Online Comedian Steven Lim to Contest in Potong Pasir for Coming Election? - Alvinology

Online Comedian Steven Lim to Contest in Potong Pasir for Coming Election?

Article in Lianhe Wanbao, dated 10 Mar 2011 (scan via EDMW) - Click Image to ENLARGE
Article in Lianhe Wanbao, dated 10 Mar 2011 (scan via EDMW) - Click to ENLARGE

Via EDMW and Lianhe Wanbao. Is he for real?

I am getting lots of popcorn ready if Steven Lim really comes to Potong Pasir to contest.

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I am sure Potong Pasir residents will appreciate the  sideshow entertainment. The election deposit of $13,500 is not a lot of money to Steven Lim, considering he just spent $20,000 recently to buy air time on TV as flaunted on his website.

Technorati Tags: singapore general election, singapore election, singapore general election 2011, singapore election 2011, sitoh yih pin, chiam see tong, lina chiam, potong pasir smc, potong pasir single member constituency, potong pasir election, potong pasir 4 corner fight, potong pasir 3 corner fight, potong pasir voters, potong pasir electorate, steven lim, steven lim potong pasir, steven lim to contest in potong pasir, steven lim singapore election, vote for steven lim


  1. Singapore should be proud of Steven Lim because he is the Borat/Bruno of Singapore , the next freaking star in the making !! Puke! Puke!

    Steve Lim is having eRection ! Oppss… wrong spelling, it is “eLection” ,

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