White Ninja is a the Forensic Investigator
Read more White Ninja comic strips HERE.
I discovered this badly drawn web comic a few years back.
According to the website:
White Ninja Comics are not for the weak of mind. They are a brilliant satirical commentary on controversial worldly issues.
They can be enjoyed on many levels. Scholars, Philosophers, and the like, who possess the intellect to analyze and break down the comics to their hidden, and often devious, roots, will enjoy White Ninja to its fullest degree. Others, like you and I, however, can still enjoy the comics for their light-hearted surface humour and funny drawings.
Which of course is all bullshit.
It is a badly drawn web comic where the stories make no sense and are 99% of the time, retarded. Full stop.
Yet strangely, people are drawn to it. For me, it is because I used to draw such retarded white and black ninja stuff when I was in kindergarten and primary school. Reading these comic strips retard my mental stage back to at least two decades back.
If I were to nail down it’s appeal – I believe it is because White Ninja relate to the child who refuse to grow up in all adults. We all want to be young again lah.
It’s updated daily. Do have a read when you feel like becoming a kid again.
Technorati Tags: white ninja, black ninja, web comic, ninja comic, ninja, comic strip, forensic investigator, retarded comic, funny, comedy, humour, silly, childish, alvinology, retarded
i dont get it. newbs. tit
I like it, it’s funny in a completely random way, in fact it’s hilarious, there are white ninja cartoons I’ve laughed at so much that it hurts.
I don’t get your problem, if you don’t find it funny, well congratulations, aren’t you clever? Go love yourself
Rebecca: I wrote that I like it.
theyre actually quite clever.
its astounding how much irony goes by unnoticed on the internet.
Hahaha that’s funny. I dont know why, but that is funny.
[color=#333333]Ninjas rock. They’re so stealthy, and secret. So awesome. ;-D I wonder how they’re able to be so stealthy? I mean, they can walk right by people and they wont notice them!!! It’s so cool, yet so wierd… P.S. Tech Decks ROCK!!![/color].
i love white ninja i dont see y u think it r childish, that r teh way a lot o comedy strips wurk ya douchebag
if u wanna argue go to my page
gus click on meh name
I’m sorry, I’m a fan of White Ninja Comics
and you know something?
I think the drawning doesn’t matter when you got a message to give.
Right, it’s not obvious to everybody, but is still there
I remember so many good times reading that comic
I recommend it totally!
(sorry for my english… it’s not my native language)