Bunny Dance Couple, Probably The Wackiest Lecturer at Republic Polytechnic - Alvinology

Bunny Dance Couple, Probably The Wackiest Lecturer at Republic Polytechnic

Students at the School of Hospitality at Republic Polytechnic was treated to an awesome fun Kpop time when their lecturer entered the class dressed in bunny suit. Accompanied by her husband, Lecturer Teeny Teh entertained her students at RP to some pretty cool Kpop dance moves to the tunes I AM The Best from 2NE1.

Bunny Dance Couple, Probably The Wackiest Lecturer at Republic Polytechnic - Alvinology

Bunny Dance Couple, Probably The Wackiest Lecturer at Republic Polytechnic - Alvinology

This was not the first wacky dance she did at RP, last year, she dressed up in a chicken suit. All these were just some of her ways to teach and share about the marketing strategies that may work for events marketing.

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Teeny Teh is a lecturer for Diploma in Integrated Events Management at Republic Polytechnic. She’s also the Advertising and Promotion Manager with Wildlife Reserves Singapore since 2007 as stated on her Linkedin profile.

Watch her bunny kpop dance as shared by one of the students in the class.

Don’t you wish your lecturer is as cool as theirs?

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