Come on… so much brouhaha over a swimming trunk design? Are we really a nation of prudes?
I have seen much raunchier designs on display at various New Urban Male outlets in Singapore shopping malls.
Our boys are out there competing for our nation’s sporting glory. Instead of supporting them in their endeavour, we choose to distract them by complaining about their swimming trunks design?
Trunk Design Gone Too Far?
SINGAPORE’S water polo team at the 2010 Asian Games are raising eyebrows here thanks to their custom-made swimming trunks which feature the Singapore flag’s crescent moon and stars near the groin area.
It is courting controversy now as the self-designed trunks feature the Singapore flag displayed prominently on the front.
Previously, the water polo team would wear plain black trunks.
When asked whether they had sought approval for the design, team manager Samuel Wong told The New Paper, ‘No need.’
However, the Singapore Arms and Flag and National Anthem Act states that approval must be sought from the Minister for Information, Communication and the Arts to use the flag as part of any costume or attire, provided there is ‘no disrespect’.
Anyone found guilty of misusing the flag can be fined up to a maximum of $1,000.
For those who think that the trunks’ design is suggestive and went to the extent to lodge an official complaint with the relevant government bodies and sporting authorities, I have this to say: “GET A LIFE!”
Seriously, if you see the crescent moon on the trunk as a phallic symbol and felt offended by it, have you wondered whether it is because you are the dirty-minded one? Others may not even have noticed if you didn’t point it out.
The Singapore government wants Singaporeans to be patriotic and foster a sense of belonging this is nation. Yet spontaneous display of creativity with our national flag is frowned upon. Isn’t this an ironic?
I am surprised that the Ministry of Information, Communication and the Arts (Mica), even bothered to issue an official statement on the trunks’ design as inappropriate.
Technorati Tags: mica, mica on swimming trunks, singapore government on swimming trunks, singapore water polo boys, singapore water polo, water polo swimming trunk, singapore water polo swimming trunk design, phallic swimming trunk design, 2010 asian games, singapore water polo team 2010 asian games, singapore flay, crescent moon on groin area, singapore crescent moon, self-designed water polo trunk
What compete? they can’t compete at asian level. They are stuck at S.E asia level for many years. Besides i don’t think supporting them or all these hooha all the trunk made any difference to their performance.
Check out these EMO waterpolo trunks: