Wedding Season - Alvinology

Wedding Season

May and June seems to be the wedding season among my friends. I attended three weddings over the last two weekends. There will be at least four more in the coming month, last when I counted.

It’s hard on the pocket, but yet it feels good to see my friends enter into marital bliss one by one.

My secondary school classmates
My secondary school classmates

Last Friday, I attended the wedding of my secondary school classmate, Kim Yong. It was great to see my secondary school classmates again at the wedding. The topics were no longer about soccer and computer games, but wives, career and housing. We still bonded well, and the bunch of us chatted till past 11pm, after all the guests have left. Towards the end, we actually managed to list out the entire class roaster, name by name, index number by index number!

Er Kai and his Korean wife, Yoon Sun
Er Kai and his Korean wife, Yoon Sun
Group photo with my China travel buddies
Group photo with my China travel buddies

On Saturday, I attended the wedding of a friend, Er Kai, whom I got to know from an exchange trip to China when I was still in NTU. He had invited the rest of our travel pals as well and it was heartwarming to see everyone again. This group is slightly younger – with me being the oldest among them, excluding the professor who went on the trip with us. Er Kai got to know his Korean wife when they met in Japan while both of them were still students. It took a while for their relationship to blossom, but they sure look like they were made for each other at their wedding night. 🙂

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Technorati Tags: singapore wedding, wedding season, alvinology, wedding dinners, wedding reunion, secondary school reunion

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