How Paying with Coins in These Trolling Videos Make Us Feel About the Recent MAS Coin Limit - Alvinology

How Paying with Coins in These Trolling Videos Make Us Feel About the Recent MAS Coin Limit

In light of the recent proposal by Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) to change the legal tender limit for coins, the public may soon be seeing a restriction on the number of coins we can use in a transaction.

So what does this potentially mean for consumers? In a single transaction, a payer can use a maximum of 10 pieces of coins for each of the following denominations: five-cent, 10-cent, 20-cent, 50-cent and one-dollar coins. The rationale was to standardise the rules when it comes to paying with coins after some questionable incidents.

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Well, let us look on the bright side with some trolling videos that will have you in stitches – and see how paying with coins can sometimes, get pretty out of control:

Using JUST coins to pay fines

You know someone is trolling when he or she pays for her fines in ALL coins – but this is not your typical prank. Skip over to 3:02 if you want to see Brett Sanders in the thick of the action.


Brett Sanders is the indignant driver who shot to fame after making a statement by paying his fine with about 22, 000 pennies. The best part? He had it all filmed in the above video, while claiming that the authorities were extorting money from him in the earlier parts of the video.

The injustice he felt after being convicted by the jury despite not putting anyone in danger caused him to get back at the authorities. After pouring buckets of coins at the counter, he just left saying, “Y’all can mail me the receipt too.” Enough said.

Paying with coins is taken up to a whole new level 

Just when you thought Sanders has owned it like a boss, wait till you see Nick Stafford.

Source: Alwafaa News.

He took things up to a whole new level when he brought five wheelbarrows of pennies to Department of Motor Vehicles (DMZ) in Virginia, just so he could pay for his $3, 000 tax bill. What?! Yes, five wheelbarrows that contain 298, 475 coins and nothing less.

He certainly made quite an elaborate entrance after spending approximately $2, 000 to get that many pennies down, just so he could stick it to the government. He delivered so many coins such that the counting machines couldn’t keep up and it took the staff at least seven hours to finish counting the coins.

Paying with coins at a luxury restaurant (and losing count) 

Fast forward to 6:18 to skip the irrelevant parts. Source:

A fancy restaurant is the last place you would want to look clumsy but that didn’t faze this vlogger. He literally had coins amounting to the bill all laid up on the table before attempting to pass them to the server. However, some of them fell to the ground and he lost count.

That is exactly why we don’t pay with so many coins, though we must admit the move succeeded in cracking us up.

No one said anything about not using coins to buy a car


How Paying with Coins in These Trolling Videos Make Us Feel About the Recent MAS Coin Limit - Alvinology
The colossal amount of coins are wrapped up in rolls as they were transported in a lorry to the car dealership place. Source: DailyMail.

A frugal man in the northeastern part of China sent over the value of 680, 000 Yuan in coins, causing the personnel at the car dealership in Liaoning province to take more than an hour to unload and stack the coins. The weight of the coins came to a whopping four tonnes, which is equivalent to 4, 000 kilograms – simply jaw-dropping.

Similar cases in Singapore?


Remember the heated debate surrounding the case where the son of a nasi lemak chain owner paid his car dealer friend $19, 000 all in one-dollar coins? It probably set a precedent for the recent proposal legal tender from MAS as it was legal to pay in one-dollar coins for any amount then.

While it’s unlikely that history would repeat itself in Singapore, one can’t be too sure – perhaps giving MAS reason to seek the public’s opinion on this matter.

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