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You can help by blogging about this or pasting this blog button onto your blog.
We have roped in more sponsors this year and two blog networks, Advertlets.com and Ping.sg to help omy.sg to rally for more bloggers to take part in this award.
You can now submit blog nomination/registration; join omy’s Blog Club; vote for the most Blogged-About Event in 2008; join the official Singapore Blog Awards facebook group and even chat with other bloggers.
The official press release as below:
Singapore Blog Awards return with more categories and prizes
Singapore, 28 April 2009 — The Singapore Blog Awards return this year with more categories and prizes for bloggers!
Organised by omy (www.omy.sg), a bilingual news and interactive web portal by Southeast Asia’s leading media organisation Singapore Press Holdings Ltd (SPH), the Awards honour “new-age wordsmiths” who devote their time and energy to create and maintain informative and innovative blogs.
A total of 6000 blogs were nominated and over 70,000 votes were cast for last year’s inaugural event.
This year, three new award categories, namely Best Modeling Blog, Best WTH (what-the-hell) Blog and Best Food Blog are added to the existing list of seven categories, which are Most Insightful Blog, Best LOL (laugh-out-loud) Blog, Best Individual Blog, Best e-Commerce Blog, Best Photography Blog, EASB (East Asia Institute of Management) Best Youth Blog and Best Lifestyle Blog.
With more sponsors participating in the event, prizes will also be more enticing for participating bloggers.
Ms Lee Kuan Fung, Associate Editor of omy.sg, said: “The blogosphere gets more exciting with more people sharing their stories online and more readers supporting these stories. With the launch of the second Singapore Blog Awards, we hope to bring these voices to a new high. ”
Nominations and registrations for the Singapore Blog Awards are now open. The public can log on to the official site (http://sgblogawards.omy.sg) to nominate their favourite blogs. Bloggers can also participate directly by registering themselves for the Awards.
The Awards will be divided into three phases. The first phase consists of nomination and registration, which will end in June 2009. Following that, the omy editorial team will select the top ten blogs for each category. These blogs will then be put through a rigorous public voting process as well as scoring by a panel of ten professional judges.
The judges this year are Mr Man Shu Sum, CEO of Mark Burnett Asia; Mr Kelvin Tong and Mr Royston Tan, both Singapore movie directors; Ms Kuo Jian Hong, Co-Artistic Director of The Theatre Practice; Ms Anna Lim, Radio 100.3FM deejay; Mr Josh Lim, Managing Director of Advertlets; Mr U-Zyn Chua, CEO of Ping.sg; Mr Samuel Ng, Executive Consultant of Marine Parade Family Service Centre; Ms Xiao Han, Director and Lyricist of Funkie Monkies Productions and Mr Chua Chim Kang, Editor of omy.sg and Lianhe Wanbao.
In the third and final phase, the winners will be crowned at a closing ceremony, with details to be announced later. The winner of each category will walk away with a custom-designed trophy created by Singapore Cultural Medallion winner Mr Tan Swie Hian and a variety of sponsored prizes.
Commenting on the Awards, Mr Kelvin Tong, who is one of the judges, said: “There were pagers. Then, there were mobile phones. Now there is the blog. Blogging has become a vital and intrinsic part of youth culture. They express the experiences, thoughts, ideas, dreams, hopes and fears of the new generation.”
Adding to the excitement are fringe awards which are determined entirely by public voting. They are the Best Local Celebrity Blog, Best Overseas Celebrity Blog and the Most-Blogged-About event in 2008. There will be no prizes given to the fringe award winners.
All bloggers and voters stand to win a total of over $20,000 worth of prizes by participating in the Awards. Prizes include mobile phones, shopping vouchers, overseas hotel accommodation packages, food products and more.
The Singapore Blog Awards 2009 is sponsored by the East Asia Institute of Management (EASB), United International Pictures (UIP), National Heritage Board (NHB), Asia Web Direct, Koka, ST701, HTC and Play Smart Pte. Ltd. It is supported by blog networks, Advertlets.com and Ping.sg.
Singapore Blog Awards 2009 Categories:
1. EASB Best Youth Blog EASB 最佳青苹果部落格
This category is for all blogs written by bloggers below 16 years old.
2. Best Lifestyle Blog 最佳生活资讯部落格 (sponsored by National Heritage Board)
This category is for blogs with strong lifestyle content.
3. Best Photography Blog 最靓摄影部落格 (sponsored by Asia Web Direct)
This category is for professional photography blogs.
4. Best Food Blog 最佳饮食部落格 (sponsored by KOKA)
This category is for blogs featuring food reviews, cooking and recipes content.
5. Best e-Commerce Blog 最佳 e-shop部落格 (sponsored by ST701)
This category is for blogs which deal with online commercial activities, including corporate blogs and blog-shops.
6. Most Insightful Blog 最具深度部落格
This category is for serious blogs with interesting and revealing insights, analytical reports, dealing with various social issues.
7. Best LOL Blog 最具娱乐性部落格
This category is for blogs with strong humour that cackles up readers.
8. Best “WTH” Blog 最不可思议部落格
Blogs which focus on the strange, the underground – topics that make you go “What-the-hell is this?”
9. Best Modeling Blog 最佳个人靓照部落格
This category is for blogs with lots of self portraits and modelling photos.
10. Best Individual Blog 最具个人特色部落格
This category is for individualistic blogs with free-wheeling content about daily lives and musings that cannot easily fit into any categorisation.
Judging Criteria
To crown the award winner for each of the 10 categories, a score will be computed based on public votes (30%) and professional judging (70%).
Judging Criteria And Points
Inspiring/entertaining content – 40
Expression/presentation – 30
Judges Total – 70
Voting Total – 30
Other Fringe Awards:
Popular Choice Awards (sponsored by HTC)
This will be awarded to the top five most voted bloggers among the finalists in the ten main categories.
2008 Most-Blogged-About Event
A voting-only category for the public to determine a news event that generated the most interest in the local blogosphere in 2008.
Celebrity Blog Award
1. Best Overseas Celebrity Blog
This category is for blogs written by overseas celebrities in the entertainment and media industry, writers, sportsmen and others.
2. Best Local Celebrity Blog
This category is for blogs written by Singapore celebrities in the entertainment and media industry, writers, sportsmen and others.
Technorati Tags: singapore blog awards, omy singapore blog awards, omy.sg singapore blog awards, singapore blog awards 2009, second singapore blog awards, avertlets.com, ping.sg, omy.sg, omy, blog awards nomination, blog awards registration, omy blog club, most blogged about event 2008, official singapore blog awards facebook group, best modeling blog, best wth blog, best food blog, most insightful blog, best lol blog, best photography blog, easb best youth blog, best youth blog, best photography blog, best lifestyle blog, lee kuan fung, man shu sham, ceo of mark burnett asia, kelvin tong, royston tan, kuo jian hong, the theatre practice, anna lim, radio 100.3fm, josh lim, adverlets.com, ping.sg, u-zyn chua, samuel ng, marine parade family service centre, xiao han, funkie monkies productions, chua chim kang, lianhe wanbao, tan swie hian, best local celebrity blog, best overseas celebrity blog, east asia institute of management, easb, united international pictures singapore, uip singapore, play smart pte ltd, htc, htc singapore, st701, asia web direct, 最佳青苹果部落格, EASB 最佳青苹果部落格, 最佳生活资讯部落格, 最靓摄影部落格, 最佳饮食部落格, 最佳 e-shop部落格, 最具深度部落格, 最具娱乐性部落格, 最不可思议部落格, 最佳个人靓照部落格, 最具个人特色部落格, Popular Choice Awards
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