On 2 May 2008, omy.sg launched the first bilingual Blog Awards (aptly named the Singapore Blog Awards) to honour outstanding blogs . This award seeks to honour tireless “new age wordsmiths” who devote much time and energy in maintaining informative, regularly updated and innovative blogs, often out of interest rather than for personal gains.
There are a total of seven categories in the inaugural Singapore Blog Awards – Most Insightful Blog, Most Entertaining Blog, Best Individual Blog, Best Blog Shop, Best Blog Design, Best Youth Blog and Best Photo Blog.
Nominations and registrations for the Singapore Blog Awards are now open till 1 June 2008. Interested members of the public can log on to the official site, http://sgblogawards.omy.sg to nominate their favourite blogs. Bloggers can even nominate themselves for the award.
Winners of each of the seven categories will walk away with a custom-designed trophy by famous multi-disciplinary artist, Mr. Tan Swie Hian and a laptop.
Thus far, the response has been encouraging.
Here’s a list of some of the better known bloggers who have registered so far:
Jack Neo
Genie 君怡
Yoo Ah Min
Leslie Tay
Charles Ng
Mr Wang
Uncle Sha
Kris Tan
Marina Noordin
Veron Ang
Nadia Binte Mohd Suadi
Ee Shaun
Estee Teo
These individuals have taken the plunge. If you are a blogger, shouldn’t you register now too? Even if you are not a blogger – if you know of deserving bloggers who should be in the run for the awards, do nominate them now (I had fun nominating blogs I read).
The interesting thing about the Internet is that it allows the little guy to take on Goliath – and still stand a fighting chance. In the end, perhaps a current unknown gem will be the blog which shines through instead of the bigger names… and that blogger just may be YOU.
Technorati Tags: omy, omy.sg, singapore blog award, singapore blog awards, jack neo, tan swie hian, genie, 君怡, Yoo Ah Min, Lao Zha Bor, laozhabor, leslie tay, ieatishootipost, i eat i shoot i post, charles ng, charleswanmushi, legal janitor, shianux, mr wang, mr wany says so, sabrina, princessa, uncle sha, kris tan, krisandro, rinaz, marina noordin, veron ang, sparklette, nellyjolly, chillycraps, nadnut, nadia binte mohd suadi, ee shaun, gardensilly, estee teo, geek goddess, famous bloggers, most entertaining blog, most insightful blog, best youth blog, best individual blog, best design blog, best blog shop, best photo blog, singapore press holdings, sph
Alvin, were you the one who wrote the same post in Omy? I think you are too kind. I am certainly not ‘better known’ to be honest, but I am still honored to be in the list.
: )
thanks for the nomination alvin.
nadnut: You are welcome.
Do help nominate other deserving bloggers as well!
oooo publicity!!
nice work, guy
I really enjoyed reading your blogpost, keep on making such interesting stuff.