Tribute Music Video: SMRT Ruins Lives (to the tune of Jingle Bells) - Alvinology

Tribute Music Video: SMRT Ruins Lives (to the tune of Jingle Bells)

After a breakdown of the Circle Line on Thursday and the North-South line yesterday; SMRT scored a magnificent hat trick with another breakdown on the North-South line this morning. Check out the Twitter hashtag, #SMRTruinslives to learn of the latest news development. SMRT is on a winning streak; there may be more breakdowns to come.

My friend and fellow blogger, Kevin, made this tribute video for SMRT to celebrate their victory in continuously ruining people’s lives for three days in a row. It is sung to the tune of the Christmas classic, “Jingle Bells” to go with the festive season. Enjoy:

[youtube url=””]

Btw, do check out the fantastic double SMRT headline news this evening on both our Chinese evening papers:

SMRT Ruins Lives on today's Lianhe Wanbao headline news
SMRT Ruins Lives on today’s Lianhe Wanbao headline news
SMRT Ruins Lives on today's Shin Min Daily headline news
SMRT Ruins Lives on today’s Shin Min Daily headline news

If you are interested to find out more on how #SMRTruinslives, reports, videos and pictures are available via below:

南北线地铁 今早又瘫痪 (North-South line is down again this morning)

南北线地铁 今南北线及东西线地铁明日10点运行 (North-South and East-West lines to start operation at 10am tomorrow)

南北地铁线故障5小时 交通瘫痪画面记录 (Video footage of North-South line breakdown on Thursday)

SMRT解答公众四大疑问 (SMRT answers four main public queries)

地铁瘫痪是因供电轨严重受损 (SMRT explains cause of Thursday North-South line breakdown)

吕德耀:地铁事故“极其严重” (Lui Tuck Yew: The SMRT breakdowns are “very very serious”)

地铁故障赚钱良机 SMRT道歉 (SMRT apologies for insensitive “Income Opportunity” message to cab drivers)

SMRT CEO apologises for train disruption

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