Singaporean Winners Embark on Exclusive Internship at Oracle Red Bull Racing HQ in the UK - Alvinology

Singaporean Winners Embark on Exclusive Internship at Oracle Red Bull Racing HQ in the UK

Two exceptional talents from Singapore, Charis Chua and Heng Yi-Hsin, have triumphed in the highly competitive Red Bull Intern Championship. These winners, who outshone thousands of other contestants, received the thrilling news from three-time world champion Max Verstappen himself.

Their victory has earned them a coveted two-month internship at the prestigious Oracle Red Bull Racing headquarters in Milton Keynes, UK.

Meet the Champions

Charis Chua, a student at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), secured the top spot in the Hospitality and Events Internship category. With a strong background in public relations, Charis impressed the judges with her outstanding communication skills, creativity, and strategic thinking. Her comprehensive case study, which highlighted her ability to engage effectively with audiences, particularly customers, was pivotal to her success.

Heng Yi-Hsin, also an NTU student, won the Red Bull Relations Internship. Yi-Hsin, who has honed her photojournalism skills as an intern at The Straits Times, previously worked as a Marketing and Advocacy Intern, where she developed her management and content creation abilities. Her passion, creativity, and wit shone through in her short video submission, giving her an edge in her category.

Singaporean Winners Embark on Exclusive Internship at Oracle Red Bull Racing HQ in the UK - Alvinology

The Red Bull Intern Championship Journey

The Red Bull Intern Championship, organized by Red Bull’s official distributor in Singapore, Pokka Pte. Ltd, was a rigorous contest with several challenging stages:

  • Application Submission: Candidates submitted their CVs and cover letters.
  • Personality Evaluation: Participants took the Red Bull Wingfinder assessment to identify their unique strengths.
  • Creative Video Submission: Contestants showcased their creativity and personality through short videos.
  • Virtual Interviews: Top contenders explored their aspirations and visions in virtual interviews.
  • Case Study Challenge: The final decisive stage where winners were determined.

In March 2024, Red Bull hosted a unique outreach event at NTU, featuring a miniature remote-controlled (RC) car that zipped through the campus, captivating students and encouraging participation in the Red Bull Internship Championship. This creative activation underscored Red Bull’s commitment to discovering Singapore’s best young talents.

Singaporean Winners Embark on Exclusive Internship at Oracle Red Bull Racing HQ in the UK - Alvinology

Revving Up with Oracle Red Bull Racing Team

Charis and Yi-Hsin will soon embark on their exclusive internships at the Oracle Red Bull Racing headquarters. They will gain invaluable experience by working closely with seasoned professionals, exploring critical aspects of operations from engineering to logistics, ensuring seamless race day execution.

This hands-on experience will not only broaden their knowledge but also refine their skills, preparing them for future careers in fast-paced and demanding industries.

After completing their internships, Charis and Yi-Hsin will participate in one of Singapore’s most anticipated events – the Singapore Grand Prix. With their newfound expertise, they will enhance the racing weekend, showcasing their talent and dedication.

Join Charis and Yi-Hsin on their exciting journey as they dive into a transformative experience with the Oracle Red Bull Racing team.

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