Street Eats at STREAT - Alvinology

Street Eats at STREAT

I am a fan of celebrity chef Justin Quek of “Sky on 57” fame. So, you can be sure I am looking forwardStreet Eats at STREAT - Alvinology to STREAT, the signature event of Singapore Food Festival (SFF) 2015 of which Chef Justin Quek is the curator.

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So just what has Chef Justin curated? STREAT is a celebration of Singapore’s hawkers and chefs, and Chef Justin has carefully handpicked some of the best local chefs and hawkers to helm 16 stalls at the event.

You will get to sample delectable offeringsStreet Eats at STREAT - Alvinology at this SFF 2015 anchor event, which will be held over two days on 24 and 25 July 2015 at Clifford Square.   Think local dishes juxtaposed with modern interpretations of local delights.

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At STREAT, you can even get to dine at Chef Justin’s pop-restaurant. A three-course menu at the pop-up restaurant costs only S$35. Not only do you get the chance to try the food by the celebrity chef, you can also sign upStreet Eats at STREAT - Alvinology for a cooking workshop with the man himself!

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We are pretty sure the food will sell out very fast on the day itself. So be sure to get there early!

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