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koon hei chen
19 posts
Steven Lim: 真相!陈冠希被人陷害!Edison Chen was framed!
[youtube url=”″] Our national pride, Steven Dragon Lim has released another video in relation to the Edison Chen sex…
Stop Bully Steven Lim!!! Steven Lim was framed!!!
Remember my two previous posts (Steven Lim: 真相!陈冠希被人陷害!Edison Chen was framed!, Steven Lim: STOP BULLYING EDISON CHEN! 不要欺负陈冠希了!)…
Check out this funny little game I found on the Internet poking fun of the Edison Chen’s sex…
How are Mas Selamat Kastari and Edison Chen related?
Lunch time joke yesterday: How are these two men related? Can you see the link? Mas Selamat Kastari…
VVVIP Edison Chen
Saw this photo via the Hardware Zone forum. Shocking hor? Look at the amount of security personnels guarding…
Edison Chen Press Conference @ 3pm Today
Edison Chen has already returned to Hong Kong this morning from Boston and will be holding at press…
Edison Chen: 还记得我吗?MV
This song by Edison Chen is like a prophecy! He’s challenging the public to remember him for life…
Fork Edison Chen’s butt!
Check out this funny game some joker created in response to the Edison Chen sex photos scandal. You…
Edison Chen and Nicholas Tse
Found this on the Internet. I know it’s cruel, but it’s damn hilarious can! Poor poor Nicholas. To…