Intellect launches #CanYouHearMe campaign to spotlight the state of HR professionals’ mental wellbeing - Alvinology

Intellect launches #CanYouHearMe campaign to spotlight the state of HR professionals’ mental wellbeing

An onslaught of organisational changes and looming economic downturn is taking its toll on Human Resources (HR) professionals in the form of burnout, exhaustion and poor mental health. A study into the mental health of HR professionals in Singapore has identified that 75% say they experience ‘burnout’ at least once a month.

Intellect launches #CanYouHearMe campaign to spotlight the state of HR professionals’ mental wellbeing - Alvinology

With employees globally experiencing heightened rates of burnout, it is unsurprising that 41% of HR professionals rated their mental health to be “fair,” “poor,” “very poor,” “extremely poor.” Of  those surveyed, many said they do not have access to the necessary tools to combat this emotional fallout and lack recognition for their work, resulting in increased levels of fatigue.

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This study was conducted by Intellect, Asia Pacific’s largest mental health technology company, in partnership with Southeast Asian consumer research company, Milieu Insight, and surveyed 150 HR professionals across Singapore.

Through the following insights, Intellect aims to help employers understand how to better support HR teams and empower them to perform their best at work through its new #Canyouhearme campaign, which spotlights the wellbeing challenges faced by HR professionals.

Addressing HR and employee burnout

While numerous factors have contributed to burnout and fatigue among the workforce – including financial and geopolitical uncertainties, Covid-19, and a potential global recession on the horizon – the glamourisation of productivity and the “rise and grind” mentality has taken its toll on the region’s workforce – especially HR teams and younger employees.

Intellect launches #CanYouHearMe campaign to spotlight the state of HR professionals’ mental wellbeing - Alvinology
  • 59% of HR professionals described their mental health as ‘excellent’, ‘very good’ or ‘good,’
  • 75% feel burnt out at least once a month
  • 41% say they are burnt out at least once a week
  • one third (32%) of HR respondents believe their company gives high or very high importance to employee mental health.
  • 51% of HR professionals say their employer provides them with mental health resources, less than half (44%) are satisfied with these.
Intellect launches #CanYouHearMe campaign to spotlight the state of HR professionals’ mental wellbeing - Alvinology

A large part of supporting employee mental wellbeing is normalising conversations about mental health in the workplace. However, the study finds that a majority of HR professionals do not openly broach this topic at work, with just 19% bringing it up once a month; 27% talking about it “a few times a year or less”, and 26% never discussing mental health.

Empowering HR relies on building a supportive workplace environment

Ultimately, employers need to work to address the root cause of this worrying HR and employee burnout and stress, putting in place systematic solutions via organisational-level interventions. However, this is easier said than done when HR professionals already feel overworked and unable to perform their best in their roles.

Intellect launches #CanYouHearMe campaign to spotlight the state of HR professionals’ mental wellbeing - Alvinology

While 59% of HR professionals described their workload as ‘heavy’, not all of them feel responsible for employees’ mental health (50%) – even though only 27% indicated that addressing this is one of their job responsibilities.

There is also a general feeling of catching up to expectations among HR professionals, who claim they can’t effectively do their jobs. When asked what they believe is expected of them at work:

Intellect launches #CanYouHearMe campaign to spotlight the state of HR professionals’ mental wellbeing - Alvinology
  • 83% indicated “performing their best”
  • 60% said “completing their tasks within working hours”
  • 55% said “doing their best for employees”.

However, of those who listed “performing their best” as a perceived expectation of them at work, only 61% were able to effectively do so.

Likewise, of those who said “completing their tasks within working hours, only 41% were able to do so and only 41% of those who believed they needed to “do their best for employees” were able to do so, reflecting the impact of burnout on business productivity.

Intellect launches #CanYouHearMe campaign to spotlight the state of HR professionals’ mental wellbeing - Alvinology

The study also found that close to half of HR professionals who expected to get enough rest and leisure time were unable to do so (42%) and only half of those who expect to be able to personally practise wellbeing tips could do so effectively (50%).

Intellect’s #Canyouhearme Campaign

Insights from Intellect’s latest study closely follows its Hustle Culture survey released in September 2022, which found half (51%) of employees in Singapore report an average to poor quality of life, and the lowest levels of engagement and job satisfaction.

Now, Intellect’s #Canyouhearme campaign spotlights the state of mental well being of HR professionals and aims to find a common ground between HR and employees to raise awareness of their role, educate the workforce to shift mindsets, and empower a cultural shift in the workplace.

Intellect launches #CanYouHearMe campaign to spotlight the state of HR professionals’ mental wellbeing - Alvinology

#Canyouhearme brings together Ingo Laubender, Vice President, People and Enterprise Technology at foodpanda; Cedric Chew, Deputy Executive Director at Singapore Human Resources Institute (SHRI), Shailaja Sharma, Group Head Learning, Development & Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) at IHH Healthcare, and Dr Oliver Suendermann, Vice President, Clinical, at Intellect, to address the challenges faced by HR professionals and how they can be empowered to optimise their own – and employees’ – performance.

Intellect launches #CanYouHearMe campaign to spotlight the state of HR professionals’ mental wellbeing - Alvinology

Through a series of three videos, these leaders share more about normalising workplace conversations around employee mental health, industry best practices with non-profits and SMEs, and caring for HR professionals. Watch the video series here.

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