that she confirmed the woman’s identity through a photo comparison between the woman’s facial features in a sex video and the latter’s Instagram account.

She asked her followers  whether they wanted to know more about the drama or if she should just highlight the matter on her stories. She then tagged a person’s Instagram account, which caused her followers to assume that the woman is her then-boyfriend’s mistress.

When the woman was flooded with alleged cyber bullying, she reported the matter to the police, and asked Ying to take down the post that included her photo and name. Ying has not taken the tagged post down as of publishing.

Ying has, however, said that she is not 100% sure that the woman she had tagged in her Instagram story alluding to cheating is the same woman in the photo evidence that she found in connection to her ex-boyfriend.

She said, “But I am sorry if I let my situation cause chaos to [REDACTED]. It wasn’t intentional. I am 100% sure I cannot confirm who the people in the video were and that is why I didn’t make a public comment yet and stopped posting after 1 IG story.”

Boyfriend denies cheating

Her ex-boyfriend has denied cheating on her in a friends-locked Facebook post that Ying posted on her Instagram stories. He has said that he did not cheat on her but admitted to being a bad boyfriend. He is also the father of her child.

Pregnant influencer Dee Jie Ying "DJ Ying" says pregnancy and NS not compatible, lashes out at baby daddy for alleged cheating - Alvinology

He said that he initially said that he cheated on her out of anger, but it actually was not true. He also reported the post that showed the alleged doxxed woman’s photo, and he had also locked his own Instagram account.

He said that he is only interested in defending himself and to protect the person Ying had doxxed.

Pregnant influencer Dee Jie Ying "DJ Ying" says pregnancy and NS not compatible, lashes out at baby daddy for alleged cheating - Alvinology

Pregnancy photos

Her Instagram account shows posting about her pregnancy, and one photo has a caption indicating that she is 20 weeks pregnant. The photo also shows her smoking, but it is not confirmed if she is also pregnant in the photo despite the caption.

Header image from Dee Jie Ying Instagram account

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