Eight reasons everyone should buy a Dyson Pure Cool 2-in-1 purifer and bladeless fan - Alvinology

Eight reasons everyone should buy a Dyson Pure Cool 2-in-1 purifer and bladeless fan

Eight reasons everyone should buy a Dyson Pure Cool 2-in-1 purifer and bladeless fan - Alvinology

My family and I are so in love with our new Dyson Pure Cool 2-in-1 purifier and bladeless fan that I want to share with everyone why you should so totally get one too.

Here are 8 top reasons:


It’s both a purifier and a fan. 

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Dyson Pure Cool purifier fan is the only purifier that can also act as a fan, meaning the machine purifies and circulates all year round. Only after six months of continuous use will you need to replace the filter. And it takes less than 60 seconds to do so.

Eight reasons everyone should buy a Dyson Pure Cool 2-in-1 purifer and bladeless fan - Alvinology


It can capture 99.95% of particles as small as PM0.1

Diesel exhaust fumes, tobacco, soot, heavy metals and toxic organic compounds, are all present in the air. 10,000 litres of this air passes through our nose, mouth and lungs every day.

It is this particulate matter, invisible to the human eye that affects more people than any over pollutant. The smaller the particles, the more harmful they are to your health. Airborne particles can cause allergic response and irritation. Crucially, particles as small as PM0.1 can enter the bloodstream and circulate throughout the body, causing more serious long term and short term illness, such as respiratory infections, skin ageing, asthma, even heart attack and stroke.

Eight reasons everyone should buy a Dyson Pure Cool 2-in-1 purifer and bladeless fan - Alvinology

Air purifiers can help combat this. But existing purifiers are inefficient, forcing air through their filters, allowing harmful, ultrafine particles to escape back into the room.

The Dyson Pure Cool is the only purifier to use Dyson’s patented 360° Glass HEPA filter. This technology captures 99.95% of particles as small as PM0.1 – trapping it in the filter, so it doesn’t enter your lungs.

Eight reasons everyone should buy a Dyson Pure Cool 2-in-1 purifer and bladeless fan - Alvinology


It is powered by Dyson’s trademarked Air Multiplier technology 

Using Dyson’s Air Multiplier technology and an energy-efficient DC motor, the Dyson Pure Cool purifier fan draws in air via a mixed flow impeller.

Eight reasons everyone should buy a Dyson Pure Cool 2-in-1 purifer and bladeless fan - Alvinology

The air is passed through a patented 360° Glass HEPA filter. Unlike other purifiers that rely on non-woven filters, the Dyson Pure Cool’s filter has been pleated 254 times, meaning it can trap even the smallest particles – including pollen, bacteria, viruses and particles down to PM0.1.

Clean air then leaves the amplifier loop at a high velocity and is directed over an airfoil-shaped ramp. This way, a long-range stream of smooth air is released, purifying the air we breathe.


It is sleek and beautifully constructed compared to most other purifiers on the market. 

In Singapore, space comes at a premium. Dyson Pure Cool’s compact footprint makes it up to 70% smaller than conventional purifiers. It is also light weight and can be easily carried around.

Eight reasons everyone should buy a Dyson Pure Cool 2-in-1 purifer and bladeless fan - Alvinology

It also comes with a sleek palm-size remote that can set the machine between 1 and 10 airflow settings.

Eight reasons everyone should buy a Dyson Pure Cool 2-in-1 purifer and bladeless fan - Alvinology


It’s extremely child-friendly.

Eight reasons everyone should buy a Dyson Pure Cool 2-in-1 purifer and bladeless fan - Alvinology

If you are one of those parents who are constantly worried about your child getting his or her fingers cut by fan blades, this is the perfect fan for you! No blade, no worries!


It’s an awesome conversation piece to have in the house.

A bladeless fan is always an awesome conversation starter when you have guests in the house. What’s more, a bladeless fan which is also a purifer!

Eight reasons everyone should buy a Dyson Pure Cool 2-in-1 purifer and bladeless fan - Alvinology

Some people pay millions to buy exotic artworks as conversation pieces in their home. The Dyson Pure Cool can serve this function too.


It is super quiet.

The Dyson Pure Cool purifier fan is the only one accredited with the Quiet Mark. Quiet Mark, is the international mark of approval from the Noise Abatement Society, encouraging the design of quieter high performance technology and solutions to reduce unwanted noise in our environment.

Eight reasons everyone should buy a Dyson Pure Cool 2-in-1 purifer and bladeless fan - Alvinology

The distinctive purple Quiet Mark assures consumers that the product is one of the quietest in its category.

Together with a built-in sleep timer that allows pre-set intervals ranging from 15 minutes to 9 hours, the Dyson Pure Cool is engineered for night-long purification.


It can help combat haze within your home. 

The haze is now a common occurrence in Singapore. Most households will own a purifier or two at home. Here’s one you can get to combat the haze at home, specifically if you look at the first six reasons above to get a Dyson Pure Cool! 🙂

Eight reasons everyone should buy a Dyson Pure Cool 2-in-1 purifer and bladeless fan - Alvinology

The Dyson Pure Cool is available in two colours – White/Silver or Iron/Blue and comes with two years warrenty. More information is available via the official website. Retail price in Singapore is at S$999 with replacement filters at S$79.


  1. Hi, I’m very interested in pulling the trigger on the Dyson (my room is so dusty!) and was wondering:
    it’s been ~3 months since your review, do you think the Dyson Pure Cool is worth its price tag?
    Sorry for asking but there aren’t that many reviews I can find. I suppose the Pure Cool is only for certain countries.
    Thanks in advance!

  2. The air is as only as cool as room temperature. If you do not on aircon and the room is warm, the air flow that came out of it would be similar. Don’t be mislead by the word cool in Dyson product, it doesn’t produce cool air by itself. Most people who are in departmental store may find the air flow from Dyson cool because the departmental store air are cool with air con.

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