4 Things To Consider When Making Your Bucket List - Alvinology

4 Things To Consider When Making Your Bucket List

We all have things we want to try at least once in our lifetime. For instance, some people desire to see the Northern Light or go to Japan. 

These desires are what you add to a bucket list: a list that includes everything you want to accomplish in your life. It may seem easy to create one as you just add whatever interests you to the list. But is it as easy as it sounds?

Below are four tips to consider when making your list that will help you get started on checking off items on that list!

1. Look at Recommendations

If you have never made a bucket list, you can look for inspiring videos or recommendations from the media. In these videos, you can find little teasers from the pictures or videos, which will help you decide whether to add the item!

For example, if you see a recommended video about the Highland Titles nature reserve, you may get intrigued and choose to add it to your list to visit at least once!

The things you add do not have to be places or involve traveling. They can be personal growth desires as well, such as becoming the boss of a company later in life. For this, you can look up tips as to how to work towards your goal.

By looking at recommendations, you can get inspired to add more things to your list instead of waiting until the idea comes to you on its own!

2. Search for Different Ways

If you already have items on your bucket list, you can start checking them off by searching for different ways to accomplish them. This can help you find ways to complete them faster!

For instance, if going to Japan is on your bucket list, you can look for cheaper ways to get there if money is an issue. If time is the problem, you can look for specific holidays in Japan that coincide with your free time to enjoy certain festivities!

There is never one right way to do one thing, so complete your bucket list how you want to!

3. Do It When You Can

Your bucket list is made of things you want to complete in your life. But we only live once. Considering this fact, it’s good to check things off your list when the opportunity presents itself. 

There may be consequences of “just doing it,” but again, you only live once. There might not be another chance for you to do it. In addition, something that you wish to do might get canceled in the future, like going to a famous concert. 

It can be refreshing to do things impulsively once in a while.

4. Make a Journal About It

You may have a mental idea of what you want to do, but not everything stays in your mind forever. So, it’s good to write things down. Or even better, write a journal about it. 

When you make a journal on your bucket list, it’s easier to plan how to go about it. When you do this, it’s easier to remember things as well. In addition, after accomplishing the item, you can write about it or decorate it with photos or trinkets you got on your journey!

Final Thoughts

It’s fun thinking about all the possibilities, and it’s wonderful if you have someone you can share your experience with! Whether alone or in a company, we hope these four tips help you plan and experience your bucket list in the best way possible.

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