Five Things to Take When Visiting Facebook Singapore Office - Alvinology

Five Things to Take When Visiting Facebook Singapore Office

Selfies, lots of selfies

Five Things to Take When Visiting Facebook Singapore Office - Alvinology

The Singapore office for Facebook is filled with so many Instagram worthy backgrounds and setting, with their feature walls and confetti stairs visitors can snap at almost every turn and corner around the office. Well, you are visiting the Facebook and Instagram office, and of course they must make sure everyone will feast their followers with awesome photos.

Photos in their Instagram photo booth

Five Things to Take When Visiting Facebook Singapore Office - Alvinology

Do a wacky pose or gather your friends along for a fun snap in this what I would call a trick-eye Instagram booth. Just check out the many wacky photos taken inside this photo booth on Instagram.

Snacks, espresso, salad and beer

Five Things to Take When Visiting Facebook Singapore Office - Alvinology

Five Things to Take When Visiting Facebook Singapore Office - Alvinology

The pantry at Facebook office is so awesome you probably won’t need to head anywhere else for tea or even lunch. Well stocked with healthy salads, wraps and lunch boxes, and even a beer garden with unlimited flow of beer for anyone who needs a little boost for the next big idea to pop, they definitely have the best office water coolers as well!

A run in their meeting room

Five Things to Take When Visiting Facebook Singapore Office - Alvinology

Well you know, after all the snacking and drinking, one will need to do a little exercise for round 2! Take a slow walk or a fast run in their Treadmill Room where ideas just keep running into your mind.

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Last but not least…

Swags for your laptop

Five Things to Take When Visiting Facebook Singapore Office - Alvinology

Not sure about you, but as an active social media user myself, I would go ga-ga every time I see official swags like these. Of course you can get them printed too, but given the chance to grab the real deal is quite rare.

It was quite an eye opener for me to finally get this opportunity to step inside the Singapore office for Facebook. Swanky office or not, as long as the team at work does great stuff, even an empty and totally uninspiring space would make it a damn cool place to work in too don’t you think?


  1. Hi claudia lim, im poppy , event organizer staff from Indonesia. As I read your article that you’ve visited Facebook HQ in Singapore, i would like to ask you how to get the permission to visit Facebook Office ? My group requested to go there when they visited SIngapore.
    I’ll hope you can help me and reply my comment.
    Thanks for your information.

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