Alvinology goes to Blogfest Asia 2010 @ Penang, Malaysia – Day 3 of 3 - Alvinology

Alvinology goes to Blogfest Asia 2010 @ Penang, Malaysia – Day 3 of 3

Alvinology goes to Blogfest Asia 2010 @ Penang, Malaysia – Day 3 of 3 - Alvinology

On the final day, Siew Kian and I packed our luggage and brought them to Wawasan Open University as we will be heading straight to the airport after the closing ceremony.

The day started with a blogger representative from each Asian country giving a “country report” on the blogging situation in their respective country. The sharing was quite casual and I got to meet bloggers from countries like Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the United States, Thailand and of course, Malaysia.

Guy sharing on the country report for Thailand
Guy sharing on the country report for Thailand

I was most intrigued by the blogging scene in Myanmar and Cambodia. Do you know that Cambodia has over 30 ISPs and that it cost USD$2000 to set up Internet access in Myanmar?

Myanmar blogger, Kwi Kwi sharing her country report
Myanmar blogger, Kwi Kwi sharing her country report

The Taiwan blogger, a friend chap called Tzu-Che Huang/Tech Soup, shared on the popularity of BBS bulletin board in Taiwan. I was amused with the similarity between BBS and Singapore’s notorious EDMW forum. Both have culture of “no picture no talk” when posting threads and are trawled regularly by journalists for breaking news stories. Apparently, BBS is so big in Taiwan that they are making a movie based on the BBS culture – 木偶人 (the trailer as below):

Dash to Cart

[youtube url=””]

I was the Singapore representative who did our country report. Basically, I presented some information on Singapore’s Internet penetration rates with statistics obtained from the IDA website. I also shared on the blogging and tweeting scene in Singapore based on my own personal observations.

After the country reports, there was a short political dialogue session between a ruling coalition politician and an opposition coalition MP on new media and politics before we break for lunch at the cafeteria. The session was moderated by the Jeremiah Foo.

Short political dialogue
Short political dialogue

After lunch, there was a series of breakaway sessions from 1pm to 4.30pm as per the previous day.

I attended the following three sessions – 1) Organising people in the cyber and real world – by Pinoy blogger, Mark Aethen; 2) Internet Freedom and Responsiblities – by Masjaliza Hamzah from Centre for Independent Journalism, based in Kuala Lumpur; and 3) Photography and travelogue through blogs by Jeremiah Foo and Jess Cheng, both from Malaysia.

Pinoy blogger, Mark, sharing on his experience organising bloggers event in Mindano, The Philippines
Pinoy blogger, Mark, sharing on his experience organising bloggers event in Mindano, The Philippines
Me with Forrest, the blogger tasked with our transportation
Me with Forrest, the blogger tasked with our transportation
Me with Lonely Teacher, another Penang blogger/volunteer
Me with Lonely Teacher, another Penang blogger/volunteer
Me with Silver's little admirer
Me with Silver’s little admirer
Siew Kian and I with Silver before we parted way
Siew Kian and I with Silver before we parted way

Following the breakaway sessions, it was time to announce the winners for the “Let’s Blog Penang Contest”. Siew Kian and I were rooting for Silver, the only Singaporean blogger who participated in the contest and stayed up till 5am to finish her entry. Alas, it was not her day. Silver was cool with it though.

Paticipating bloggers were anxiously waiting for the results
Paticipating bloggers were anxiously waiting for the results

The three winners were:

1. Asia’s ‘European’ state – Kounila Keo (RM 1500)
2. Pearl of the Orient, City of the Pirates – My Penang Story – Tzu-Che Huang (RM1000)
3. Rediscovering Penang with BlogFest Asia 2010! – John Khor (RM500)

John Khor was very surprised by his win
John Khor was very surprised by his win
Tzu-Che Huang collecting his prize
Tzu-Che Huang collecting his prize
Cambodian blogger, Kounila Keo, elated with her win
Cambodian blogger, Kounila Keo, elated with her win

After the announcement, it was time to say goodbye. All the bloggers gathered in front of Wawasan Open University for a parting shot. Siew Kian and I then had to rush to Penang Airport, ferried by one of the friendly volunteers, River Dragon, a Penang blogger.

This is the first time Siew Kian flown budget air - hence she was surprised to have to walk to the airplane
This is the first time Siew Kian flown budget air – hence she was surprised to have to walk to the airplane
Boarding the plane back to Singapore
Boarding the plane back to Singapore

This concluded my Blogfest Asia 2010 trip. Look forward to next year’s event. 🙂

My earlier post on Blogfest Asia 2010:

Alvinology goes to Blogfest Asia 2010 @ Penang, Malaysia – Day 2 of 3

Alvinology goes to Blogfest Asia 2010 @ Penang, Malaysia – Day 1 of 3

Blogfest Asia 2010: Alvinology in Malaysia’s Sin Chew Daily (星洲日报)

BlogFest Asia 2010 @ Penang, Malaysia

Technorati Tags: Mybloggercon, BlogFest Asia 2010, alvinology, alvinology goes to blogfest asia, blogfest, blogfest 2010, alvinology goes to penang, silver ang, tech soup, sin chew daily, 大馬部落 2010, mybloggercon 2010, 洪子惠, wawasan open university, wawasan university penang, wawasan university malaysia, blogfest asia country report, myanmar blogger, cambodian blogger, tzu-che huang, bbs bulletin board, 木偶人, bbs movie, ida singapore, mark aethen, pinoy blogger, masjaliza hamzah, centre for independent journalism, kuala lumpur, jeremiah foo, jess cheng, let’s blog penang contest, asia’s european state, kounila keo, pear of the orient city of the pirates, my penang story, rediscovering penang with blogfest asia, john khor, river dragon penang blogger

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