Cab Driver Allegedly Accused of Scam Defended by Cab Company - Alvinology

Cab Driver Allegedly Accused of Scam Defended by Cab Company

A video went viral on Facebook that caught the attention of many Singaporean netizens. The video shows a cab driver slowly rolls backward on a red light hitting another car behind him. He was allegedly accused of scam by thousands of netizens. A female passenger went outside as the incident occurred. She immediately took pictures of the incident and took the cab driver’s side. They have no idea that the entire moment was caught on camera.

Watch full video here uploaded by

Hundreds of negative reactions and comments alike flooded the video post, and were convinced that this was an act of scam. They also accused the female passenger, who immediately took the cab driver’s sympathy without hesitation, to be a colleague in this act because of her unusual reaction on a supposedly unprecedented event.

However, despite the common conclusion of all people who saw the video, the cab company ComfortDelGro still conducted a formal investigation on this incident and came up with an unexpected result.

According to ComfortDelGro’s investigation, the driver was not in the right frame of mind when the incident happened. He received a call that one of his family members is terminally ill. In his distress, he did not notice that the car is already rolling in reverse until it hit the car behind. He also mentioned that the cab driver’s mother was inside the cab during the event, and was also emotionally disabled by the sad news.

“He immediately stopped the cab and go out to check on the occupants of the other vehicle. Thankfully, no one was injured.” says Tammy Tan, ComfortDelGro’s Group Corporate Communication Officer. ComfortDelGro also assured this type of accident will not happen again, and that “deliberate acts of mischief are not tolerated.” The company also apologized deeply to the other driver.

Even after ComfortDelGro’s statement with regards to this incident, majority of the people who saw the video were still convinced that this was purely a work of scam.

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