After all the drama about the Daryl Aiden Yow saga, netizens have also moved on to pull his good friend Andrea Chong into the scandal.
Read on to find out more about her!
Fashion Blogger and Influencer
Andrea is a fashion blogger and has many followers on her Instagram account (309k!). In the recent Singapore Social Media Awards 2015, Andrea was voted and presented with the Fashion Icon of the Year Award.
She also has a personal website where she blogs about her life. Blog posts range from travel to shopping trivia to logs about her days. She started blogging in 2013.
Previously, Andrea’s blog ranked 1st on Digital Advertising Agency HippoNetwork’s “Top 50 Fashion Bloggers in Singapore” list.
She is also the founder of digital advertising agency DC Creative.
Before becoming an influencer, she was a host on online video network Clicknetwork.
Friendship with Daryl Aiden
Andrea first met 25-year-old photographer Daryl Aiden in 2015 when he hired her for sponsored posts for his blogshop, and ever since then they have formed a close relationship, with him continuing to take many of her photographs and travelling together.
In November 2015, they took their first trip together to Hong Kong.
In 2017, he defended Andrea when she had an incident of objectification by her delivery guy.
She has also featured in several interviews with Daryl and they have spoken about their friendship and collaborations. For example, the cover photo (credits: TodayOnline) is from an interview they had with TodayOnline on how they met and how to create the perfect Instagram feed.
Being pulled into the DAY Saga
Netizens who knew of her close relationship with Daryl have brought the saga over to her social media posts.
They comment on pictures of her and Daryl, asking if it is photoshopped or edited, or is they really were at the place on the location tag.
Many of the comments are even irrelevant to her posts and are simply by netizens curious about the DAY incident.
Many also started debates in the comments section of her recent posts to discuss the incident and as seen above, she does reply to some of their comments, defending herself and her posts.
While Andrea has yet to release an official statement or post on the incident, we really wonder how she is feeling right now about being dragged into all this uproar and what actions she will take. What do you think?