The 6th French Animation Film Festival returns from May 19 to 21 with a selection of the latest French successes of the animation film industry.
The event is presented as part of Voilah!, a major French cultural festival organised by the French Embassy and the Institut Français Singapour aiming to bring the best of French culture to Singapore.
One of the key highlights of the French Animation Film Festival include My Life as a Zucchini (Friday, 19 May at 7pm) which was premiered at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival where it won best feature film.
The movie, nominated at the Oscars, Golden Globe Award and at the Cannes Festival, also won the Best Animated Feature Film at the César Awards 2017.
Gregory Beaussart, Director of Puppets will share all the secrets of making the cute characters of the movie in a Q&A after the screening.
Others include Leap! (Saturday, May 20 at 4pm) which became the second most successful French animated film abroad of all time (after The Little Prince). Other family entertainment includes April and The Twisted World (Saturday, May 20 at 7pm) comprising a cast of famous french actors like Marion Cotillard and Jean Rochefort.
Ivan Tsarévitch and the Changing Princess (Sunday, May 21 at 4pm) and Louise by the Shore (Sunday, May 21 at 7pm) will amaze everyone with the beautiful silhouette animation of the former and the pastel-tinted world of the latter.
All movies will screen at Alliance française de Singapour located at 1 Sarkies Road Singapore 258130. Movie timings and tickets can be found here.