Beat It (the Singapore ping pong song): Mr Brown's tribute to Lee Bee Wah - Alvinology

Beat It (the Singapore ping pong song): Mr Brown’s tribute to Lee Bee Wah

Beat It (the Singapore ping pong song): Mr Brown's tribute to Lee Bee Wah - Alvinology

One of Singapore’s favourite blogger, Mr Brown’s song tribute to the very efficient and decisive Singapore’s Table Tennis Association President, Ms Lee Bee Wah:

My take on the whole incident is that Ms Lee Bee Wah, regardless of the reasons behind her actions, destroyed a once in 48 years PR opportunity for the Singapore government to get its citizens to embrace foreign talents, forget about the current economics hardship and unite as one nation behind a glorious Olympics medal win.

Now, celebration mood is dampen, the debate on foreign talent is reignited, the nation is disgruntled. Yes, she may have sincerely apologised yesterday morning, but the damage is already done.

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Technorati Tags: singapore, singapore table tennis association, lee bee wah, president STTA, MP Lee Bee Wah, Ang Mo Kio GRC, ping pong song, mr brown, beat it, singapore ping pong song, mr brown spoof video, table tennis video spoof, olympics silver medal, foreign talent

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