[Singapore Arts Festival 2012] Opening Show: Mark Chan's The Flight of The Jade Bird - Alvinology

[Singapore Arts Festival 2012] Opening Show: Mark Chan’s The Flight of The Jade Bird

The Flight of the Jade Bird
The Flight of the Jade Bird

Last Thursday (17 May), I had the privilege to catch the opening show for this year’s Singapore Arts Festival, Mark Chan’s The Flight of The Jade Bird.

I have heard some of Mark Chan‘s earlier musical works before and am pretty impressed with his East-meets-West musical fusion. This was why I was really looking forward to catch his opening show.

Alas, with great expectation comes greater disappointment when the performance somehow falls short. I am not a qualified music or art critic, but seeing that around half of the audience left after intermission, I am quite sure I was not the only one who did not particularly enjoyed the show.

Here’s the trailer for The Flight of The Jade Bird:

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Looks promising isn’t it?

Sadly, as much as I want to say I enjoyed the show to support local artists, I am more inclined to agree with this reviewer. 🙁

Sorry Mark, this experimentation is too chim for me; look forward to your next production.

The best is yet to be.

1 comment

  1. Thanks for reading and referencing my review, Alvin! I’m gobsmacked you actually managed to unearth my LJ entry.

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