Is Captain Marvel A Key Piece In Thanos' Defeat? The Captain Marvel Cast Has Us Speculating - Alvinology

Is Captain Marvel A Key Piece In Thanos’ Defeat? The Captain Marvel Cast Has Us Speculating

An exciting press conference was held for the media graced by the presence of the Captain Marvel stars including: Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, Gemma Chan, and directors Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck.

Once the floor was open to the press for questions, the media went into a hand-raising frenzy, vying for a chance to have their burning questions answered.

We wanted to find out more from Brie, who is famously known for her role in Captain Marvel.

“Is Captain Marvel a key piece in the defeat of Thanos?”

Watch the short clip for Brie’s response.

Key piece or not, Captain Marvel sure does sound promising. It has left many anticipating Marvel fans excited and awaiting for the movie’s release on the 7th of March.

Is Captain Marvel A Key Piece In Thanos' Defeat? The Captain Marvel Cast Has Us Speculating - Alvinology

One of the press asked the stunning Crazy Rich Asian actress Gemma Chan about her transition from a film such as Crazy Rich Asian to the Marvel comics universe and how she feels about being casted as Minerva.

Gemma responded: “Gosh, well the characters couldn’t really be further apart I mean – Astrid is very gentle, kind. Minerva’s kind of the opposite. I mean the main thing was the physical challenge. I had to start doing kickboxing training and sniper training. I mean, the main thing during Captain Marvel that I had to be concerned about was trying not to hit myself in the face with my own rifle, and that was like an ongoing concern that I would accidentally do that. The one that I practised is a bit shorter than the one that we ended up using in the film so I had to adjust with that but no, I loved it. It was great to play a character that was sarcastic. She has a lot of sassy one-liners, yeah.”

If you can’t get enough of the gorgeous actress, check out one of her scenes in Crazy Rich Asians as the graceful and beautiful Astrid.


For more pictures of your favourite actors, actresses and directors from the Captain Marvel cast, hop on over to @alvinology on Instagram and show our post some love!


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