Are You At Risk? Free Lung Cancer Screening Campaign Returns for Second Year - Alvinology

Are You At Risk? Free Lung Cancer Screening Campaign Returns for Second Year

Singapore’s pioneering free lung cancer screening campaign, “Are You at Risk?”, spearheaded by the 365 Cancer Prevention Society (365CPS), is back for its second year. Running until November 15, 2024, this initiative, co-organized with AstraZeneca, aims to provide free Low-Dose Computerized Tomography (LDCT) lung screenings for eligible individuals, promoting early detection and timely intervention.

Are You At Risk? Free Lung Cancer Screening Campaign Returns for Second Year - Alvinology

Who Can Benefit?

The campaign targets smokers aged 50 to 80 who have smoked for at least 20 pack years or quit less than 15 years ago, as well as non-smokers aged 50 to 75 with a family history of lung cancer. Eligible participants must hold a valid blue or orange CHAS card.

The Importance of Screening

Lung cancer ranks as the third most common cancer among men and women in Singapore and is the leading cause of cancer death for men and the third for women. From 2017 to 2021, nearly 8,700 cases of lung cancer were diagnosed in Singapore, with over 60% identified at Stage IV. Early detection through LDCT scans, which are more accurate than chest X-rays, can significantly improve treatment outcomes and reduce mortality.

How to Participate

Interested individuals can register for the campaign through 365CPS or its community partners. The process includes a pre-screening consultation and an LDCT scan at one of 365CPS’s partner facilities. If abnormalities are detected, follow-up consultations and referrals to public health settings will be arranged as needed.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Hold a valid blue or orange CHAS card
  • Aged 50 to 80, with a smoking history of 20 pack years or more, or quit less than 15 years ago
  • OR Aged 50 to 75 with a first-degree family history of lung cancer for non-smokers

Supporting the Campaign

The public can support the “Are You at Risk?” campaign through donations via and Contributions help fund early detection efforts, consultations, and full screenings for beneficiaries. Donations are eligible for 250% tax relief, with any excess funds supporting the broader mission of 365CPS.

  • $30: Token of support towards early detection
  • $50: Covers consultation fees for one beneficiary
  • $100: Covers consultation fees for two beneficiaries
  • $500: Fully sponsors a lung cancer screening for one beneficiary

Partners and Support

The campaign is made possible through collaborations with various community groups, medical partners, and social service agencies. Screening partners include HMI Medical Centre, Parkway Radiology, Precious Medical Centre, and Somerset Imaging Centre. Consultation doctors from Curie Oncology, The Respiratory Practice, Parkway Cancer Centre, and Icon Cancer Centre lend their expertise to ensure comprehensive care.

Take Action Today

Join the fight against lung cancer by participating in or supporting the “Are You at Risk?” campaign. Early detection can save lives, and together, we can make a difference.

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