Love might be in the air, but so are dating monsters! A recent nationwide study on dating experiences conducted by Bumble, the women-first dating app that champions kindness in connections, has exposed the four common dating “monsters” that lurk in the world of online dating. These dating fiends can turn your romantic journey into a horror show, but fear not! Bumble is here to help you spot them early and date fearlessly.

Ghosts: The Masters of Disappearing
Ghosts are notorious for their vanishing acts, leaving the other person utterly baffled and, often, heartbroken. Good news, though! Incidents of ghosting have dropped by 16% this year. Fewer people are being ghosted, indicating a growing awareness of this negative behavior. Gen Zs seem to be leading the charge against ghosting, with 66% feeling strongly about it. However, the sad reality is that ghosting has become a normalized dating behavior, with fewer people finding it inappropriate. Bumble, committed to promoting kind connections, is taking a stance against ghosting to ensure a respectful dating environment.

Zombies: The Return of the Past
Zombies, a variant of ghosts, are people from your past who suddenly reappear, causing confusion and mixed emotions. Although less common in Singapore than ghosts, almost a fifth of respondents experienced being “zombied” in the past year. The reasons? Some were “too busy” and reappeared when their schedules cleared up, others wanted to avoid the awkwardness of ending the relationship definitively, and some were just keeping their options open. Most people are unlikely to give zombies a second chance.

Energy Vampires: The Emotional Drainers
Energy vampires are those who drain your emotional energy by constantly needing attention and care, leaving you feeling exhausted. Bumble’s research shows that one in five Singaporean singles have been energy vampires themselves. This draining behavior often results from a lack of accountability, ignorance of problems, frequent criticism, and constant involvement in drama. Gen Zs seem better equipped to fend off energy vampires, as they dislike getting entangled in drama and are quick to remove themselves from such situations.

Green-Eyed Monsters: The Overly Jealous
Green-eyed monsters rear their ugly heads when jealousy takes over and partners become envious due to perceived threats or insecurities. This is a common occurrence in Singapore, with one in two singles feeling jealous when their partner flirts with others, particularly more among females. Open and honest communication is crucial for handling feelings of jealousy and building trust in the relationship.

Tips to Escape the Monsters
To escape these dating monsters, here are some valuable tips from Bumble:
Take Your Time: Don’t rush into a relationship. Get to know someone before fully committing to them to avoid falling victim to dating monsters.
Communication is Key: Establish clear and consistent communication from the start. If someone starts ghosting you, express your concerns and ask for clarity. Bumble discourages no-show behavior.
Set Healthy Boundaries: If someone from your past reappears and you’re not interested, kindly express your feelings and set boundaries to prevent them from returning.

Use Interest Badges and Profile Prompts: Leverage these Bumble features to attract like-minded individuals and repel dating monsters who don’t align with your values.

Trust Your Instincts: Listen to your gut feelings. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t hesitate to exit a situation that doesn’t align with your goals.
Online dating can be a thrilling adventure, but it’s essential to watch out for these dating “monsters.” Take these tips to heart, and you’ll be well on your way to finding genuine connections while steering clear of the dating horrors.

Remember, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by these dating monsters, you can visit the Safety and Wellbeing Centre for guidance on how to deal with various dating challenges, ensuring your dating experience remains enjoyable and respectful.