Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Before & After - Alvinology

Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Before & After

Visit the ABC News microsite on the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami for the rollover “Before & After” satellite images.

Arahama in Sendai
Arahama in Sendai

Via ABC News:

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“Aerial photos taken over Japan have revealed the scale of devastation across dozens of suburbs and tens of thousands of homes and businesses.

Hover over each satellite photo to view the devastation caused by the earthquake and tsunami.”

Development: Andrew Kesper
Source: Google

Technorati Tags: Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, Japan Earthquake and Tsunami before and after, Japan Earthquake and Tsunami before and after satellite images, japan earthquake satellite images, japan tsunami satellite images, abc news, abc news japan earthquake, andrew kesper, google map, google earth, japan earthquake google

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