I am seldom surprised by ragging photos or videos, having been sanitised via my own experiences. Coming from an all-boys secondary school and having been through NS, I seen my fair share. However the screen grabs below from two ragging videos I saw on youtube truly disturbed me. In the past, there were no digital camera or camcorder to record down the process, but with the advent of technology, such activities are often recorded and the videos or photos end up online, causing further humiliation to the victims.
The two videos mentioned are particularly shocking to me because of two factors. First of all, the perpetrators are practically all females, with a few boys in the background cheering. I never knew women are into such cruelty as well. Second, it occurred in bright daylight at a crowded school canteen – where everybody can see! The poor victim was tied to a chin-up bar and attacked mercilessly. All in the name of “celebrating” her birthday.
The school where all these took place is a well-reputed school – Anglo-Chinese Junior College (ACJC). (No point in concealing the school’s identity as the uniform of the students involved is obvious)
When the poor victim was first grabbed by her group of “friends”, she protested that she was wearing a skirt and may zaogeng. Instead of letting her go, they forced her to put on her PE shorts. The victim was then dragged unwillingly from the crowded canteen to a nearby chin-up bar to be tied up for the ensuing ritual.
When she shouted for them to stop, they took a masking tape and stuck it over her mouth. A girl even hit her on the forehead to pin her down.
When she started crying… they smashed her face with cakes and poured milk over her head. Quite a few times, her PE shorts was exposed in the struggle as her skirt was tugged upwards.
When she said she cannot see because the grue got in her eyes, they poured water over her and threw more icky foodstuff at her face.
Then, ironically… they circled around her and sang her a birthday song,. The group was laughing merrily all the way, seemingly oblivious to their friend’s sorry state. WTF????? There was even a girl who had the cheek to ask the victim if she is “happy or not”!
After all these, they walked away, leaving the wet and dirty victim begging for mercy with her hands tied to the poles, seated in an awkward position. To make things worse, the entire process is recorded down and the video is even uploaded onto youtube. If the victim was my sister or girlfriend, I will report the whole incident to the police as a molestation case. This is seriously demeaning. I mean… I can understand wanting to sabo your friend on her birthday, but obviously, the line of decency has be crossed here. Did the perpetrators even stop for a moment to think how they themselves would feel if they were in the victim’s shoes? To get tied up in public; risking upskirt exposure; have food and milk smashed all over you; worse of all – have the entire humiliating video uploaded online for the world to see.
What is wrong with our youths these days?
Previously, I blogged about how I came across a series of videos uploaded by a bunch of St Andrew’s boys spanking their friend’s butt and attacking his crotch. I do not know if their videos came to the attention of the school authorities or the boys grew up and felt guilty over what they have done to their friend – all the videos have been removed from youtube.
I hope this poor girl’s videos get deleted too asap. I won’t be providing the URL links to the videos. Don’t email me to ask. I hope the relevant school authorities will look into the matter and punish those involved accordingly.
Update: Since the videos have already been deleted, I can reveal more information – the videos were actually titled in CAPS: “XXXXX GOT DESTROYED” and was tagged under “loser”. Would friends do this to each other?

Technorati Tags: singapore ragging, acjc girl tied and tortured in school, anglo-chinese junior college, acjc, bullying in acjc, girl ragging, jc girl ragging, jc girl tied and tortured, jc girl birthday ragging, acjc birthday ragging, singapore girl torture, acjc birthday celebrating, acjc canteen, chin-up bar
bunch of stupid kids!
In my time, the 90s, we just chase the birthday boy, carry him and mock ram his balls into the pole. Nothing demeaning, just fun. Sometimes, we would even take the table and mock beat the guy.
But this?? My god, crap students we got these days.
I think the video is sick. Is this school really ACJC?
During birthdays, we as friends/colleagues normally gather together for some celebration at karaoke lounges or BBQ. We will all chip in money to give the birthday boy/girl a treat. In time to come, when it is my birthday, the rest will do the same for me. Some years, I will celebrate it privately with my loved one on an overseas vacation or a private function. Never a single time will we do things to hurt our friends during his/her very special day of the year.
Yes it is ACJC. Check out the uniform of the students – there’s even a stupid girl wearing a blue tee-shirt with ACJC printed in front.
There was branket party in the NS, I tried to rescue that guy… Nowadays, we have all sorts nosenses and perverts loose in this society… I can imagine how this principle is going to be blue green all over.
But who ever really bothered?
Look at the online bullies and craps. Ain’t they all from some schools and such?
Poor girl, she should migrate… to another JC.
Not sure whether I should blog about this. Makes me feel sick. The victim should come to my blog and let me counsel her.
omg lar.
what brats. i dont think they are friends. honestly.
p.s. i seriousy think you should send the link to the school authorities and if they dont look to it, the media.
these brats need to learn and grow up.
Hey Xiu Jing, please go ahead and send this blog link to the school principal. I got the video too if they need to identify the students. The videos got deleted from youtube, but I had downloaded them earlier to keep as evidence.
With this sort of friends, you don’t need enemies… LOL~
OMG that’s just sick.
i honestly don’t think they’re friends (judging by the title of the video and the tag) – they’re just bullies trying to come off looking like it was all in “good fun”.
Nothing to see here. Move along.
Human cruelty. It is the only thing that will probably be a constant.
Maybe now, the only difference is that victims can’t suffer in silence and maintain whatever dignity they had left. No, now, we can share the humiliation and denigration of another human being to the whole world.
Ahhh..the sweet smell of progress.
WTF. Poor girl.
poor girl…
i’ve not seen the videos, but somehow i think that the girl wasn’t liked by her “friends”, hence the sabotage.
i don’t think people can possibly do this to someone they like, and their calling her a loser shows that clearly.
nevertheless, it’s mean, and the students involved should be punished. i’m very angry to see this!
i’m curious. were all the students in the video led by someone who pressured them into doing this? or did all of them just intend for this to happen?
All I’m wondering now is how you found this. And when?
I really think it needs to get the the school authorities, somehow. If it hasn’t already. It really makes me angry.
ACJC, haha… no wonder the JC getting sucky. more and more low class animals inside.
who say JC are “guai”? they have the highest abortion rates compare to ploy and others. haha
whoa. only 5 years ago and all we did was just pour water and throw cakes at each other.
they crossed the line when they tied the girl to the poles and left her there.
it isn’t funny anymore. humiliating, embarrassing and downright savage.
Sorry saga, but I don’t think that piece of infomation you pointed out there is evidence enough to justify your rhetorical question, even if there somehow is a correlation between supposed abortion rates and being well-behaved. It does not even imply that JCs have the highest pregancy rates amongst the various types of institutions.
Daphne Maia: I think they planned it beforehand. She was ambushed in the canteen first, then dragged to the chin-up bar. Not too sure about the garbage they throw at her though… some of the items seem really random. They even stuffed some of it INSIDE her shirt! There were many people watching, but no one tried to help.
Are they friends in the first place?
These are the things that I would have done to my enemies instead.
I hope the sch is gonna do/did something abt the incident (and to the idiots involved).
ACJC has always had a ridiculous reputation for doing ridiculous stuff but this time its just fucked up.
I never like ACJC anyways. Hur hur hur.
I think that the school authorities be known about this and all parties be made responsible and dealt with respectively.
This is going too far
This is too much la, its normal to have cake smashed in your face but i think this is going overboard. Especially more so when the party involved (the girl) seems to be unwilling in the first place.
The girl who posted the video on youtube and the victim seems to be good friends. I have the links to their personal blogs and facebook accounts, but won’t be posting them up to avoid further trauma and unwanted attention to the victim.
This is brilliant stuff! I went to ACJC back in the day for a year. It’s good to see those boys and girls breaking boundaries. Seriously, all of you folk take this shit way too seriously. Back in secondary school we’d have to fight off hordes of people trying to strip you in class. THIS IS NOTHING! This is just sisterly love for someone on her birthday. I can assure the girl being “torture” saw the humour in things at the end of the day, especially when it dawns on her she’ll be able to exact revenge on her friends.
Everyone who complained needs to lighten up. No one got hurt in the picture, just one messy girl and a lot of uptight people on the internet complaining about things.
hmmm from what i know that’s like an AC culture, pretty scary one lol. most people get tied up in a “jesus position”. or get dumped into rubbish bins. heard from a friend then you need to prepare yourself with shower stuff if it’s your birthday.
and my friend told me the DP doesn’t really do much about this. and the DP should know since it’s a “culture”.
Gingha, jiankai: So you two are saying ACJC essentially turns a blind eye on such incident?
haha no comments but i guess the discipline is quite lax there?
Zzz THEY REMOVED THE VIDEO FROM YOUTUBE!!! is there anywhere else to watch it? link me up please.
I would have done worse things to my enemies though, but seriously the youth these days are getting more and more hopeless. The future is fearful indeed.
It’s actually quite a ‘common’ thing that happens in AC (ACS/ACJC) and even MGS. Getting stripped and being forced to do demeaning things during your birthday like remove your underwear are things they find “fun”. I don’t see the humour though.
Its fine if the “victim” is alright or goes along with it. This kind of thing can seriously trumatise people especially if they are not the type of people who are ok with such things.
Maybe I can ambush the principle and dump her/him in the shit tank… …
ACJC culture… LOL~
With schools like that, who needs education…
Those bunch of girls are disgusting!!!
ACJC is supposed to be an institution with christian values.
It is shocking and unbelievable to see the public humiliation and indignity done to a fellow human being and in this case, a young girl who may have to live forever with the emotional scars and hurts with possible depression and who knows – it might even be a suicide trigger as I have heard yearly of a significant number of suicides involving JC students.
The MOE must investigate immediately and if necessary the Police must be involved if assault is deemed to be committed.
There must be follow up satisfactory action – the MOE owe it to all parents.
The victim must come forward to report the incident and get her family lawyer to follow up to seek re-dress in the Courts if the incident will indeed be covered up as we read – blogs about it are being quickly removed.
The victim must be helped referred for counselling if necessary.
The guilty ones must be punished not only the girls who participated in the torture but also all the boys in the background who cheered the bullyings and molesting involving forced change of bottom wear with revealings of one’s modesty, and stuffing of things into the victim’s blouse.
The MOE must make its comments.
The Police must be kept informed to put a stop to such bullyings in all schools.
Finally still unhappy parents must get their sons and daughters out of ACJC – with MOE facilitating.
Without a doubt, if my daughter were in ACJC, I will help her get a transfer to find any JC.
The JC must make its statement and not pretend that the incident dis not take place.
Finally can a member of the local or international press pick this article and highlight it in the newspapers – this is a social responsibilty of all to act.
I think some of those who left comments here to support the ragging missed out the fact that this was done in a very public location. Moreover, the video was even uploaded online.
LOL u seem to like to blog abt such sttuff alot.. interesting and i wonder if u are always searching youtube for such vids =)
Come on.. the world is at war and we are Bi+(#ing bout such stuff? Alvin, i think there are many more audacity going on in sg, or even the world.. chill…
No wonder Harry got no birthday celebration this year…..
Leave the reporting of world atrocity to the journalists lah. This is just a humble blog.
The girl DIDN’T cry. This matter is being blown up too much. And all these actually do happen in anywhere else too. Let be any JC or just any institution. Well, i guess if the girl is fine with it as its her bday, then I don’t see whats the big fuss about this.
If it were a guy it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary: males express affection for same-sex friends by insulting them and performing physical pranks on them.
And ACJC is where they always taupok, aluba and strip guys to their underwear (in ACS they’re stripped naked)
However given that it was girls and the title of the YouTube video…
I though all girls usually wear shorts underneath–why did she not initially?
Kinky stuff.
Why you all so serious? These girls just wanna have some fun. This is like making a mountain out of a molehill.
Should have more of such good stuff uploaded to the web to spread the love!
This is the more balanced view from a ACJC student, unlike your biased entry.
are u crazy? theyre teenagers hellooooooo.
maybe back then u didnt have many friends seeing as how u come across as a seriously uptight wanker. get bigger underwear if ur balls are being contricted. i mean thats prob why ur acting like such a woman.
hey…even then.thats an insult to women everywhere. the way u describe the video is as if you’re watching a rape scene. i mean…seriously
“tied to a chin-up bar and attacked mercilessly”.thats like some bondage shit right there… maybe putting it on youtube is a bit embarrassing but its all in the name of fun.unless that girl becomes devastated with her body being ravaged like a piece of meat at a feeding seesion at the zoo and enters a state of depression where she will lock herself in a dark room everyday repeating under her breath “im not happy…im not happy(reference to : There was even a girl who had the cheek to ask the victim if she is “happy or not”!)” then i really dont see a problem with this.
and yea ACJC is a christian school.they obviously forgot the most important commandment where thou shall not fuck around with he who is the birthday boy.or in this case girl.
people like u make me sick. this is the reason why our censorship board are a bunch of prudes.
and for all those people making comments saying how its disgracing ACJC…stuff it.honestly.maybe you parents wont allow your child to join the school in fear that your precious baby will one day undergo the same treatment.yea thats really fine with me and probably the rest of the students at ACJC. i get so annoyed with over-concerned parents. like the “shocked parent” saying that “Without a doubt, if my daughter were in ACJC, I will help her get a transfer to find any JC.” yea well…can your daughter even get into ACJC?? hahahah you’re fucking kidding me. you’d think that with a world recession and various wars across the globe people would care less about a bunch of teenage girls having fun.
its embarrassing to see how people just love to concern themselves with thing that have nothing to do with them.and for the record im from ACJC.it concerns me. so please..if u dont know how to have fun…dont impart that uptight mindset onto society.it just makes singapore a much more boring place than it already is.for all u know MOE may ban students from celebrating birthdays within the campus.
To: ‘You’re Kidding Me’
You wrote: “yea well…can your daughter even get into ACJC?? hahahah you’re fucking kidding me. you’d think that with a world recession and various wars across the globe people would care less about a bunch of teenage girls having fun.its embarrassing to see how people just love to concern themselves with thing that have nothing to do with them.and for the record im from ACJC.it concerns me”
Am glad you feel it concerns you. Dragging an unwilling girl, who subsequently breaks into tears and begs for mercy, and to have that entire ordeal videoed and uploaded does not sound like ‘fun’ to me.
Incidents like that are what scar a person when they become adults.
True friends do not upload videos like that. I don’t know what kind of ‘culture’ this is, sounds like you kids are not given as much homework as you should be.
And since when was ACJC a top college? I think you kids have too much time on your hands.
@You ‘re kidding me: You r right, MOE is banning this.
Look, naked in publicity is NOT allowed even in schools, not only that, if you are naked in your own house and people can see you naked, and you do it on purpose, they can still make complains to the police on the stripping part.
Your principles will regard you as young adults. As young adults, this is not the ‘right fun’ on others. I do not believe that ACJC only have 365 students, with 365 birthdays celebrated like this. This is considered public nuisance, and your principle should be aware.
What if in this process of tied up, that some chemicals slip into the eyes of the girl, or an excited nail scatches her face, and such?
MOE would have to be concern about this, but it would be your principle who’s going to do the ban. OMG~ You can’t have fun by at others’ expenses (risk). Didn’t any of your teachers taught you that?
It’s not a mindset issue. If anything does happen, who will be responsible?
You are not supposed to even tape her mouth!
Who is your discipline master?
way to go ex-RJ girl. did u even watch the video? -.-
youd think that if the teacher did see that the girl was crying her eyes out hed do more than just complain about the mess.
i dont recall me saying that ACJC is a top college. and yea maybe its not…even then id rather go to poly(not that theres anything wrong with that.hahahh) than get sent to RJ. ACJC isnt JUST about grades and winning sport competitions..seeing as how thats the way schools are being ranked. morals and values are instilled into us…and although it may not be clear to u, from the video, it is evident that the FRIENDS are passionate and will not allow minor setbacks to deter them from their goal. the “victim” is showing persevearance and self-control…she is also understanding and realises that they are merely having fun. ACJC…no ALL ACS schools are…for the lack of a better word…fantastic.in every way possible. and just because they arent ranked that high doesnt mean jack shit.
At “you’re kidding me”. It is an AC culture to have fun, but this doesn’t exactly sound anything remotely like fun to me. What you have said proves that there is indeed much childishness and elitism from the school.
If everyone in the school is like you, i am indeed ashamed to have donned the uniform before.
and yea shes obviously very scarred.from what ive heard, since that incident…she has been unable to walk within a 5m radius of a chin-up bar without breaking into tears.
OMG youre right! i have seen the light and realised the drastic situation of birthday celebrations pervasive throughout our island and destroying the youth of our nation.preventetive measures have to be taken in abolishing such rituals!
i suggest that from hence forth, each child’s birthday will be kept a secret from them…this would create confusion as to which day to RAPE the individual and would ultimately curb the increase of scarred individual registering for psychiatric assistance.
thank you.i take back all that i have said and i shall dedicate my time to informing the youths of this…menace…birthday celebration.they truly are the scourge of our times.
im sorry ray ):
im a changed girl now.please forgive me (:
ok, listen.if ppl want to make a big matter out of this…so be it.
if it offends you then i respect that you are going to do something about it as opposed to just sitting at home and complaining about how its dangerous and mean. i respect that you’re taking action against something you feel is immorally wrong and will offend those in living in our society.
if i have offended u alvin…i apologise as everyone is entitled to their own opinion. and if i have offended anyone with what ive said im sorry. but thats the way i feel and maybe i expressed it in the wrong way.
i apologise for my sarcasm as well.hahahah but it was quite funny.
with that.i bid you farewell (: happy hols.
btw…underage drinking…is very very bad.
i was there…
they didnt leave her… actually they came back after that and started throwing some more stuff at her. and then a teacher saw, walked over, and untied her…
after that, the girl was running around the canteen trying to hug her classmates and stuff…
seriously, get ur story straight.
To: Witness
“after that, the girl was running around the canteen trying to hug her classmates and stuff…”
To: Former RJ Student
Honestly, why make a hoo-ha over the whole issue if you’re not present to witness the FULL “action”?
And what made you came to the conclusion that she was “scarred and suffer silently”? I don’t think it’s part of your job as a shrink to make assumptions.
Lastly, why tag with this name? Superiority complex or plain school rivalry?
yea im sorry.ACJC la…msut forgive me lorh.general paper isnt a subject im good at ): ahh silly me.i spelt “must” wrongly.hahaha.
woah ur a shrink!i think my uncle’s a shrink.u mustve done really well for A levels! ah well…you’re from RJC after all (:
did you have a stroke while writing this? please dial 999
Hello, get your facts right. Were you even there? Don’t comment about it when you don’t know the whole truth
this accident reaffirms that JC students are a bunch of herd-mentality sheeps, or at least ACJC students for sure. to think this happened in broad daylight and in school compound somemore.
this is sick. fucking sick. may these ppl rot in hell.
“and in school compound somemore.” way to go. At least JC students can construct proper sentences. “may these ppl rot in hell.” seriously? im not sure about the ACJC girls but im pretty sure you’re headed there. i’ll be sure to piss on you from heaven (:
they probably hated the girl a hell lot and used her birthday as a scapegoat for attacking her.. well, the rich are like this, spoilt brats used to getting their way and humiliating the weak just to appear powerful.
this is amazing.
(stereotypically) guys will normally goof around, but it seems that girls (the emboldened ones usually) do it with a meaner spirit and they actually engage in rough play.
but of course, i haven’t seen the video. but it’s actually criminal to forcefully hold someone against their will. it’s criminal, but youth will be given as an excuse.
i detest ragging. imagine if the female employees of temasek holdings did the same thing to ho ching (on her birthday). just hypothesizing…
The attackers are probably using the pretext of celebrating her birthday to torture someone they don’t liked.
WOW! all of you shud be psychiatrists because u read so well into such things!
its….uncanny how accurate u all are.
Claire: You kidding me ain’t you? You call this a balanced entry? This is obviously written by someone who seems to enjoy ragging. –
I I would think this entry below is much more matured and it is written by a ACJC student too:
I saw the videos on Stomp. And according to ‘Witness’ above, the group actually came back and carried on hurling things at her. It was a teacher who untied her. Subsequently the girl ran around the canteen trying to hug her classmates after the entire episode which had left her in tears.
This is pathetic. Do you really think the girl was hugging her classmates out of jubilation after having been put through that? Sounds like she felt totally isolated and humiliated and needed to be let back into the group. It is clear to me they picked on someone who seems weaker. Anyone with any sense or dignity would simply stomp off.
Honestly, if this occurence had not been so pathetic, the person who had reported to ST would not have done so. The rest of Singapore would not have needed to know, if a fellow student had not felt utter disgust and subsequently motivated to inform the media. ACJC could have just carried on and waste confectionery on every student’s birthday. Forget giving cards/flowers and do a stationery shop run.
To uphold the so-called Spirit of ACJC Fun and silence the damners out there, this is my suggestion:
1. Gather the perpetrators in front of the morning assembly
2. Tie them up with ropes decorated with ACJC colours while the assembly cheers them on
3. Forget about putting shorts on them or trying to protect modesty, lets be creative and put the shorts over each of their faces
4. Drag them to the middle of the college field
5. Have the entire school throw things at them, roaring and cheering.
6. Get your entire AV crew to film the event.
7. Run an Essay/Photography/Visual Arts Competition on the entire event.
Being lynched in a group is less humiliating than singularly taking it so we compensate that by increasing the size of the crowd and the publicity.
Will this ever take place? Of course not. But I do hope that the foreign press gets hold of this if that is what it takes for MOE and ACJC to take action and appease an appalled public. Even our JC bullies possess no creativity or lateral thinking.
Or we could just expel those students, ‘for fun’.
The reason why there is such a public outcry is because people want an answer from ACJC. Not some rambling entries from the rotten bullies in its student cohort which makes for more appalling read.
Boys have it done to them, girls have it doen to them.
I think ACJC kids are juz retards.
No wonder our “scholar” and “non scholar” children who are sent overseas stick together and say “yee” to Frat parties and pub crawls. Typical insular Singaporean attitude.
That’s why I sent my 7 year old daughter to TDK course. I even showed her some of the fatal techniques to disable attackers. I am also trainning on her speed. I had also shown her videos on JKD.
I think if these kids were sent abroad, they would be the ones to stick together… not because they do not want to fit in abroad, but they may encounter problems doing so.
Wit, humour, repartee and (sighs) social intelligence… are key components of integrating into a foreign environment successfully.
I am not sure how fraternity parties and pub crawls which involve plenty of alcohol use has anything to do with the above act of sober silliness. Stupid activities like that deemed as ‘fun’ appears not so much ‘cruel’ than it is pure tediousness for the onlookers.
They are not 15 year olds locked in a boarding school. They are 17 or 18 year olds. Old enough to have sex and this is the sort of dull activity that remains pervasive.
I merely sigh at the lack of imagination and the acceptance of it all.
the funniest part
ACJC’s principal says the students involved in this incident have been counselled to show their friendship in other ways.
its only a matter of opinion and perception x.
if you were brought up into a world where people celebrate birthdays by killing animals in form of a ritual, is it wrong? should they be punished?
This looks like a prank gone horribly wrong…ppl at fault here really the imbecile who uploaded the video and the guy who took the vid.
It makes sense really; most kids these days like to play pranks like this. But then these guys got too absorbed by the whole thing.
On the other hand, it does look funny; look at how creative students can get these days!
To those who think that the those people are using her birthday as an excuse to bully her, please refer to Today (http://www.todayonline.com/articles/287112.asp):
In her blog posting on Sept 11, she wrote: “Well, although it was a dirty one but it was sure memorable … But then I had a lot of s**t (as in literally) thrown at my face in my most vulnerable state, I really had a hard time cleaning up. But thanks once again because as everyone said: ‘It’s your only 18th so it should be memorable!’ ”
If she’s alright with it, what business is it of you people putting the institution down because of one isolated case.
people should just mind their own business.if the girl is fine with it…then i really dont see why everyone else can’t be.and all those people who are trying to interpret her actions and saying that she actually has been traumatised and what not…should just roll their newspapers and stuff it up their asses because obviously they arent reading their newspapers.u dont know the girl..hell..u dont even know what happened before and after.
so before you start to spout some nonsense about her humiliation and that ACJC are a bunch of elitist pricks, get your facts straight.and for the record…other schools do this as well…and it get worse.suck on that.
To be honest, there isn’t really anything serious regarding this.
It is really what friends will do during birthday celebrations and is common all over the schools in this era.
Just because other videos are not uploaded does not mean they did not happen.
I had my fair share of this when I was in secondary school, JC and even in university.
Stop taking bloody screencaps and dictating the incident like as if you knew what was going on. It was not a case of bullying and everyone had fun EVEN THE BIRTHDAY GIRL. I’m friends with her, I SHOULD KNOW. She was not traumatized or anything like that but I’m sure with all these unwanted attention she is pretty much scared now.
Birthday celebrations are different in AC, and this is the bloody 21st century. If you can’t accept the culture, you really shouldn’t criticize. ANYONE WOULD KNOW THAT THE LOSER TAG WAS A JOKE. SERIOUSLY, HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOUR.
The people who carried this out are good friends of the birthday girl. Best friends even. And they still are. So stop making a big fuss out of something that wasn’t even serious. Stop being ignorant.
Seriously guys. All of you talk about this like you were there and like you know everything. The worst of the lot of you guys is shocked parent. I bet you didnt even watch the video. there was not molestation or anything like that. it was just a celebration of her birthday that may seem really extreme but in fact occurs all the time. go read the papers and get your facts right. The girl was councelled and she it totally fine with what happened. i can just imgaine 10 years down the road, they are going to look back on the video together and laugh.
Hmmm…. I was just wondering, would all those who claim to support the ragging come out and identify themselves? Stop hiding behind the cloak of anonymity. Let the whole world… especially your other friends who enjoy ragging knows that you enjoy it too – and in fact, love to be tied up and have stuff thrown on you for your birthday. 🙂
You folks aggressively stating your case don’t sound like very nice and cheerful people I want to make friends with.
Congratulations Singapore on losing any identity you once had.
You have McDonalds, KFC and all the other American fast food outlets which are always packed with school kids with, obviously, enough money to do this everyday. The kids can’t possibly use a coffee shop because there’s no air con. Bless them one and all!
You have the totally elite F1 and Masters Golf tournaments.
You have those brain dead people carrying around miniature yapping dogs that obviously can’t walk unaided.
You have become a selfish and consumerist society.
You have old men & ladies, like 65+, who can hardly walk having to work long hours in your coffee shops to earn a pathetic amount of cash. That’s the gratitude for helping build Singapore for these elitist kids I guess.
You have a hatred of foreign workers daring to walk on the same streets as you. Keep them hidden in a sweaty box whilst they build your luxury condominiums. No see, no care Lah!
Your crime rates on attacking the elderly and vulnerable are increasing all the time. Well Done!
You turn a blind eye to the horrific regime in Myanmar and accept the torture of civilians and monks.
And now you have progressed to “ragging” which has always been a feature of Western schools designed to humiliate others just so a gang of pathetic no hopers can have a laugh. The “pack” mentality.
Yep, the West has been doing all this for a long time now.
Congratulations on growing up and becoming a fully integrated part of Western society.
I wonder if you have even watched the video at all or you’ve simply based your comments on the twisted ‘account’ written by the prig who submitted this. Anyone would have seen that the birthday girl was not in any real distress at all; she was taking the entire prank in good fun and humor. An inelegant, messy and noisy one perhaps, but nothing one wouldn’t expect from JC kids at their age. I fail to see the elements of meanness and humiliation readers have inferred into the entire incident and if you pay attention to the video, one of them even helped to straighten her skirt so that she wouldn’t ‘expose’ herself.
Do not impose your narrow-minded judgment when you cannot even appreciate the context. There is no point in thrusting victimhood on someone who likely did not even feel that she was being victimized.
Coldstar: did you see it?
Because I sure did in its entirety…
This is stupid! If they want a surprise,they could just hide in the classroom and when she comes in, everyone just jump out and shouts HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! That’s all. Why do they need to do this? This is not a surprise. This called TORTURE! So, I think All the girl’s “Friends” should be sent to the Police Station and see what the Police can do.
p.s These people need to use their brains more, don’t they?
1) The birthday girl was definitely struggling a lot less than would be normal; almost likely guessing what was going to happen. She looks like someone from the sports team, so yes, if she did really struggle when she was being brought to the chin-up bars, it was unlikely they could restrain her without hurting her.
2) Listen carefully to what she’s screaming – aside from the random “stop it”, she’s more often yelling “who did that?!” and yelling comments about how gross/sick the stuff being thrown at her was, instead of yelling/begging to be let go.
3) Kicking her shoe at the camera?
4) Her head was not hit; she was pushed back down when they were trying to tie her hands; while it was rough, the blog description made it sound as if it was an equivalent to her being punched across the face or something.
5) She wasn’t sobbing – note that she was complaining about the stuff going into her eyes. If she was sobbing, the teacher would have definitely complained more about them “bullying” her, instead of the mess.
6) “Post-celebration”, she was running around the canteen trying to hug her classmates, to get the stuff on them (not recorded on camera)
7) The items used, although disgusting, were the usual orientation “goop” stuff – flour, water, milk (except maybe cake)
8) Her blog, now taken down, states “Anyway, A Big Thank You to everyone who celebrated my Birthday as well as the good wishes. Well, although it was a DIRTY one but it was sure memorable.” Note that it was posted before the youtube video came out, and before people started the overblown debate on ACJC ragging.
While it’s all good and fine to put yourself into their shoes and walk around in them, don’t do so without knowing all the facts, post and prior to the incident; if she was traumatized and sobbing, it would definitely be more obvious in the video. Strange as it may be, it’s a part of JC life which is memorable. Do you get angry at your “friends”? She still seems close to them; although you do know she would definitely be attending their next birthdays. Yes, it’s a lot more extreme than what is considered normal, but then again, if it was a guy, how many people would close both eyes, or laugh along? It’s certainly not a good example of ACJC’s culture, but then again, how many people here are just sitting on their moral high horse, when they probably were involved in some form of ragging or pranks on each other back when they were younger?
Now who is worng here? It’s you who bother to find the video on youtube and start broadcasting the case to the whole world. You and the stomper who likes to tell tales about others. You are no different from those who reported the so called racist bloggers or the kid who reported his father.
It was a act which is blown out of proportion BY YOU
I don’t mind being taupok-ed, but this is quite extreme lah
THe principal of the ACJC shall resign. Her comment in my paper, say there is no malice or bullying involved. I think she shall be tied with her hands with columns and being thrown food on her head.
Typical Singaporean nature, telling on others. Why send your so called scholars to the West where such acts are common in everyday school life?
Claire: I think you overestimate me. I don’t have influence over any media in Singapore or bloggers/sites who chose to pick up on the incident. Me BROADCASTING the incident is definitely an overstatement.
Also, please bear in mind the nature of the Internet. Whatever posted on this blog, regardless if it was the blogger who reported his dad or the ragging incident above, they were posted in the public sphere on the Internet first – with the sole purpose to broadcast it to a wider audience themselves. Please don’t give this shit by crying foul when you crave attention and upload your stuff online in the fast place…
imho, those to read too much into this “ragging” incident – lighten up. armchair moralist or not, maybe you were deprived of such fun when you were young, maybe you just had no friends, but this incident is only a simple case of girls having fun together. period. the birthday girl herself was not even taking it seriously.
This is another better site entry than yours
Remember than case when the NTU girl was suppose to be a rich spoilt brat based on the ST’s article? And how untrue that story was whe nshe gave her own side of the story? You are only interpreting it from YOUR SIDE of the story and fanning the flames for the tell tale poeple in STOMP and ST.
If they are guilty and the principal is guilty, then hundreds or thousands of other students and principals are just as at fault.
your blog would be famous. its on the newspaper. LOL
Claire, you referring to this?:
You can read English or not? I published BOTH the ST article and the girl’s rebuttal on her blog. No judgment was made on who’s right.
YOu used the word tortured as if you can tell that she was trotured.
tsk tsk..so much entertainment here.
aiyah anything lah, I am the big bad wolf. Lazy to respond anymore. 🙂
Look, I’m a kid too. I read this, its unbelievable. But the mystery I have is, she was unwilling, why the hell would she say it was done all out of fun? Its plain stupidity! wth?Sick? MUCH?
me and my friends taupoked my friend during his birthday, and in this case, everybody gets in during their birthday. and i recieved 10 demerit points just for that one taupok. and this? the acjc principal was supportive and so ignorant! if that was her daughter she would be expelling all the students already! this is b.s man!
what in the world is going on in this blog!!! most of u guys are seriously taking this incident too far. it is a very common thing in all the schools for friends of the individual having a bdae to make it a funny and memorable moment. and u pple have no rights to judge acjc and its culture when u pple have nothing to do with its history. so i urge u guys to just shut up and move on. it is quite disgusting to see how u pple have blown this out of proportions. and FYI! the principal is an amazing person so stop making all these unneccesary remaks about her!
the ”frens” are so cruel OMFG!!!
those JC pupils are so OMG
its a gd sch sia …
coz of this pupls its name got ruined
what a idiotic act…
F. L. Arthur shud stuff it.you think whatever western country u came from is better than singapore?im not much of a patriot but im pretty sure that the teenagers here are way better than whatever drug addict, exam failing, wrist cutting, alcohol consuming dickwads u have back in your country.ur teenagers make porn!
our teenagers have fun on birthdays.yea…we are so backward.i mean…keep up with the times, teenagers of singapore!if u think its so easy to run a country why dont U fking run for prime minister! or if u arent a singaporean citizen..and i pray to god u arent..go run for whatever position in your own country’s government.
are u gonna use your…powerful western language to think of an adequate comeback?or are u going to use this comment to further prove your point that singapore is a piece of shit country, u didnt exactly say that but i was paraphrasing.whichever it is…i personally dont give a shit.
maybe u shud swallow your pride and not reply.go back to jerking your dog off or whatever u were doing before this.
and as far as the youth of singapore are concerned? id rather have them do this to each other than conform to taking drugs.making porn or consuming VAST amounts of alcohol.
stupid fag.
whoops…posted twice.sorry must be beacause im losing my identity as a singaporean so i feel that i have to post twice to further prove my point.
my point that F. L. Arthur is a huge jerk off.
No, seriously, I’m not blowing out of this proportion. That’s future tense.
This is disgusting. And quit hiding behind the fact that the girl was too desperate and needy to stay with the group to actually realise how humiliated she was.
We’re not going on about the G-I-R-L . People, make yourselves clear. What we are against, is the WAY that group had ‘FUN’. It’s perfectly a scene suitable to be out of the movie Mean Girls.
It’s not making a mountain out of a molehill. There’s a reason why there’s a stereotype for ‘jocks’ to be ‘bullies’. For Frats, to have ‘initiation’ ceremonies. It’s the feast of the ego, the sense of superiority. Where else does bondage come from, seriously?
Are people that hard up from their inferior complexes, that they need to, (IN A GROUP) extensively ‘celebrate’ like so? I watched this, read the posts, and felt like puking, utterly humiliated to actually be a Singaporean because we are actually being insulted by F.L.Arthur because of just one ‘ISOLATED’ case.
How would you feel if I so cheerfully help you celebrate YOUR birthday? In fact, I’m more than happy to come up with the budget for the confectionery; despite the food shortage the world is experiencing. I also believe, I can get quite a party of people who’d willingly volunteer to celebrate for an utter stranger – you. [to all those rag-lovers]
But then again, that would be below our morals to do so. I will not stoop to your level.
And yes, I’m contemptuous.
Would you feel the same way if those very friends you trusted did the same to you? Oh, don’t tell me you’d be alright with it, cause you’d simply suck it up and learn to be gracious. Anyone with an ounce of backbone will not take that lying down, so unless you’re a masochist who enjoys humiliation, you won’t be letting your ‘friends’ go scot-free for doing such a thing like that. Maybe, if it happened to your parents? Or your children in the future.
Tell your kid to suck it up if that happened. Move on, get on with life, then do it to someone else. Yes, way to go, future generation.
No wonder we’re all heading for apocalypse.
Those who used a birthday as an excuse for treating a friend like that, or thinking that its fun, and those bystanders who did nothing else…
you have too much free time, childish ignorant brats.
Suck it up. And shut up.
P.S. it’s said that the principal’s taking action behind the scenes. How true this is, I wouldn’t know, but I hope she does. It’s called damage control, although her defense might actually spring up more of such behavior.
Oh, and I watched the vid. Chester? Ches? She sure was desperate not to be kicked out just because she was a ‘loser’ who can’t take it and play it. She was really trying to be sporting. You people are too much.
You know, this is very very very common. Happens like ALLL the time where I’m from. And it’s fun!
But do they tie you up?
So can i report the same case? I was attacked during my birthday and stripped–is that as bad as getting tied up? Sorry no video on my side…..
PLEASE LAh. it’s subjective what is right fun. It’s also wrong for you to tell tales and spread the case to somany.
No, seriously, I’m not blowing out of this proportion. That’s future tense.
This is disgusting. And quit hiding behind the fact that the girl was too desperate and needy to stay with the group to actually realise how humiliated she was.
(Humiliation is subjective. Did the girl every say it herself she was humiliated? )
We’re not going on about the G-I-R-L . People, make yourselves clear. What we are against, is the WAY that group had ‘FUN’. It’s perfectly a scene suitable to be out of the movie Mean Girls.
(Therefore, all previous cases of bullying/ragging should be stopped. So such thing as celebrations….Please no wonder Singapore is conservative and criticsed for being so)
It’s not making a mountain out of a molehill. There’s a reason why there’s a stereotype for ‘jocks’ to be ‘bullies’. For Frats, to have ‘initiation’ ceremonies. It’s the feast of the ego, the sense of superiority. Where else does bondage come from, seriously?
(Was this Bondage? Why was the girl even made to put on shorts?)
Are people that hard up from their inferior complexes, that they need to, (IN A GROUP) extensively ‘celebrate’ like so? I watched this, read the posts, and felt like puking, utterly humiliated to actually be a Singaporean because we are actually being insulted by F.L.Arthur because of just one ‘ISOLATED’ case.
(A conservative Singaporean. Those who still want western education but stick together overseas and are insular.)
How would you feel if I so cheerfully help you celebrate YOUR birthday? In fact, I’m more than happy to come up with the budget for the confectionery; despite the food shortage the world is experiencing. I also believe, I can get quite a party of people who’d willingly volunteer to celebrate for an utter stranger – you. [to all those rag-lovers]
(As if you don’t waste food yourself.)
But then again, that would be below our morals to do so. I will not stoop to your level.
And yes, I’m contemptuous.
Would you feel the same way if those very friends you trusted did the same to you? Oh, don’t tell me you’d be alright with it, cause you’d simply suck it up and learn to be gracious. Anyone with an ounce of backbone will not take that lying down, so unless you’re a masochist who enjoys humiliation, you won’t be letting your ‘friends’ go scot-free for doing such a thing like that. Maybe, if it happened to your parents? Or your children in the future.
(I trusted my seniors in NCC. They stripped me. did I sue them? Did I sue my superiors in NS for drawing caricatures of me for newsletters?)
Tell your kid to suck it up if that happened. Move on, get on with life, then do it to someone else. Yes, way to go, future generation.
(If you read carefully, the girl did not strike back at her friends/fiends. Nore do i see parents immediately complaining. Those that did are as conservative as you)
No wonder we’re all heading for apocalypse.
(One ragging–apocalyse. As bad as those fortune tellers)
Those who used a birthday as an excuse for treating a friend like that, or thinking that its fun, and those bystanders who did nothing else…
you have too much free time, childish ignorant brats.
(No one has written rules for birthday parties/celebrations. it’s you people who called it torture. What is torture? Even school detention is torture)
Suck it up. And shut up.
(Same to your views)
P.S. it’s said that the principal’s taking action behind the scenes. How true this is, I wouldn’t know, but I hope she does. It’s called damage control, although her defense might actually spring up more of such behavior.
(What do you want? Thousands of bullying cases in Singapore and world wide? Every principal to resign with each bullying case?)
Oh, and I watched the vid. Chester? Ches? She sure was desperate not to be kicked out just because she was a ‘loser’ who can’t take it and play it. She was really trying to be sporting. You people are too much.
(The video is not the whole story. Just like that ST interview which framed an NTU girl as spoilt rich brat. The problem also lies with the tell-talers who posted in on the great tell tale site called STOMP)
(Humiliation is subjective. Did the girl every say it herself she was humiliated? )
Why do you keep going back to the girl? I feel that she’s humiliated, and that’s humiliating enough for anyone.
(Therefore, all previous cases of bullying/ragging should be stopped. So such thing as celebrations….Please no wonder Singapore is conservative and criticsed for being so)
Celebrations could be done in a more pleasant way other than thrashing someone. I agree that Singapore is conservative, but that comes from being a socialist-democratic governance. However, if such a thing is considered as conservative, I believe that the capital punishment for murder should be relaxed then, as it is with other countries, because that’s too conservative?
(Was this Bondage? Why was the girl even made to put on shorts?)
I’m entitled to my opinion that they required that to make themselves feel slightly better about treating her that way.
(A conservative Singaporean. Those who still want western education but stick together overseas and are insular.)
Oh PURLEASE. About 70% of my friends are NOT Singaporean. Yes, I don’t click that well with the general fellowmen. And they don’t agree about that statement.
(As if you don’t waste food yourself.)
I do my best not to.
(I trusted my seniors in NCC. They stripped me. did I sue them? Did I sue my superiors in NS for drawing caricatures of me for newsletters?)
So you just sucked it up.
(If you read carefully, the girl did not strike back at her friends/fiends. Nore do i see parents immediately complaining. Those that did are as conservative as you)
God, did you even READ properly? She wanted to be with her friends so much, she just shut her trap. She didn’t really give the impression that she was enjoying it. Why don’t you want to give your friend an enjoyable birthday? Although it was memorable, it wasn’t really that fun for her. And she’s the birthday girl.
Don’t quote, I know what she said.
(One ragging–apocalyse. As bad as those fortune tellers)
Oh, so you actually want the apocalypse? Can’t you spell?
(No one has written rules for birthday parties/celebrations. it’s you people who called it torture. What is torture? Even school detention is torture)
Did I say it was torture? You viewed it as torture and hence used that as an adjective. I just didn’t approve of the treatment, and am entitled to it.
And for heaven sakes – school detention – torture? You must be kidding.
(What do you want? Thousands of bullying cases in Singapore and world wide? Every principal to resign with each bullying case?)
Is that what you feel they should do?
What I said was that I hope she takes some action, particularly on disgracing the school’s name. What is disgrace? It’s when many other people don’t approve of you.
(The video is not the whole story. Just like that ST interview which framed an NTU girl as spoilt rich brat. The problem also lies with the tell-talers who posted in on the great tell tale site called STOMP)
I didn’t pay attention to that case. Though the video is not the whole story, I am appalled by what I had seen. I wouldn’t like to know more, though. The girl may be happy and all that her friends threw such a ‘great’ thing for her, but I think she’d be even happier if they threw a party of the norm.
Don’t you think so? Would you be happier if they tied you up and mucked you in the face? I wouldn’t know; in my personal view, that’ll be miserable. Perhaps your tastes are different.
[ATTN] It is not the point that it didn’t cause harm or trauma. It is the point where people has grown insensitive to others feelings.
She might not have said it, but that didn’t mean she might not have felt it.
im getting a post up on this tomorrow, btw the ACJCsian’s posts are biased through and through
Lucide….u dont know jack shit about this whole thing.so shut the fuck up u dumb cunt.
stop acting smart cos you just sound like a fucking naggy old bitch.
noone really gives a shit what u think.
Ok. So let’s assume that said girl in question was traumatized, couldn’t face her classmates, etc.
So perhaps, she wouldn’t, and shouldn’t, one plus month later, be putting up group photos of her and her classmates in her blog, right before the break for the A levels. Perhaps she would go into emotional trauma, and keep writing on her blog that she wants to kill herself, because she felt violated, instead of bitching about the A levels.
As it is, she’s going about her normal life, still good friends with her classmates, and guess what? They’re probably studying together, taking their papers together, and maybe aiming for the the same universities together.
What disturbs me is not the video, but the response of all you armchair moralists, who, sickeningly, blow such a case out of proportion. Want to know the truth? She’s probably more traumatized over all the damn hype surrounding her ragging, then the actual incident itself.
So yes. Go on. Debate about it. Say she’s wrong to be friends with her classmates. But it does sicken me, that the majority of the people here, all you armchair moralists, attempting to impose your own perverted sense of morality upon others. Perhaps we’re wrong in even debating this matter, blowing it out of proportion. In fact, I’m sickened that I’m here in the first place, yet it’s the lesser of two evils, that I’m not standing up for ragging, but more for you people to understand the context of which it is in.
Should ragging be stopped? Perhaps. Or perhaps not. As long as there is no bodily harm (like the “taupok”), or excessive emotional trauma, there is no reason to make a supposed law or legislation against it. Yes, it challenges societal norms, but isn’t that what society’s progression is about? I’d give an example: If you talk about fashion, what people dress to the beach these days, is what people would have called indecent in the olden times. Heck. The t-shirts we wear used to be considered underwear in those times. Yes, maybe there’s no noticeable benefit in ragging – but insofar, it is a rare case where people have fallen out with their close friends over birthday ragging incidents. If you do know of any particular case, please, do share. And perhaps, in the future, the more outspoken, change driving people would be these ACJC kids, instead of the cookie cutter, low-profile, bookish, grade A student.
Because sometimes, change doesn’t come from conforming to societal norms. Have a good day.
Ran out of good ideas for a birthday party, and the best thing that these group of people can come out is with this sick shit? Seriously, what is so damn hard about doing something nice to the birthday guy/girl instead?
If birthday ragging is considered as a “progressive” idea that is not in line with societal norms, why should we follow YOUR condescending norms?
You’re making a big deal out of nothing. It is not the principal who is guilty of inaction over an outrageous act of “torture”, as you so call it, but her measured and pretty understanding reaction to what she knows to be something that is endemic of the AC culture in the school.
Again, hazing is part of the fun in school, and I know no one who was irrevocably scarred by these acts. In fact, I’m pretty sure more extreme things that go undocumented have resulted in the same thing: little or no trauma.
1) ACJC is not an elite JC, at least not during my time.
2) Try to avoid fanning flames of sensationalism, because this is what it is
3) Know that others have a different understanding of what constitutes fun, and your remedy for this event is by no means universal or remotely measured.
There are a lot of prudes here calling this “sick shit”, but they seem to have loss a sense of relativism, no doubt egged on by your selective retelling of the events through choice screen caps.
(Humiliation is subjective. Did the girl every say it herself she was humiliated? )
Why do you keep going back to the girl? I feel that she’s humiliated, and that’s humiliating enough for anyone.
[You feel or she feels? Who is telling the real account?]
(Therefore, all previous cases of bullying/ragging should be stopped. So such thing as celebrations….Please no wonder Singapore is conservative and criticsed for being so)
Celebrations could be done in a more pleasant way other than thrashing someone. I agree that Singapore is conservative, but that comes from being a socialist-democratic governance. However, if such a thing is considered as conservative, I believe that the capital punishment for murder should be relaxed then, as it is with other countries, because that’s too conservative?
[Celebrations are up to how it is planned. If not there won’t be the term suprise celebrations. Singaporeas are culturally conservative and not ready for the world like you]
(Was this Bondage? Why was the girl even made to put on shorts?)
I’m entitled to my opinion that they required that to make themselves feel slightly better about treating her that way.
[Please go ready to what torture and bondage really is. Even people breaking my pencil is torture to me]
(A conservative Singaporean. Those who still want western education but stick together overseas and are insular.)
Oh PURLEASE. About 70% of my friends are NOT Singaporean. Yes, I don’t click that well with the general fellowmen. And they don’t agree about that statement.
[Reallyy now? You friends probably are not as insular as you.]
(As if you don’t waste food yourself.)
I do my best not to.
[So food wastage is irrelevant. Yet you brought it up]
(I trusted my seniors in NCC. They stripped me. did I sue them? Did I sue my superiors in NS for drawing caricatures of me for newsletters?)
So you just sucked it up.
[And so every little punsihment you cry to mommy and daddy?]
(If you read carefully, the girl did not strike back at her friends/fiends. Nore do i see parents immediately complaining. Those that did are as conservative as you)
God, did you even READ properly? She wanted to be with her friends so much, she just shut her trap. She didn’t really give the impression that she was enjoying it. Why don’t you want to give your friend an enjoyable birthday? Although it was memorable, it wasn’t really that fun for her. And she’s the birthday girl.
Don’t quote, I know what she said.
[You know? Who are you to campaign of her behalf? What is enjoyable to you? Brithdays must be loads of material goods is it? Life must be smooth sailing?]
(One ragging–apocalyse. As bad as those fortune tellers)
Oh, so you actually want the apocalypse? Can’t you spell?
{Oh so you pick on my spelling. It’s you who tries to link this to the end of the world]
(No one has written rules for birthday parties/celebrations. it’s you people who called it torture. What is torture? Even school detention is torture)
Did I say it was torture? You viewed it as torture and hence used that as an adjective. I just didn’t approve of the treatment, and am entitled to it.
And for heaven sakes – school detention – torture? You must be kidding.
[You and Alvin blow it up to be such criminal act.]
(What do you want? Thousands of bullying cases in Singapore and world wide? Every principal to resign with each bullying case?)
Is that what you feel they should do?
[You can’t comprehend anything]
What I said was that I hope she takes some action, particularly on disgracing the school’s name. What is disgrace? It’s when many other people don’t approve of you.
[You hope. You flamed the issue. She has responded.]
(The video is not the whole story. Just like that ST interview which framed an NTU girl as spoilt rich brat. The problem also lies with the tell-talers who posted in on the great tell tale site called STOMP)
I didn’t pay attention to that case. Though the video is not the whole story, I am appalled by what I had seen. I wouldn’t like to know more, though. The girl may be happy and all that her friends threw such a ‘great’ thing for her, but I think she’d be even happier if they threw a party of the norm.
Don’t you think so? Would you be happier if they tied you up and mucked you in the face? I wouldn’t know; in my personal view, that’ll be miserable. Perhaps your tastes are different.
[ATTN] It is not the point that it didn’t cause harm or trauma. It is the point where people has grown insensitive to others feelings.
She might not have said it, but that didn’t mean she might not have felt it.
u know what.. want to play.. PLAY HIONG LA.. pour shit on her for what? useless. just fucking strip her naked and leave her at the chin-up bar.. then make the guys cum all over here.. stupid cheebye acjc students.. brainless. No wonder my friend told me all acjc students are retarded.. just proven by this video.
lucas!!! u are just as retarded. firstly by talking that way.
are u some spastic ah beng gangster wannabe? at least ACJC students know how to speak proper english.
secondly this happens in all JCs.i dont suppose you’d know seeing as how u talk like someone who has never attended school before.
thirdly u think you’re damn clever suggesting some bukkake gangbang thing?how does the video constitute to ACJC students being brainless.even if u think that it is…somehow an act of stupidity then u cant assume all ACJC students are like that.thats…typecasting.well done.you are a 100% dumbfuck ah beng.congrats.
Ragging in institutions is wrong and as far as I know, public universities in Malaysia has already banned it. To all of you pro-raggers who try to justify this act, let me pose some moral and ethical questions to you all:
1. Why is it permissible to perform such a demeaning act on a person you know rather than a stranger?
2. If the girl had shown adverse reaction (e.g. crying and screaming), at what point would you stop the ragging?
3. Would you stop ragging in your school if a participant suffered obvious physical/mental harm or even died from the previous ragging?
4. If a person was unwilling to go through ragging, would he/she be permanently ostracised from your circle of so-called “friends”?
You know what? This is not about being prude or trying to pour cold water on your “fun”. This is all about respecting an individual’s personal rights and keeping them from harm’s way. This time round, you raggers are lucky that the girl didn’t mind it. If it was me, I would have lodged a police report on each and every one of you all.
its really sad to see what is deemed as “fun” to them.
personally i come from poly and its pretty obvious from the ACJC students’ posts that these few individuals already view themselves in a higher status as they constantly bring up the point “at least we can construct proper sentences” blah blah.
iv had my fair share of messy and downright disgusting birthdays but tieing someone down? seriously?
memorable birthday? yea im sure thats the ONLY way to do it. what makes a birthday memorable its not what the programme is but rather the company that was spent. obviously fair weather friends are abundant.
lastly even posting the video up on youtube with that kind of title and tag?
way to go you “friends”.
nice one Lucas lol
no alvin, u are not a big bad wolf. u just like to shit stir. if u think certain videos or photos are too shocking or atrocious for u to accept, u can email or PM that person to take them down (ok, i know no one will do that but it’s always worth a try), tell them why they are shocking or simply just click the ‘x’ button. U can also choose to write abt ‘ragging’ and how u feel abt it without posting the video or photos. If u really want it to be stopped, call the school, write to the MOE, when u saw the video. There are so many ways u can do it without creating a public furore and by highlighting the act, u are also putting the limelight on the girl. Your blog about it with the screen grabs isn’t written with dry detachment, but to appeal to the senses and emotions of the readers with your vivid descriptions.
[You feel or she feels? Who is telling the real account?]
We’re not talking about real accounts here. It’s public humiliation. Do you even know how humiliation occurs? Its when people think you’re behaving in a ‘loser’ kind of way. Perfectly no relation to how that person feels.
[Celebrations are up to how it is planned. If not there won’t be the term suprise celebrations. Singaporeans are culturally conservative and not ready for the world like you]
So are you saying I’m not conservative now? You were the one calling me that earlier. And surprise celebrations don’t exactly mean ragging on your friend.
[Reallyy now? You friends probably are not as insular as you.]
I could quote, but that would actually become an essay.
Here’s what my friend from the UK, Nottingham [Kay] said:
“Of all the things to pick up, they pick up the shitz we keep secret in the bowels of our schz. And they’re so proud LMAO announcing it like that on youtubez”
Another from my friend from Germany, Hamberg [Jas];
“Are they…her friends?”
“That is sick.”
and after reading your posts ->
“Did someone drop that guy on his head as a baby?” (assuming you’re a guy)
I just picked the most amusing ones, but believe me, the rest are along the same lines. And do you even know how to use the word ‘insular’?
[Please go ready to what torture and bondage really is. Even people breaking my pencil is torture to me]
You’re so uptight about that, but yes, breaking your pencil without your permission is considered as bullying. I suppose, tying you up and mucking you in your face is also considered as bullying.
[So food wastage is irrelevant. Yet you brought it up]
And you keep on that topic.
[And so every little punsihment you cry to mommy and daddy?]
No, but I wouldn’t hang around that same bunch.
[You know? Who are you to campaign of her behalf? What is enjoyable to you? Brithdays must be loads of material goods is it? Life must be smooth sailing?]
{Oh so you pick on my spelling. It’s you who tries to link this to the end of the world]
I’m not campaigning on her behalf. It’s you who assumed that. And I’m assuming from that statement you hope that your life is full of hardships. Or have people make your life miserable. Others, unlike you, try to avoid that as much as possible. Challenges that they take upon themselves are not hardships. Hardships are unpleasant experiences thrown at them against their own volition.
And you’re the one who answered it, with a statement that gave me the impression of my reply.
[You and Alvin blow it up to be such criminal act.]
Actually, it is.
Like what AnonAnon said, it’s actually chargeable under assault, if the girl wanted to.
[You can’t comprehend anything]
And obviously you can’t recognise a repartee to sarcasm.
[You hope. You flamed the issue. She has responded.]
Without action.
And you selectively reply, as is obvious with the method you use to post. Apparently bypassing inconvenient parts which hit bull’s eye and you have no defense with. Don’t give me lame excuses like you’d not acknowledge it with a reply, because it’d be an invitation to assume you cannot deny what I said.
As obviously we will never see eye-to-eye, John, I have already made my say.
I’ve better things to do than try to help you see how ragging is not a pleasant thing to do to anyone. It seems you have to learn it the hard way that that is not how the world works.
elite or not, where’s your school’s values? If ragging and closing a blind eye to it is a school value, I can’t bear to think of the other values.
I’m certainly not a prude, one of the reasons why I can’t get along with other Singaporeans is that I’m already less conservative than they are. Put I have my principles and am replying this not due to Alvin’s posts, but rather by the entire visage of the video at full duration.
AnonAnon, that’s such an elegant post. I completely agree with you.
count, I’m from poly too. Glad we see this the same way.
Anything is humiliation. It’s you people who carft it out to be torture.
School values are not dented by just one bullying episode. If there were, all school would have a terrible reputation by now
Someone breaking my pencil is also a criminal act
Same bunch? They were her friends? Who are you to tell the world that one so called bullying act means that those girls are the devils henchwomen and no one should hang around with them
This girl again is far more logical than any of you so called moral imposers and tell talers.
By the way, the girl was lucky she was made to wear shorts underneath first. No one covered by when i was stripped buck naked in NS. And NS represents the whole of the Singapore Armed Forces. And naturally there were no cameras then.
One act and you peole blow it out of proportion.
As far as I can see, the only bullying here are the moral police in cyberspace trying to bully this group of kids and their school into accepting their warped view of what transpired that day.
😉 it’s called ragging.
For the sake of amusement of the dissatisfied online community, you are being ragged on. It’s fun, so you guys should just take it easy.
Plus wasn’t all these attention what you wanted? Idiots putting it up on youtube in the first place. If you want to air it on air, be prepared for an onslaught, especially since its not the social norm. This is B.S.
And nice one Lucas. These people don’t know how to go all the way.
Making it all nice and happy by using cakes putting on P.T. shorts. LMAO.
I think he meant the same bunch who’d do that to him.
I see someone hitting himself back LOL
Actually, am I the only one to see that this thing isn’t blown out of proportion? Just that it’s finally put to light? o_O;
Thank you for the compliments, Lucide. I’m waiting for somebody to answer my questions, particularly #2, #3 and #4.
I am amazed by how I had the discipline to read each and every entry, especially when some are plain ridiculous.
I started out after reading Alvin’s article with a completely neutral view towards ACJC, since ragging is definitely not limited the institution. But now I have this really horrid impression of ACJC students. Why are you harping on a JC vs poly argument (i.e. “at least ACJC students can spell”) or to put it universally, why the hierarchy? What is being challenged here is your emotional intelligence (EQ), of which little is exhibited, and not your IQ. Does a mere mispelling make someone’s opinion less credible than it is? Yes, perhaps in GP papers with that language component there. But if this is going to apply, so will it be charged for everyone’s post, yours included. Using your school’s prestige or social prestige does not bring you far in this issue, neither does it give you credit to your rebuttal. In fact, it exemplifies the eliticism within your populace.
From the way the incident is reported in this blog, I felt that it has over-sensationalised the incident by using words like “tortured”, “forced”, “attacked”, “cruelty”, “mercilessly”, “victim”, “perpetrators, etc.” I have seen such words used to describe more gruesome acts – especially on women.
I thought this was quite a reputed blog and did not have to rely on such tactics to get noticed. maybe I was wrong. When times are hard, it sometimes drive people to do desperate things. if the blog really need eyeballs for funding, why not setup up a paypal donate button, i will try to help finance the site through some of my meagre earning.
Your questions tend to be a combination of straw man arguments, combined with the slippery slope fallacy. However, since you asked, do read the link that john has posted earlier. Or maybe i’ll link it here for you. http://purplejan.blogspot.com/2008/11/acjc-is-in-news.html
To “The Accused”:
Let’s get this straight – do you see any google adsense, nuffnang, advertlets or whatever ad shit on this blog? No? You got that right because I don’t make a SINGLE CENT from this blog.
Neither am I desperate for hits, the traffic for this blog was already high before this. You can click on the stats counter on the right to verify. I certainly do not indulge in comment-whoring or pasting my blog links all over the Internet. If you seen them, someone else went to spread it, not me.
To answer your hypothetical questions:
1. It can be done to strangers, but people you know will provide more amusing reactions. There is a slightly higher chance of lawsuits and violent reaction and retribution is ragging is done on a stranger, but I’ve been part of and been victim to ragging from strangers.
2. I don’t know. I think we’d have to consult the ragging book of engagement section 15.3 and the official ragging adjudicator. Personally, it’s more fun to rag on women than men, and it’s also more fun to rag on victims who provide conducive reactions, such as cursing, swearing revenge and quoting random lines from movies such as Monty Python, Airplane, Naked Gun and a plethora of other comedies.
3. To my knowledge, ragging has never resulted in physical or mental harm in a victim. There was this chap during our time who started molesting children, but alas, we cannot his ghastly nature on blame poor parenting or relentless ragging. Seriously, are you posing this question with the assumption people who rag are baying for the blood of others? The ragging instances I’ve knowledge of involved slightly balanced people who only exhibit mild sadistic tendencies.
4. Who says it’s just about “friends” ragging on “friends”? Ragging, unlike religious or political discourse is very much an inclusive institution, at least in AC (refer to my reply of point 1). You know need to be friends with someone to rag on them! You just have to have seen them around in school, or copying your copied homework without permission or insulting your favourite football club/computer game/topless model/movie/cartoon/girlfriend/mother/book.
Seriously, why are you posing stupid hypothetical questions to an activity that might involve: putting someone in a box and (gently) kicking said box, stripping someone with the aid of 10 others, locking someone in a smelly room cupboard, throwing someone (small) in a tiny locker, making someone wear a dustbin lid or going into a dustbin, etc. This is a highly unintellectual activity that just allows for bonding within any institution. There’s a reason why ragging doesn’t stop in universities: and that includes pledging for frats/sororities in Ivies.
“The best is yet to be.” If your friends can’t humiliate you, then who can? Got to get the best out of your friendships.
Ragging has been going on long before youtube has been around. Obviously there will be instances where people will definitely go overboard, but those are few and far in between.
Students, especially those suffering under the singaporean education system should be allowed some release. Give them some free room to play in, and stop imposing your expectations of how students should behave on them.
As someone has pointed out: ragging is far more violent in the army. WHY THE FUCK ARE NONE OF YOU COMPLAINING ABOUT THAT?
You don’t make a single cent but you blow it out of proportion wtih the words you used. No one from the actual scen has said it was torture. You wrote that word. You want to know what torture is? Come see what happens during even the first hour of NS.
Yes typical conservative Singaporean. I’ve see this case played out overseas in colleges (pre Uni) and Universities. People are filmed. People get mud thrown on them. Yet do you see articles calling it torture?
Chr, rather than presenting arguments in order to somehow “win” this debate, actually I was soliciting personal opinions. If anyone can land a knockout punch to my questions, I’ll gladly admit defeat. Unfortunately I’ve seen none of that yet.
Gingha, why do I ask these questions? Simple. I just wanted to know how the mind of an average ragger works. If you people want to put the blame on an oppressive education system, just go ahead but then again rationalising and justifying it doesn’t make it morally right either.
Your best argument is that raggers can control themselves not to cross vague boundaries between ragger and victim, and somehow the victim is supposed to entrust his/her safety and reputation to mild sadists and that’s okay? Excuse me but WTF?
Now let me provide you a rhetorical question as a reply to your question. Do you serious expect that the public has any say in changing military culture?
CONSERVATIVE SINGAPOREANS! Should stay in your guai schools! Write your own rules for birthday parties! All students have approval before any parties! Gathering on more than one student is not allowed!
Don’t bother sending your “scholars” overseas.
Hey~ Stop making being conservative sound like we are some mountain tortise. We are all young and are all looking for some fun everytime. But we should at least have a standard of what is ok and what is not.
I agree that MOST of us jumped to the conclusion that the girl was victimized, humiliated or whatever fucks like that. And yes, we should keep our noses to ourselves… But if some moron wants to “publicize” the incident online, then don’t complain for people are poking their nose into the matter. Some were saying that we have too much time as we’re bothering and commenting abt this matter. If thats the case, FUCK YOU, contradicting bastards.
Personally, I find the incident humiliating… Yes yes, I am conservative. But won’t want that to happen to my friends just for the sake of fun. They are my friends, not toys for my amusement. Some prick mentioned that if we are so uptight about things like this, we must probably have a handful amount of friends. Well, FUCK YOU TOO.. You’re not in our shoes, therefore you do not even have a clue of what kind of friends we have. Perhaps, you got that idea from some dorky schoolmate of yours, but thats a minority.
And to be fair, there are some comments which made fair points stating that its all of fun and some other shit I really can’t remember, Sorry. Which gave me a slightly better understanding of the situation, at the least not anymore one-sided.
Hey, I got attacked by my 15 of my classmates for the whole of 5mins and got low-blowed for my birthday. The reason why i didn’t make a fuss of it was the fact that they are my friends and i like them. But that does not mean I condone that incident. I went through kiwi and blanket parties, so I know how fun this things can be. Just remember that there is always a limit.
The real reason why everyone is making a big fuss was due to the fact that it took place in a JC, not because its ACJC. If it happened in some ITE campus, trust me, EVERYONE and i MEAN everyone will be saying… BECAUSE ITS ITE WHAT~ Thats what most Singaporean thinks, so just bear with it for the next 3 weeks and everyone will be distracted by some other cockster’s problem.
Lastly, tagged as a loser is just plain fun… Hmm, How about having sex with your sister or girl-friends. I record and upload the hot steamy action and tag her as slut, well that will be fun.. PLEASE FUCKING THINK before you say its all out of fun, i’m just asking you to think! Thats all. Just think.
P.S Not everyone has a good command of english, if you want to rebuke someone’s comment, please don’t say that they are illiterate or an ah-beng, just prove your point. Anyway, I apologise for my poor command of english.
To: Lucas is a fag
“secondly this happens in all JCs”
there is NO such case in YJ. Get your facts right.
Are you saying you’d like us to appeal to the MOE then?
I’d say that there’ll be 90% chance the principal will be asked to gracefully retire, as that’ll be the only way that the government think will sate the bloodlust.
What one thing that no one has noticed is that,
No One has been making a fuss all these years because
They were too OVERWHELMED by the MAJORITY that wanted to RAG
and didn’t want to be ostracized, said that they weren’t gracious enough and didn’t have enough backbone and pride to leave the group.
The ones who don’t want to change are you guys.
You said it yourself, it’s been around for ages.
The ones who condone peer pressure are you guys.
You said that they were able to play and all. What if they weren’t? Did that mean you’d stop? Or maybe its because you’re scared of those who’d fight back? Wouldn’t that be called bullying then?
The one who want change, and aren’t insular, and aren’t conservative,
are those who dare to speak up and go against it,
in the face of authority and ‘better education’.
These are the people who have pride and won’t stand for such degrading behavoir, who have their own morals and principles that they won’t just allow to be tramped over.
If they do, they’re humoring you and you should be honored. Not the other way around. But if you cross the line, they won’t be so kind as to forgive you easily.
If you think its so fucking cool to rag, here’s some food for thought:
Nowadays, the trend is for each generation to be naughtier and more daring and insensitive than the previous – due to a good life and media coverage.
So we have to think in extremities, because the more insensitive you get, the wider your limit will be.
So by the time you have kids
Rag -> your brother’s generation = Pester -> your baby cousin’s generation = Harass -> your older brother’s kid’s generation = Bullying -> Your kids generation = Bashing
Do you really want it to go that way? It’s already proven in the states. Bashing up a teacher is sometimes viewed as heroic. A teacher raising a hand to a child is very much like in Singapore now, they’d get sued. In fact, it’s perfectly fine to gang bang a girl cause if they get caught, all they’ll get is a suspension, and a moderate jail term ranging from a few weeks to a couple of months.
That’s cause it’d gotten to a situation where it happened so often it’s considered a norm. Don’t call it a bad society. It’s just the norm. When you go out, bring your taser along. In Malaysia, you carry your pepperspray.
We live in a place where its paradise and you seem to want it to become like what is mentioned above. You may not want it, but what you’re doing is certainly contributing to it. And with Singapore Media so propagandic and controlled, we can’t know all that has happened behind the scenes no? Maybe someone died before.
I clearly remember a ragging that was done to a girl who was having her birthday? (maybe not) and was invited to her friend’s house. She was then burned with boiling water and literally tortured and violated. Now half of that girl’s face is gone and her arm has a horrible patch from where they put an iron on her. She didn’t forgive them and they were all charged with assault.
I’m not saying you did this, but they called it a ragging too. Their only defense was their ignorant youth. It was an old case, I’m sure you’d be able to find it if you dig hard enough.
Ultimately it’s you nose pokers who bother to find the video online and publicise it. That’s the main problem here–this is an epitamy of typical Singaporean behaviour–tell on others. You people frame this case like it’s the ultimate evil act. Why don’t you try to find videos of those tortured under the ISA and publicise it? Why must you be start to be the ultimate judge?
DA, Your case has no video to back it up.
Oh gee, and who do you think aired their dirty linen outside?
Quit whining. Do you want to compare the videos “of those tortured under the ISA” to this case? Cause I’m not.
It’s you guys who link this complaint against ragging to a complaint against torture.
We’re not talking about torture, we’re talking about humiliation.
Can you people even read?
You don’t even know your nouns and step up on the debate block for slaughter.
Can you not read the title of this entry. CAN YOU NOT READ THE WORD TORTURED
The Entertainments act from now on will be extended to all school- gathering of more than one student for any activity will need approval from the PMO
@Devil’s Advocate
The younger generation is indeed getting bad to worse, it will go on, unless someone start to do something about it. I bet most youngsters will be angered by what I said, trust me, you will see what i see in the next 4 years. I guarantee you that.
If there’s so many bloggers here who can judge Mrs Kelvyna Chan based on only her response to this one incident,
never having first-hand witnessed the above-mentioned incident,
never talking personally to Mrs Chan,
already harbouring a prejudice against JC students / ACJC students,
I REALLY worry for Singapore. Maybe these same bloggers gotta look at degenerating morals, like homosexuality, in our society instead.
Oh and these bloggers are probably the same ones who will take the “do not judge” maxim out of context. Of course it’s ok to judge anybody but themselves.
Damn Funny:
I think u are rite. We should start doing something about the deteriorating morals of our society. We can learn from Kelantan and other parts of the world where the moral poilce dictates what form of activities should be allowed. Wearing swimsuits at beaches should be banned cos they are just an excuse for tasteless showing of flesh. For the same reason, beauty pageants and fashion shows ought to be banned. Dating couples should not be allowed to hold hands or kiss in public cos if u allow it, they may escalate to fcuking in public.
Most importantly, in order to ensure that society stays conservative, all women should wear a veil in public. I bet most liberals will be angered by what I said but trust me, if women were to show their faces to men in public, adultery will become more prevalent in the next 4 years. I guarantee you that.
Homosexuality is not a degenerating moral. Its not even a moral, some chose to be one, some are borned like that.
And why would people have some prejudice against JC students? What gave them that idea? Ever thought of that? Don’t make it sound as if everyone is picking on the JC students. EVEN IF we all do, there is always a reason and its definitely not because if your education.
Hey peeps, don’t drag homosexuality into this lah. Be more sensitive.
What makes you think ragging is morally wrong as well? At least you seem to be getting my hint: there is nothing that makes the “average” ragger different the “average” person. This primarily a cultural mode of communication and interaction. Why drag morals into this with your choice of words? There’s no need to blame an oppressive system. My school was quite far from the oppressive system that people imagine, and yet we still got on with ragging. Why? Because people enjoyed doing it, and like any activity they enjoy, they partake it.
Being a mild sadist is quite a responsibility you know. You’ve got to distinguish yourself from the pacifists while taking care not to be mistaken for someone who murders kittens. Tough stuff, that. Also, there are more vague boundaries that are left unregulated. If you recall my earlier point, the trust is already present because ragging quite often takes place between friends. You trust your friend to tell you when you have booger hanging out your nose, don’t you? Excuse me but WTF? I fail to see how someone’s safety and reputation (is that even a tangible thing IN SCHOOL?) are an automatic concern. After, it’s just mild sadists that are involved, not like we’re ardent supporters of capital punishment or anything.
Since you have provided an answer to my rhetorical question, let me append another rhetorical question. If a regimented institution–that is supposed to follow strict hierarchy of command–running on discipline and order cannot control something like ragging, why should students be held to standards that soldiers fail to meet? Shouldn’t the public have greater say in the conduct of soldiers integral to national defense, rather than just an incident that happens in a junior college (that isn’t even fully affiliated with the government) of teenagers?
I’m so glad someone sensible is in charge of ACJC, rather than a member of the stark-raving e-mob.
@ lawrence
You’re damn funny, you just made my day with your comment. And did i ever say that ragging immoral? You cock
Sad old Singaporeans–will never progress.
so when u say younger generation getting from bad to worse, u are referring to? Their dress sense? Their grades? or their looks? Prick. U are obviously suggesting that based on your subjective values (which u think is the universal standard), younger generation are getting from bad to worse.
Why dun u compare your generation with dat of your great great grandma? Going by your argument, your generation has turned worse in comparison with your great great grandma’s. No? What would your great great grandma say if she see you wear swimsuit in public? Maybe to keep in line with what is acceptable by people from your great great grandma’s generation, you should cover yourself from head to toe and kowtow to goverment pple and your elders whenever u see them. Alternatively, if u dun agree that u shld conform to the standards of the older generation, why should younger generation conform with yours?
Western standards seemed to be regarded as benchmarks of progress?!
I thought the Westerners are trying to do us in.
Anyway, from this episode, I learnt some things:
1 Girls, especially ACJC girls are ready for NS.
2 ACJC is the JC to watch in future. Their culture of ragging will progress in time … Who knows, gang raped on a gym pole one day. Ah, but that’s their culture. I am not judging but anticipating.
3 I will not send my children to ACJC, judging from the postings here. I doubt they will get any real education.
4 It is sad that the JC has not improved since the day I left. We were not tops then, now we seem to get worse.
Ya man, I was shocked beyond words when I first saw the video of the ACJC students. This ACJC principal really kiam kan. How can she allow female students to wear shorts in public!!!! Doesnt she know that all the young boys will turn corrupted when they are exposed to sights of the juicy legs of girls. The principal’s mother never teach her, meh? For her to allow her students to wear shorts in public, I think she must be a slut herself.
This is the root of the problem of the current education system. When girls are allowed to walk around in public in shorts, all the horny young boys will go haywire and start to download porn. The more devious ones will hatch plans to sian the girls and deflower them. Unwanted pregnancies will then be on the rise. This will lead to more teenage girls prostituting themselves on the internet in order to support their illegitimate children. And some of the boys will grow up to be molesters and rapists. Shame on ACJC for making their female students wear shorts and cheapening themselves!
It is sad that our schools have not improved since I left school in 1969.
Alvin, why do I get the sense that you’re pre-judging the students behind this incident because of some deep-rooted prejudice?
I refer everyone to post number 4 by alvinology
“Yes it is ACJC. Check out the uniform of the students – there’s even a stupid girl wearing a blue tee-shirt with ACJC printed in front.” – alvinology
‘stupid girl’, Alvin? Whatever did she do to deserve that?
My view is that everyone’s been unduly and negatively influenced by what you see in the movies (American style bullying and what-not). This incident is to be differentiated. The intent, the general absence of malice, is telling. It was done in the school canteen (a large public area, where people WOULD have stepped in if it went overboard and degenerated into ‘TORTURE’ or ‘ABUSE’ (don’t you just love the overreaction on these blogs, you make it sound like ACJC was Abu Gharib or Guantanamo Bay). No one was hurt or harmed (consider the input from the parties involved).
I find some of the opinions on this thread extremely disturbing. For example, see Lawrence’s view above mine. Is it just me, or is there a lot of repression and psycho-sexual frustration behind that post? What is the relevance of the principal allowing the kids to wear ‘shorts’?! That post, to me, is endemic of the real sickness of mind we as Singaporeans have to address, not the harmless shenanigans of fun-loving adolescents.
‘stupid’ because she wore an easily identifiable tee-shirt with the school’s name imprinted on it and get caught on video. It’s more referring to this action than the girl. Is this the only statement you can throw at me for being biased towards AC students? As in this blog entry, the rebuttals from some AC students were published in full what. What more do you want? I also never delete any comment as yet – regardless whether they are for or against ragging.
Alvinology, I am rather taken aback by that adjective and the subsequent reasoning behind it, simply because (1) She was in school, and wearing that shirt to school’s perfectly natural, (2) she had no idea she’d be caught on video; even if she did, she did not know the incident was going to cause this furor. Hardly warrants the tag of ‘stupid’, does it?
This is why I think there’s some unconscious prejudgment on your part. Feel free to disagree.
Whatever lah, really. 🙂 Freedom of expression.
I wonder what’s the fuss abt? the ‘torturing’, or the fact that they’re gals and are overdoing it?
I’m pretty sure u folks would have seen and experienced it in sch all in the name of gd fun. or even started it as the perpetrator.
My only concern is that being gals, they have a lower threshold for such thing compared to guys and they should know when to call it quit, which apparently they lack all that sense to.
to lawrence
“It is sad that our schools have not improved since I left school in 1969.”
was that primary school?because schools…despite popular belief teach more than just facts and theories and formulas.they broaden our perspective on life and narrow-minded people like you…are living contradictions of what society should be.
im not saying ragging should be encouraged throughout society but if everyone involved is fine with it.then shut up.
in fact..the only thing they did which was kinda dumb was to put it on youtube.but hey…everyone makes mistakes.
im hoping that your post was meant to be a humorous one.cos its quite funny.hahahaha but if ur serious…oh man….u shud go back to school.
LOL ok when i first saw this i didn’t expect the comments to blow to this proportion.
honestly the only reason why i thought it was wrong is because from the screenshots the birthday girl really does look tortured.
but if she’s really having fun and they are indeed her good friends then i really do think it’s perfectly fine.
it makes a hugeeee difference whether or not the people who carried this out were her friends or not, no?
the comments going on and on about being conservative and oh-too-serious are laughable because i think people only form a negative perception of this whole thing because they see the situation as the bday girl not liking this at all.
chill man… it’s all in good fun, it seems.
The issue of the modesty of a young girl being violated has been totally ignored.
How would you like to be tied up and have your mouth masking-taped ? And to add to that, have your skirt messed up, exposing your panties/shorts inside.
All in view of your friendly schoolmates, girls and boys.
And eventually to the public in Youtube, with a caption “Jojo Got Destroyed”.
lmao, I was bored and came back to look. Amusing.
@ Damn Funny
Oh well I do see that. Afterall we’ve progressed from wearing miniskirts to wearing thongs and going commando.
Wearing skirt/shorts used to be the rage – you can see the thighs. Hah.
@ Joanna
And purrrleeassee do you really want me to link up to the actual video, I was posting here not because of the bloody blog.
I’m posting here cause of the disgusting de-sensitized replies of ragger-approvers. And,
It’s fun, amusing and entertaining.
This is pretty much an E-rag. And they don’t like it. Ha.
And I haven’t even got started physically – not that I can, everyone’s anonymous here.
@ quirk
BS. Don’t drag homosexuality in this.
@ lawrence
LMAO I’m 17, biatch. There’s a limit to how much a human being can degenerate. Maybe not. They’ve never degenerated. They’re just returning to their barbaric state. Ragging has been the benchmark of a ritual into adulthood since the dark ages.
I just want that to chhhaaannngeee.
Trendsetter anyone?
‘Cultivated’ society anyone?
and you’re funnier than damn funny.
@ cow
I think some are shocked by that, but yea, I’d be horrified if it was to a poor guy too… yea…
@ alvin
nyah… the article’s so-so, your own opinion -shrug- Would have been better if the whole story and video links are out tho. Less confusion/beat-around-the-fucking-bush-about-people-not-knowing-what-the-heck-was-going-on.
-Rounding this up-
We’re all entitled to our opinions.
We can continue whatever the heck we’re doing.
We’re just here for some e-ragging fun.
So don’t get piss mad when you’re insulted. =]
If you have the movie in your computer please send it to me [email protected] I’m from Romania and I don’t know the girl personaly but I need this video for a school project. This won’t humiliate the girl anymore cause, as I said, I am not even from the same country.
And another thing… those girls maby did that cause they like humiliation in public that many people enjoy. It’s a kind of bdsm. All that movie is a kind of bdsm. Many chinise school videos are like that. Maby the girl liked it and her friends knew that she’ll like it.
totally absurd and inhumane. what’s wrong with them? are they born without a heart? really pity the girl to have such school mates. utterly humiliating and awfully outrageous. thank goodness the video has been deleted or who knows when that poor soul will be liberated? such a shocking scene that not only tarnishes the name of the school but also Singaporeans’ pride and dignity.
Really terrible to be a victim as such, and what could be worse than to be filmed and watched by thousands..
i’m glad that she saw the lighter side of it afterwards, but i’ve still NEVER come across anything like this in the UK, so those people who’re saying “it’s normal everywhere” can go suck a hard one.
Whats the problem with you. You’ve been through NS and from all boys school. Thats what YOU claim. its just a prank within friends i may say. If not, college mates. Do not try to make a molehill out of this. I believe that some other people will free her from the two poles. On top of it, being in this type of situation is just like being in a blanet party or the normal barker moshed up birthday sessions. ONCE IN A YEAR i might say. By you raking this up and bitching about it is equlivient to intruding into the life of those people in that video. SO please, get a life. ACJC is not just about all these. Life’s about joke play and work, so be sensible and comment on the right things although you have freedom of speech. BUT, the very evident fact that you ARE flamed by the rest of the comments tells it all.
You are right Aaron, I don’t have a life and there are lots of people flaming me. 🙂
oh, good that you DARE to stand firm and admit your mistakes. THE MAN, has spoken. But, you stepped over the ob markers of reputation of a college. ACJC. How’s that?
You happy can already lah. Whatever.
What a man, being SO RESPONSIBLE for what you said by just using sweeping statements like ‘You happy can already lah. Whatever.’ Hey dude, like you sad, this is the net. Created a big hoo haa about this and just threw everything down like that? This is not like the demand supply graph that allows the market to move on its own and you get a equlibrium point. You expect others to clean up the shit after you poo, how right of it coming from a man that was brought up in an ALL BOYS SCHOOL AND BEEN THROUGH NS? Should be your college that thought you that? At least AC kids be responsible after they got ‘exposed’ by people like you or stomp. They do not just go around saying’ happy can already. whatever.’ like a wimp.
Oops, forgot to say that I doubt that NS is the factor of your behaviour now. I have and alot of them in my circle of friends have been through it too. We don’t portray a screwed up front like this. So i guess it must be the enviroment you are brought up in or maybe the phobia that you were bullied before in your childhood days. Poor kid. Or the third alternative, the all boys school and college you were in before. And I STRONGLY doubt that you’re from AC.
Ok noted.
walao weh…what’s with the generation nowadays.. i’m so ashamed of my generation.. what’s gonna happen in the next generation.. bring knives to school and threaten the birthday kid.. lol. if this is happening in JC, smart people won’t suggest to go here.. because of this incidence, people make a fuss out of it.. your guys fault’s lah.. who ask to post this online? next time want to post can.. if the girl’s ok, she should’ve confess in the video, i’m okay, and state that the girl was not hurt in the video.. at least okay right? walaoeh.. make a shame out of the jc’s name.. aiyo.. terrible..this may be a small matter but you know if a case like this repeats and the birthday kid doesn’t accept it.. you know what will happen.. WALAO EH GROW UP LAH KIDS..YOU ALL OLDER THAN ME SHOULD BE THINKABLE WAD.. DON’T MAKE YOUR JUNIORS FOLLOW YOU ALL CAN?? PRINCIPAL AND DM ALSO ANOTHER THING.. HOW CAN LET THIS KIND OF “CULTURE” HAPPEN MAN?? I’M NOT TALKING ABOUT ACJC ONLY OK.. I’M TALKING ABOUT OTHER SCHOOLS ALSO.. SEC SCHOOL ALSO.. NAMED ONLY DISPLICINED SCHOOL BUT THE STUDENTS ALL LIKE WTF? NO OFFENCE AH.. BUT REALLY I’VE BEEN WATCHING AND HEARING ABOUT THIS KIND OF INCIDENCE..
This is a little late but… Wow. It’s like raping a girl and the girl still goes back to her rapists, smiling and saying it was fun. Just my opinion. A little sick. Not a little, a lot.
hmm…..even if it is a culture, (stated eariler) , there is a clear, distinct line between whats right and whats wrong. Again another stated about results from another school that “ACJC isnt JUST about grades and winning sport competitions…seeing as how thats the way schools are being ranked. morals and values are instilled into us…”
Yeah. But thats how the world sees it. Employers dont just call you in for a day to check if you have the right values. They see your results, then they call you in. Its not very nice, but that is how the world functions.
Many argued that she is “o-k” with it. But the act of “ganging” up and skirt -lifting is definately an act I do not count as moral. It is NOT something I want see nor do. (what if one gets used to it, unable to tell that it is ulterly disturbing to others? — Goes up to a an old lady– lifts her skirt and say “hi ah ma!” OR maybe sg will become a society where we walk around in the streets and witness a colourful rainbow formed from different preferences, ladys with their skirts hocked to the top if their hair)
I’m not proud of my immaturity nor am I confident in my own moral values, but from where i am now, this is how i see it…… i guess?
Those ‘friends’ are a bunch of fucked up kids. Immature bitches need to learn and grow the fuck up. Leave her alone, not like she wanted this to happen. Yeah her ‘friends’ who busted her by recording the sex tape are in trouble and I am so glad they are in trouble too. I am sure if the principle get to know this she won’t do anything because it’ll just ruined their school reputation. I did not know they she was even being tortured till now. The strait times she know about this, not to humiliate the victim but the bitches. Like they said, one man’s pleasure is another man’s pain . They totally crossed the line. Karma will hit them one day and I hope it’ll be much worse.
If my friends did that to me, it’ll go in two ways. I’ll fucking kill them tommorow or i’ll laugh it off. I’m gonna fucking kill them. I’ll probably laugh when i do that to them on their b-days :D. Is that why it’s so joyous when they did it to that girl? Because that girl probably did it to them on their b-days (or was part of the group). I guess it was a tradition. And karma just bites them back in the ass.
I believe that there should be some sense of social responsbility and these kids have taken things too far in the name of a celebration. Maybe a closed event, will probably still be acceptable, but doing it infront of many other onlookers (who didnt do much to help) is a sheer violation of human rights and since this generation speaks more of human rights, there leaves a contradiction for us to think about. and this is a form of cyber bullying. justifying it as mere fun is inappropriate as the girl surely did not seem like she was having fun. and when you reply to such posts, please be more mature with your understanding of the issue and not just view it from the surface value. please do not say this is common, if this is common, good luck to us then.
All dis are bulshts…..dey r jst stupid losers!
Seriously, if you people do NOT understand the AC culture, shut up and carry on with life. As ALVINOLOGY mentioned that he posted something on a group of SA guys attacking friends in the crotch previously, don’t you find that he/she ( might be a woman trying to take on the identity of a man, no offence though) is always prying into school student issues.
Why not think about more world problems since he is portraying himself to look NOBLE by blogging into these news. Shouldn’t you try thinking of issues like poverty in third world countries?
GET A LIFE PEOPLE, this incident happened and NOTHING can be done to turn back time. So practically saying and getting so much of these comments wouldn’t help the ‘poor girl’ in any sense.
The AC culture is one that only an individual can feel, experience comes from within.
Okay noted. ACJC number 1.
It doesn’t rly matter whether the girl appears to be happy or not. The main issue here is to abolish whatever fucked-up “TRADITION” of ACJC or anywhere that practices this. It’s just disturbing how some of you can be so nonchalant about this. Well…it seems that most of you who see nothing wrong with this act is just plain asinine. This case is just a case of the blind leading the blind. Not all acts in this world are right. Rape, murder and arsons occur frequently all over the globe. It doesn’t mean you should follow suit. PLEASE. I BEG YOU. USE THAT MATTER YOU HAVE INSIDE YOUR SKULL. As a modern teenager from a girls’ school, I can confidently say I have neither experienced nor hope to experience any such acts.
Since now you’ve integrated human cruelty as part of your culture, may I guess that the next TRADITION is to commit arson and/or rape your fellow schoolmates? 😀 All of your so-called “MODERN ACTS” intrigue me greatly. I can’t wait to hear from all of you laid-back folks!
Could you send me a copy of the video??
Hi can you send me the video? I need some footage of it for a school project in raising awareness of respect. [email protected] thanks!
Jia Le: You for real???????
Puhleeaze? Not every youth r like that only those crazy ones
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they hate her i think. Maybe dats why they did it
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JC kids are stoopid. Bunch of suckers. Pui.
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