Who is Ris Low? - Alvinology

Who is Ris Low?

Ris Low wants to show the world that not all beautiful people are bimbotic
Ris Low to the world: “not all beautiful people are bimbotic”

Ris Low is the newly crowned Miss Singapore World 2009. She has managed to earn herself a wikipedia entry right after that for her inability to speak well in English and her lack of emotional quotient – something not many other beauty queens can boast of.

In fact, I think Ris clearly earned her stripes to join the rank and file of other pretty, but dumb beauty contestants like Janina San Miguel from The Philippines and the queen of them all, Lauren Caitlin Upton from the US of A.

Check out her interview below as Ris professed her love for beekinee, leopard prings and zzz-braaa prings:

[youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/v/5F74FZfdSJY&hl=en&fs=1&”]

[youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/v/-c_A7-7B7-w&hl=en&fs=1&”]

Technorati Tags: ris low, singapore ris low, miss singapore world 2009, miss singapore world ris low, ris low video interview, ris low interview, ris low leopard prints, ris low fashion, ris low zebra print, ris low wikipedia, miss singapore world bimbo, miss singapore bimbo video, miss singapore ah lian, ah lian, singapore ah lian, janina san miguel, lauren caitlin upton, dumb beauty contestants, dumb beauty contestants video, ris low bikini

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  1. I wonder why Singaporeans are so unkind to other Singaporeans just because they don’t speak well. All of us have our own defects – most of us don’t look as good as Ris some of us are short, we may be less intelligent than others. But we expect sympathy and forgiveness from others for our own short comings.

    Ris may have come from a chinese speaking family so she can’t speak english well. What big sin has she committed? The big deal about this whole affair is how arrogantly netizens responded and how ugly people have become hiding behind the anonymity of the internet. This story is about cowadice and small mindedness.

    It is one thing to say her English is bad and that she lack EQ but to hurl insults like some of the netizens did else where in the Internet makes one ashamed to be a Singaporean.

  2. If she is representing herself, then the negative comments is unnecessary, but she is representing Singapore, so she need to improve quickly to earn the respect from most people that she represents.

    Anyway, there are beauty with brains out there, they just do not see the point to join a pageant to proof themselves.

  3. She needs to go for speech and presentation classes in order to represent Singapore… but OMG.. I think I speak like her!!! I’m just not pretty and slim enough for Miss Singapore pageants!

  4. I agree with Iv. A beauty queen is an iconic figure just like a PM or any minister. You have to carry yourself well. Not only in terms of speech but in thoughts as well. But Ris Low come across as a very self-centred and conceited. “It’s all about ME!” “I don’t really care what others see about ME!” OMG! Such bimbotic reply.

  5. I orso tink fashun have a porpoise. My lord! How embarrassing for Singapore. No one says you have to speak English perfectly or even be completely fluent. However, Singapore is a country that claims English as a first language. As such… a “winner’ of this type of award should at least not sound like a complete idiot each time she opens her mouth. And… why does she look like she is going to come out of the screen and eat me every time I see her. TEETH!?!?

  6. I don’t think it’s that unkind. You see this sort of behaviour also in Hollywood and the likes.

    This is reality. You’ll be slammed if you’re featured in the media. Anyone who goes into the media, will be criticised one way or another. “She’s too fat”, “He’s got a big nose”, etc. So this is quite expected and the person should be mentally prepared. Just like how our own local stars are not spared the wrath if they make even the slightest mistakes.

    Furthermore, most of the criticisms are not untrue. Sure, other Singaporeans speak that way. But how many of them are featured in the media industry? How many are in the running for Miss Singapore? How many are representing Singapore in the world stage?

    Obviously if you want something or someone to represent the country, you’ll want to present your best. If you’re going to be an ambassador, will you go and talk in that manner? Or will you go for intensive training to brush up your English speaking skills?

    However, it is also to be noted that some of the netizens criticisms show too much ‘personal attacks’ which isn’t nice either. But unfortunately, as mentioned earlier, it is to be expected. There are also worser comments regarding those Hollywood stars, actors, actresses etc.

  7. Dont just the book by its cover until you read them. To those who choose Ris Low, I cant blame you because you look first from the outside. You have the chance of interviewing your candidates before you proclaimed a winner. But it seems a mastery of the English Langauge is it not priority to you. Only good outside appearance.
    Nevertheless, I agree that command of English is not that important, she can ask for an interpreter in any case. She may seems to act dumb but anybody also possess some dumbness in there personality, even the most respected people. She dont hide being what she is. People like her will accept you being dumb sometimes. Be fair give everybody the chance to be themselves, be Singapore.

  8. I agree with Iv.
    Regardless of how people regard the importance of competitions and pageants like Miss World Singapore, the winner will nonetheless represent Singapore, not to mention as one of the icons of our country.

    Moreover, I believe that any contestants on pageants like this got to have a mentality that they’ll be representing S’pore, not just themselves, on a global platform.

    Thus, they need to be determined and hardworking enough to brush up their negative traits so as to be a proper, well-deserved representation of Singapore.

    I also agree that some of the comments were far too harsh, but she should be mentally prepared for them, especially when she had committed an offense herself.

  9. Come on people. Just because other people do it in Hollywood, those personal attacks on Miss Low are ok?

    Put yourselves in her shoes and think about how she would be feeling now. Yes, she doesn’t speak English well but look at our fellow Singaporeans-who exactly can speak perfect English?
    Even our government. The “Speak Good English” Movement itself was already a very good example of Singlish. We don’t speak Good English. We speak English well. Besides, why not be proud of our own language-Singlish? I’m not saying that we should stick to it all the time but why try to hide it like it’s some criminal act? Use it at the right times, in the right places, with the right people and all will be fine.

    Who hasn’t made a mistake before? Everyone deserves a chance to change and make up for their past mistakes. Just in August, ex-convicts were on the streets of Singapore, distributing Yellow Ribbons. Don’t you think it’s quite hypocritical of Singaporeans to bombard a girl who made a mistake in her teens with all these insults?

    Personally, I think as long as she manages to pull her English standard up and apologise sincerely, why not just give her a second chance and show the world that Singaporeans aren’t as kiasu as they thought we were?

  10. [YouTube Video Transcript] Hi, this is Zen Sensei here from http://HowtoWriteinJapanese.Blogspot.com.
    Today, I’m here to share my views on the hot and exciting topic of Ms Ris Low BOOMZ.

    While it’s easy for us to laugh at her expense (even my mother insisted we watch her videos over and over again…), the question in my mind is:

    ‘Are the Organizers of the Miss World Singapore 2009 Event Taking Responsibility?’

    They must have heard her speak during the competition and yet they let her win. What’s going on here?!

    As for Ms Ris Low, credit fraud? – NOT okay. Going for your dreams? I support that.

    In the meantime, she might want to learn how to speak Japanese instead? She can do that at our website http://HowtoWriteinJapanese.Blogspot.com!

    Thanks for listening!

  11. Reasons why RIS LOW should NOT represent Singapore
    1) Convicted criminal with a pension for dishonesty and stealing
    2) Can’t speak/pronounce basic english
    3) Selfish

  12. Hi Joe, sorry but need to point out that the word ‘pension’ in your first statement should be ‘penchant’ (as in having a strong inclination towards…)

  13. Ris Low has caused so much trouble to the Nation, honestly i felt sorry for her but she should have been more truthful. Anyway she isn’t that pretty

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