Dan Brown's Inferno : Speaking with Enimatic Irrfan - Alvinology

Dan Brown’s Inferno : Speaking with Enimatic Irrfan

With tousled hair and sporting a purposefully chosen white jacket emblazoned with a distinctive Florentine motif of vine and blossoms, Mr. Irrfan Khan looked every bit the Bollywood thespian. He was seated in a darkened room with only a dramatically positioned beam from a spotlight overhead, Mr. Khan cut an imposing figure. Brooding, sophisticated and somewhat stoic, he had a commanding presence, no doubt owing more than a little to good genes and his Pathan heritage – a proud race with an illustrious history. It is little wonder that his many fans across the region have fallen for his charisma, poise and countenance.


Cast as “The Provost”, Irrfan Khan played a crucial role in the movie, Inferno, that has rightfully brought pride to the subcontinent and, indeed, the rest of Asia as well. His performing alongside “A” listers like Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon and Felicity Jones as Dr. Sienna Brookes, Irrfan’s provided a good counterbalance to the milder characters of former two. His cool, calculated and emotionless depiction of the character further adds to the Khan mystique and at times, it was a little difficult to discern who was playing whom – was “The Provost” character playing Irrfan Khan or the other way around?

I started my interview slowly to compose myself, trying my best to present a set of questions worthy of his response.


Dan Brown’s Inferno, is now showing at all major cinemas. Click here for more info


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