This CNY, Mr Mah Bow Tan is here to spread wealth - Alvinology

This CNY, Mr Mah Bow Tan is here to spread wealth

Spotted this giant billboard of Mr Mah Bow Tan at his Tampines GRC constituency:

"Gong Xi Fa Cai!"
"Gong Xi Fa Cai!"

Note how the billboard has been “strategically” (not sure if it was intentional or purely coincidental) placed such that it seems Mr Mah’s upper body is super imposed onto the lower body of the giant God of Fortune (财神爷) statue behind him.

A fitting tribute to Mr Mah indeed – given that his Chinese name, “宝山” can be literally translated as “treasure mountain”. Also, Mr Mah has helped the Singapore government made considerable fortune through his COE policy as Transport Minister and now, his BTO, DBSS housing policies as the National Development Minister. 🙂

Technorati Tags: mr mah bow tan, mah bow tan, tampines grc, tampines group representative constituency, goddress of fortune, mah bow tan cny, mah bow tan chinese new year, mah bow tan coe, mah bow tan dbss, mah bow tan bto, 马宝山, singapore minister for national development, singapore transport minister, 淡滨尼集选区, 淡滨尼


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