Gift4Good: Share the love this Valentines Day by buying this gift that gives back - Alvinology

Gift4Good: Share the love this Valentines Day by buying this gift that gives back

A box of chocolates, a bouquet of roses, a piece of jewellery, an unnecessarily bulky bear, is this the kinds of gift you’re looking for year after year? Forget the clichés and instead, share your love by choosing a gift that gives back.

Gift4Good: Share the love this Valentines Day by buying this gift that gives back - Alvinology

Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s (NP) Product Design and Innovation (PDI) students have teamed up with single parents in the HCSA SPIN programme to create the campaign Gift4Good, along with it the perfect Valentine’s Day gift: A handmade leather coin pouch made from genuine upcycled leather, on which you can emboss your sweetheart’s initials too.

Gift4Good: Share the love this Valentines Day by buying this gift that gives back - Alvinology


The Gift4Good coin pouch is ergonomically designed by NP’s PDI students to imitate the natural motion for one to access their coins. The design is brought to life by the single parents from SPIN, who are empowered with the skillset and art of crafting leather after 1-to-1 workshops with the PDI students.

Gift4Good: Share the love this Valentines Day by buying this gift that gives back - Alvinology

To support the cost of their transport, food and other daily expenses, 20% of the proceeds from the sale of these products go to the parents, while the rest of the proceeds will cover the material cost incurred.

Visit here for more information on how to order your very own personalised pouch. Delivery will be on Valentine’s Day if the order is confirmed before 1 February 2019.

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